Friday, December 8, 2023

Snap, Send Solve

I don't know if it is a world app or just Australian, that is Snap, Send, Solve. It reminds me of the British train announcements, See it, Say it, Sorted, which is if you see something suspicious on a train or at a station, you report it to police and your job is done. 

I downloaded the app several months ago and I receive annoying emails to encourage me to use the app and I now have, twice in two days. The app works rather well. It pinpointed my location and because I chose rubbish bins or something like that, it knew to report the issue to City of Melbourne that is responsible for rubbish collection. 

The photo I took using the app was of the overflowing rubbish bin outside the Scottish restaurant across the road. Roadworks are kind of blocking easy access to the bin, but that isn't an excuse. I forgot to check the bin today. I will do so tomorrow. As I took the photo using the app, I can't post it here. A lesson learnt. Take my own photo and add it. 

Today I sent another photo to Snap, Send, Solve, this time having already taken a photo of what offends me. One year? Two years? I've lost track of how long this telecommunication post has been like this. I believe it is the responsibility of the former government owned Telstra. Again the app pinpointed the location and helped me add detail, such as Pit/Manholes. My comment added was "Assuming this is a Telstra asset, how many more years will we have to put up with this eyesore?" The grass is now overgrowing the post. 

The app can report all kinds of things to appropriate authorities. I may well become a Snap Send Solve monster. 


  1. I haven't even heard of this one. Despite being averse to my phone I can see a LOT of uses. It is reminiscent of Slip, Slop, Slap - which I believe is also Australian.

    1. EC, it seems three words beginning with S is the way to go with snappy slogans. I get that.

  2. This definitely appeals to my Inner Hall Monitor!

    1. Boud, I don't quite know what you mean, but you sound positive about the app.

  3. The authorities here wouldn't dare launch something like that. It would be overwhelmed on the first day.

    1. Yeah JayCee...maybe. It hasn't been overwhelmed here and we have plenty to complain about.

  4. Telstra supposed to have the best wifi in the regional areas. It turns out I often cant have reception at all while people with vodaphone or optus are still using the phones with no issue

    1. Roentare, two kilometres from the main street of Cowes our Telstra phone reception via a third party, was poor. I think it is pot luck about phone reception but generally I think Telstra is better.

  5. Replies
    1. That's no great Tasker., but have you tried to report things?

  6. Sounds excellent. Here it would be Snap, Send, So what?

  7. As I haven't got a mobile phone I would not be able to complain about anything. See it, Shut up, Slink off.

    1. YP, See it, Shut up, Slink off, tell Shirley. Your job is done.

  8. That is a good way to vent! Hope things actually get done.

  9. Andrew, you know that your complaints have been received by the city council, but do they say whether action will be taken? Or do you need to keep watching and monitoring the issues yourself?

    1. Hels, I am informed by the app when the message is read and in the case of the overflowing rubbish bin, it was two days after I reported it. The matter was passed on to the appropriate department.

  10. If you Snap Send does it actually get solved???

    1. That remains to be seen Bob. I am a total virgin at this.

  11. Replies
    1. Very clever Merlot. I will only be happy when I can send a brain thought.

  12. I guess Telstra just doesn't need that section of the pole.

    1. That's interesting River as from what I have observed, there are still multiple and complicated wires in the pole. I just don't know.

  13. That bottom picture. It looks like a giant caterpillar is emerging from the ground.

  14. Firstly is it free? Do you have to nominate the responsible body or does whoever is at the app website do so. Also is it anonymous or are you actually named as the complainer?

    1. Cathy, free with ads I think. Both times the app knew exactly where I was and worked out who was responsible by the drop down menu, that is bins and litter, or something like that. When I set up the app, I used one of my anonymous email addresses without my real name. To report the Telstra problem, I had to put in my phone number. It is kind of anonymous but as always, a skilled computer person can find out exactly who you are, with your real name.

  15. That's a good idea having an app like that, you are trying to keep the place clean and safe.

    1. Margaret, especially the phone post. It is been like that for ages. It needs to be fixed.

  16. You need to do another post to let us know what happens. Here?Photo, forward, f yerself.

    1. Yes, I will Debby. Already I have feedback but just standard pro forma phone stuff.

  17. I have given up on some local services ever responding.

    1. TP, noisy wheels get the oil. Never give up.

  18. Uh oh. You're going to get hauled away for overuse of the Snap and Tell app. I can see it coming.

    1. There's a pretty good chance of that Strayer.

  19. At our place we joke: "I shall write a letter!" I rarely do. I did send an email to council a few weeks ago about a plate across a ditch in the road which left a gap which would have been dangerous to a cyclist if squeezed there by the traffic. Sent on 14/11 but it took a "customer service officer" until 22/11 to respond and say they had passed it on to the relevant area. Totally unsatisfactory. We have a terrible council, mainly because it covers such an enormous population/area (>300K people).

    1. MC, that is bad, especially as it is dangerous. 300K+ is a monster local government area. Why would this be so? Good economies of scale at least, I guess.

    2. I understated it. Now >400k. Economies of scale are always given as the justification; economies of democracy generally the outcome. The bigger the council the less chance any pesky Greens etc will get up, let alone other independents other than independents who are really Liberals when Libs don't run.

    3. And my mind added an extra zero. City of Waverley is 400,500 plus. My city, City of Port Phillip is 104,000 and that was after amalgamation of City of St Kilda, South Melbourne and Port Melbourne. Sydney's LGAs are seriously large.


The rest of the Sunday

Ex Sis in Law invited me to visit their new rented home she and her husband have just moved into. I drove the fifty minutes Sunday afternoon...