Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas

What would Christmas be for me without my annual posting of the tipsy Kim Wilde and her brother on a train to Cockfosters (school boy snigger), singing Kids in America and a Christmas song. 

I recently watched a short doco about George Michael with a title starting with Wham. George Michael's Greatest Hits was the last CD I bought, in the mid noughties. It was only when I really listened to Wham's/Georges'  music, did I realise just what a great singer he was. I think his song Last Christmas is used as musak but it really is a great song, with George in excellent voice. 

The snow scenes in this clip were filmed near a village called Saas-Fee in Switzerland and it is a luscious location. I think the documentary I watched was made at Christmas last year and a non conventional but really cool statue was unveiled with attendance by Andrew Ridgeley and some others close to George, George having died in 2016. The villagers' sang along to Last Christmas with minimal instruments  to guide them. 

Merry Christmas to all and I will return in a few days after Christmas. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve

Jackie in Toronto asked me if I had taken Christmas photos around town. I'd taken a couple but it was a bit hard to be enthusiastic about it for some reason. 

Still the paperwork comes and has to be dealt with. I had spent a total of 45 minutes in two calls to our motoring organisation and an hour with my bank in person, partly to do with the task in hand, to sort changing the car insurance into my name from Ray's.  I did not want to lose the benefits of his Gold level and the savings that would make. It was another twenty minutes on the phone yesterday and I was becoming concerned. I thought by starting the process in early December, it would be done by when the car insurance was due today. No!

Although there is a two week grace period after expiry, the bank back office does not return to work until the 6th of January, so still the estate account wouldn't be set up until after then. This also needed to be set up to get the mysterious $500 in Ray's bank account. I cleaned it out but I guess it was a last social security payment. On advice I visited the office of the insurer in the city yesterday after the phone call and it was all sorted out in twenty minutes. Online, on phone or in person. There is no way to know which is best, but I think in person seems to work quite well, if there is a person in an office to see. 

A few days ago, "Kosov, come. We are going to town to take photos and I will buy you lunch." 

"Yes, Andrewwww".

Royal Arcade. It is a case of a camera not really capturing the scene very well. It looked nice.

At QV. I suppose it is Christmas like

As we left the tram. 

Looking downstream to the Evan Walker Bridge. 

The Christmas tree in Federation Square, followed by more photos at Fed Square. 

Outside Melbourne Town Hall.

Steep hill. 

"Andrewwww, you missed a photo opportunity." 

"Andrewwww, I know of another thing. It's the street with trams."
"That narrows it down a little bit Kosov." 
Eventually I worked out he meant the Bourke Street Mall. 

Australian style Christmas flowers from Ray's three sisters were delivered. 

Our building's Christmas tree in the entrance foyer.

I rid the place of boxes of Christmas decorations, including the Christmas trees. Yes, more than one. I had no intention of doing any decoration. But, I ended up deciding a little tinsel would be nice, along with a few Christmas ornament. 

I ain't no style queen. My first Christmas alone is ok. I will do better next year. I feel guilty about not making more of an effort for the younguns, just giving cash. 

Monday, December 23, 2024

Monday Mural

No Sami mural this week, but here is mine, in a rather timely manner as controversial cartoonist Michael Leunig died a few days ago at he age of 79. 

If you remember, one of his cartoons caused great outrage.

His daughter Minna (You would not believe how much time it took to confirm that) paints murals and I like this one, even though it may have been commissioned by a department store. 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Caught up

I've been so busy being a retired person, along with answering blog comments and reading blogs, I haven't had time to write a post for today. 

Steve, finishing stressful work, with his partner recovering from surgery, and the elderly Olga dog in tow, with the company of a fresh pineapple in the car boot, Ubered to a coastal village for a holiday and still managed to blog

I've found a little more time to write. I have mentally made a message to Kosov before my return after a couple of days away at Christmas. 

'Kosov, please ensure the air con is on for my return home, and turn on the bathrooms' exhaust fan to pull cool air to my bedroom."

I really wish I am not like this and be a bit more relaxed about life. 

Friday, kind of Funnies

What can I find on information super highway to amuse you. Sorry about the brief watermarks. I need to find a better downloader. I was looki...