Saturday, December 14, 2024

Aids for the ageing

I was in Port Melbourne and there is a rare shop there, a Reject Shop. They used to be everywhere. It is somewhat like a $2 shop/Β£1 shop. I had no intention of buying anything there but I did. I bought some tinsel, I checked the price of the store's dishwasher detergent tablets to confirm it was still the cheapest, and I bought a twin roll of small garbage bags.

Then I found myself in the old person's aisle. So I bought a set of steps and a kneeling mat.

Lordy, I had spent over $20. 

"Kosov, are you impressed with what I have bought?"

"Yes Andrewww."

The steps are brill and I am sure in the future the kneeling mat will be useful. I've been using a milk crate to reach shelves. The steps have non slip feet. 

"Kosov, when Phyllis returns you can borrow the kneeling mat." While he has a deepish voice, he shrieked, Andewww. What fun to shock young people. I remember being shocked myself when I was young at what some gay men would come out with, much worse than I did to Kosov about the kneeling mat, or Phyllis for that matter. 

Friday, December 13, 2024

Christmas prep

Ray: I am not putting up a tree this year. I am not doing Christmas cards. I am not decorating.

Me: Yes dear.

I've heard this for a number of years but always, the tree went up, cards were posted and Christmas decorations were spread. Of course not so this year.

I had no intention of decorating myself but, there was something special I wanted to get out. I know I donated the two Christmas trees, and I thought most of the decorations and lights but I am sure I kept snowman. 

And I did. I found it today with a few other very old items and some tinsel. I spread a little tinsel around and added the ornaments. 

This was what I really wanted to find, years old and comes out once a year. It is lit by a tea candle inside. 

Also many years old. 

A little newer. Kosov was impressed by the colours.

This one has a speaker, but it has only been used for its changing lights.

Hair Dresser Friend was insistent that we make Christmas cakes together, having a cocktail or three while we did so, just as she and Ray used to. I had to decline. I am sure I would have teared up at best, if we tried to recreate what they both did. She made her cake at home and decorated her small apartment with Christmas lights I had given her. Both looked fabulous.  

I am sending cards this year to Ray's sisters and anyone who sends me a card early enough for me to send one back. Kosov wanted to try cheese and mac, and so has gone out to buy some. When he returns, he will write out my cards and address the envelopes. I must get them in tomorrow's post. 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Visiting a crime scene

Apparently some people nick meat from supermarkets. They must be quite skilled if they can conceal a leg of lamb. There is so much security at supermarkets, digital and a physical guard, I don't know how they do it. 

The Melbourne suburb of St Albans has an unofficial weekend market, where you can buy some very nice cuts of meat at cheap prices, clearly stolen meat. I read a newspaper article about the market and St Albans itself, once a train terminus before the line was extended. It sounded like an interesting suburb and I had no knowledge of the area. I must visit, so I did.

It wasn't a market day but there was not any shortage of places to eat all sorts of foods from around the world. I think I had coffee and a meat pie.

My Hair Dresser friend was teaching in St Albans and when I caught the train back to town, she walked past my carriage at Melbourne Spencer Street, clearly having just left the same train to catch a route 12 tram home. I was going on to Melbourne Flinders Street. 

Anyway, I rather liked St Albans. Here are a few photos taken in public spaces near the station. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

The accent

Not my strange accent but the Australian wog accent. Yes, wog and I use the word in a respectful manner as this post would be lacking without the word. You could call it an Australian Mediterranean accent. Think Greece and Italy. It is delightful and I find it rather stimulating, if you get my drift. It comes with promise of exciting times. 

The accent is dying out and not heard so often now. Nowadays the newborn of immigrants speak with an Australian accent by the time they become adults. It wasn't so with the Mediterraneans. The first Australian generation developed their own accent. If you memory is first class, I did mention about hearing a school student from a lower socio economic area on a tram saying, 'And he arsed me to give him the answer'.

This clip is just a bit amusing but the performer gives a great example of the Aussie wog accent.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Vulgarity. Do not read if easily offended by smut.

I've never thought about 'Do not if easily offended' or 'At your own risk'. It put you, the reader, on the back foot. You are the problem, because you are easily offended. Interesting. No? 

Hi andrewe. Is Kosov at home?

He is busy talking to his new fuck on his phone.
Right...he had more important things now. I got a new watch.
Very stylish but will it do email and apps?
No Andrewwww, it is an analogue watch.
Ah Phyllis, like when we used say it is twenty to two and not 1.40. It is a classy watch. Will you usually wear it on your hand?

It's a normal classy watch. Jus like me.
Yep, true you are all clarse. I embiggened the photo, and it is a very nice watch. I can't hear Kosov talking now. He must have cum already while talking to his new fuck buddy.
Where is he? 
In his room
[6:19 pm, 08/12/2024] Blah: Right
[6:20 pm, 08/12/2024] Blah: Can u go into his room n see what he's doin
[6:20 pm, 08/12/2024] Blah: Don't knock
[6:20 pm, 08/12/2024] Blah: πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
[6:23 pm, 08/12/2024] Blah: .....
[6:28 pm, 08/12/2024] Blah: Take a video.

Such conversations will become more and more extreme and vulgar as we all get to know each other. They aren't quite game yet to start on me, but it will come. 

Monday, December 9, 2024

Monday Mural

Sami will post a mural photo and I can't find the photo of the mural I had planned to use today, but hey, isn't the world is full of bearded men. It's complicated. I am pleased the world is not full of bearded women.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Sunday Selections

I have to try to get my photo folder under control. I'm joining with EC and others for Sunday Selections and this will reduce a few photos. 

I am not sure which cruise ship this is beyond it being among the P&O fleet.

Goats track or desire lines, they are the same and people will walk on grass parallel to a path if it works better.

My favourite city building, Manchester Unity. Its foyer is just as gorgeous as its exterior.

A statue of the disgraced Sir Thomas Bent. Bent by name and bent by nature.

In the city, somewhere. I can't remember. 

A fairly modern faΓ§ade, but it is an old 1890s bluestone building. 

Who knows where, but the building was nicely lit by sunshine.

Is this Old Melbourne Gaol? Again, so long ago and I can't remember.

Kosov is a student at RMIT but he hasn't even seen these mysterious boxes. Is it art?

It was raining yon thither, but not here. 

Brighton Beach. Quite nice.

Brighton Beach Station, which I've shown many times before.

Film advertising at a tram shelter. I don't think it is my kind of film. 

Old bag pride

Phyliss is not a person who keeps his opinions to himself. I am quite proud of my collection of old plastic supermarket bags that I still us...