Tuesday, January 21, 2025

A holiday note

Five days of solitude and my own company. I should be relaxed. I am not.

Feed cats morning and evening. Learn to lock them out of the kitchen while I prepare their meals. Ensure all water bowls are kept fresh. Call cats at 8.30pm, for some nibbles to entice them into garage to be locked in for the night.

Cats want to sleep on the bed I slept in, or on my clothes in my suitcase.  Close doors. 

Drag out hoses to water the gardens. Plenty of flowers on the tomato plants but I won't get to eat any of the tomatoes. I drained one rain water tank. I finished the back garden watering. The front garden can die for all I care.

Confusing instructions about which bins to put out. I take a stroll to check what neighbours have put out, then remembering one side of the street has different collections to the other side.

Phillys made me tuna croquettes to take away with me. Sister's new air fryer is nothing like mine. Nevertheless, I cooked them quite well. The mayonnaise in Sister's fridge is supposed to be kept upside-down and ready to squirt but it wasn't. I made vigorous downward arm thrusts with the plastic bottle to try to move the mayo to the opening. An incident occurred with the mayo, followed by some wiping up, down and across. 

Then there is all the stuffs that you walk inside, leaves, gravel, etc that I will have to clean up. The worst at home is sock lint.

No, my time of pets, gardens and putting out bins is my past, not my future. I wanna go home.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday Mural

I'm joining with travel returned Sami and others for Monday Mural. 

I showed you a big one last week in Werribee but this week it is small one, also in Werribee. Size doesn't matter when you have a muralist of the calibre of Mike Makatron.

I'm away for a bit to the seaside. 

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sunday Selections

I am joining Elephant's Child, River and others for Sunday Selections, and as usual just random photos.

What a mess. Note the white poster.

Still a mess but a tidier mess.

I was amused. 

A brand new train station, an extension to the Pakenham train line to East Pakenham. The convention nowadays is to put the place name first and then its direction, so it is surprising that it isn't Pakenham East. 

You can escape the approaching train with this button, but you are already safe and out of the way of the train. But what you can't do is open the emergency gate from the outside and cross in front of an approaching train. 

A few months ago, Hair Dresser Friend and I visited this bar very impromptu. The meal was good, and we finished our meal just in time to enter the trivia quiz. I was a bit tipsy by then and I couldn't immediately understand how it all worked. We didn't win, but we had a respectable score. Absolutely sober, I would have done better. 

Who is that society misfit in the white car?

The intentions of Phyllis and Kosov were good, but the court was already occupied. I had already explained to Phyllis how to book the court. 

Kosov has been doing some paper folding. Quite clever really. 

How often do I feel like writing something like this on a sign that warns of bleeding obvious. 

Just the one, too many

One should not be so cruel but sometimes people deserve a dose of cruelty, such as Sydney celebrity socialite Vanessa Jacobs Fennell. It us ...