Trams are very safe, and even if you are motorist and hit by one, the tram driver will have probably already applied emergency brakes. It is rare for the tram driver to be at fault when trams and cars collide. I assume it is still in the road laws that you must give way to trams at all times.
I would guess most tram versus cars/vans/trucks happen when a motorist makes a 'U turn' in front of a tram. The plaintive wail will go out, 'I didn't see the tram'. Yeah, right, this great big vehicle carrying up to 200 passengers. What happened was they did think to check if there was a tram travelling along tram tracks. Who would have thought? Next crash results might be failing to give way to a tram at a roundabout.
I've never been a passenger on a tram where it has been in an accident.
Maybe I've used some of these photos before, but no matter. I want to clear the folder. It would be nice to credit the recent photos, but they just appeared at some point without a credit.
McMahons Point, Sydney. This was a bad one, as I recall. People were deaded.
Flinders and Swanston Streets, Melbourne. A brake failure, as I recall.
While in black and white, it is not a very old photos.
Nothing to see here, except for a tram on fire. I think our fire department are taught how to deal with train and tram fires, needed because of the electrics.
Tram only signs completely ignored did not result in smooth city driving.