Saturday, December 9, 2023

Studly Saturday posts wonderful old photos in high resolution, I think only taken in the US. This photo was published some time ago. It's a simple pose but makes the guy looks so sexy. Do you think the woman, who looks older, is a little smitten? Clearly it was a staged photo and the photographer knew exactly what they were doing. 

Professor Brett Sutton was Chief Health Officer for the State of Victoria over the period of Covid lockdowns. He was calm and reassuring as day after day he appeared on tv at press conferences. Women and men fell in love with Brett. FYI, he is married to a woman. 

I am amused that I wrote he is married to a women. It is a very modern phrase. That 'he is married' would not have needed any qualification in years past. It now does.

There was 'merch' created such as tee shirts, pillows and cushion with the face of Brett. The cult of Brett. I don't know if animated gifs work in Blogger, but it is working here as I created the post. For me, he is nice enough but there are so many hot men in the world and I am a fickle queen. Photos from The Age.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Snap, Send Solve

I don't know if it is a world app or just Australian, that is Snap, Send, Solve. It reminds me of the British train announcements, See it, Say it, Sorted, which is if you see something suspicious on a train or at a station, you report it to police and your job is done. 

I downloaded the app several months ago and I receive annoying emails to encourage me to use the app and I now have, twice in two days. The app works rather well. It pinpointed my location and because I chose rubbish bins or something like that, it knew to report the issue to City of Melbourne that is responsible for rubbish collection. 

The photo I took using the app was of the overflowing rubbish bin outside the Scottish restaurant across the road. Roadworks are kind of blocking easy access to the bin, but that isn't an excuse. I forgot to check the bin today. I will do so tomorrow. As I took the photo using the app, I can't post it here. A lesson learnt. Take my own photo and add it. 

Today I sent another photo to Snap, Send, Solve, this time having already taken a photo of what offends me. One year? Two years? I've lost track of how long this telecommunication post has been like this. I believe it is the responsibility of the former government owned Telstra. Again the app pinpointed the location and helped me add detail, such as Pit/Manholes. My comment added was "Assuming this is a Telstra asset, how many more years will we have to put up with this eyesore?" The grass is now overgrowing the post. 

The app can report all kinds of things to appropriate authorities. I may well become a Snap Send Solve monster. 

Thursday, December 7, 2023


Dear Mum.

We drove to Phillip Island in torrential rain, with rain spray from the road making it so difficult to drive. As usual R criticised my driving after following a car for a few kilometres, I changed lanes to overtake a car. Here we go, said R. Always changing lanes. I don't, only when another driver is travelling well below the speed limit. I just ignored him. He needs to be careful. Ostensibly because of my arthritis, a couple of years ago I stopped driving aside from driving on motorways. R drives in our local area when we go out. Sometimes I think it would be better for if I drove with R yelling at me than him driving. His style of driving while safe, is horrible. 

Sorry for the ramble Ma, but then you were known to ramble on endlessly, both verbally and in writing. Only in you later years did I have a problem reading some of your writing. The youngies don't seem to be able to read old style handwriting at all. Thankfully I haven't acquired the rambling habit and my writing is concise and to the point. No? 

Not quite the whole family were there to meet at the Returned Servicemen's League venue, but no matter. We had an ok dinner there in Cowes, Phillip Island. The kiddies had fun in the play room and we had bought a birthday cake and sang happy birthday to ABI Brother, your second son, as he turned 64 on the Saturday. 

It was about four years ago when we took you to Phillip Island and we stayed in what was the old council caravan park in a cabin. We could not get accommodation there so we chose Anchor Belle a bit further along Church Street. It was fine. I can politely tell you that we concluded we would never take you away again. You were so difficult and R and I ended up arguing. I could only shrug my shoulders and say 'What can I do? She is my mother'. I did that frequently and often.

I think Cowes, Phillip Island has a sister town connection to Cowes on the Isle of Wight. 

I went to the German School in Brunswick to buy Jo an Advent calendar and forgot to bring it to give it to her. I said a very bad word to myself as R answered my phone and Sister asked if I had bought her one. It was an emergency search to buy another and we found a Lindt Chocolate one heavily discounted in a supermarket. Fortunately Advent calendars are timeless, so I can use the one I bought earlier this year, next year.

Once we checked in we waited for ABI Brother to arrive. He didn't. As a birthday gift we paid a few dollars for his Saturday night accommodation in our cabin. I called him but as he was driving he didn't answer. He stopped a bit later and called me. I told him he was late and to meet us at the RSL, which he did. He couldn't drink much as he would have to drive from the RSL to the accommodation. He made up for it once we back at our digs. 

Sunday morning dawned fine and sunny after the 14mm of rain on the island the day before.  

We used to see galahs at home but we haven't for some time. 

All RSLs must have a weapon of war near the frontage of its clubs.

This Santa mail box was nice in the main street of Cowes. Sunday morning we sat at a table outside and had a nice brunch at Gulliver's. Cheapskate ABI Brother ate his home made salad roll but did buy coffee. 

We had a little time the day before to check out the practicalities of spreading your and your partner's ashes. He died about fourteen years ago. I am in trouble for not inviting his family, except I did and the message wasn't passed on.

From about my age of ten to twenty, this was the holiday house you rented, close to Rose Avenue beach. It was larger than it looks and it would be impossible to say how many family and friends stayed there. It was basic but adequate accommodation. I am surprised it looks exactly as it used to in the 1970s to 1980s. 

Rose Avenue beach. I do like a nice groyne or several. The tide was high.

But when it came to spreading ashes, the tide was way out. Sister was very fragile and it would be a poignant photo as she wandered alone on the sand bar, if she wasn't looking down at her phone screen. 

The ashes had been mixed and transferred to crystal vases. In addition to the mementos here, there was a banana (take a banana in case you get hungry) and a handkerchief (have you got a hanky).

Mother was very fond of talcum powder. In the bathroom of her home for decades a set scales sat, covered in talcum powder. Nice work by Tradie Brother.

Bone Doctor's feet. 

As well as ashes being spread in the water, so were some flowers.

Present on the day were your four children, your four grandchildren, your eight great grand children and four of their partners. Mum, I really wish you could have been there and felt the love. This lamp that burns night and day at the end of our cabin is for you, an eternal flame if you like.

Enough about you Mother. Back to practicalities, the symbols on the cabin toilet cistern were hard to see. I couldn't understand which button was half flush and which was full flush. Once I looked at the photo, it is obvious that the three waves are full flush and the single wave a half flush. That would be right, wouldn't it?

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Four trains racing

I am obliged to Elephant's Child for directing me to this clip of four steam trains competing against each other. I suspect some effort was made to keep them kind of together and make the race look competitive. In my opinion the green train should be the fastest, for no valid reason. If you think of  races where runners and swimmers launch themselves from starting blocks, that did not happen with the trains as the starting flag was dropped. 

The race is part of the New South Wales locality Hunter Valley's Steamfest. I've never been to the Hunter Valley and I am sure it is very nice.

Trams are remarkably safe

Trams are very safe, and even if you are motorist and hit by one, the tram driver will have probably already applied emergency brakes. It is...