Sunday, December 22, 2024

Caught up

I've been so busy being a retired person, along with answering blog comments and reading blogs, I haven't had time to write a post for today. 

Steve, finishing stressful work, with his partner recovering from surgery, and the elderly Olga dog in tow, with the company of a fresh pineapple in the car boot, Ubered to a coastal village for a holiday and still managed to blog

I've found a little more time to write. I have mentally made a message to Kosov before my return after a couple of days away at Christmas. 

'Kosov, please ensure the air con is on for my return home, and turn on the bathrooms' exhaust fan to pull cool air to my bedroom."

I really wish I am not like this and be a bit more relaxed about life. 

Caught up

I've been so busy being a retired person, along with answering blog comments and reading blogs, I haven't had time to write a post f...