Saturday, September 9, 2023

The 'Gog is lit

It seems appropriate to publish this on a Saturday. 

When we moved here I thing the Melbourne Synagogue very visible to us across the road had its windows externally illuminated by halogen lamps. Not only does the lighting look good from the outside, it lights the beautiful stained leadlight glass internal windows behind the opaque windows. Over time the halogen lights would fail and were individually replaced and it became awful lighting with so many different shades of white, so me warm, some cold etc.

In time the halogen lights were all replaced by LED lighting but in time that turned out to be a hotchpotch of lighting. 

Earlier this year an effort to make the lighting consistent was made. It took some time and was almost perfect aside from one lamp not correctly directed. This was fixed too and the lighting was as perfect as it could be. 

I looked at the 'Gog's website and found a contact form and so I sent a complimentary thank you message for a job well done. The message would not lodge at my first attempt nor my second. I gave up. But hey, I really appreciate the lighting so much. Thank you Melbourne Synagogue. Please use the full lighting more often.

Note, the scaffolding has now been removed. 

Friday, September 8, 2023

Tradie Visit

We, well I had been dreading this but R was insistent. This exhaust fan has four inlets, from the bathroom, the toilet, my ensuite and the clothes dryer, the latter blocked off as we don't have an air blowing dryer any more. Over the years it has become noisier and noiser. At one stage it ceased to be effective and when I investigated, the fins were completed choked by dust. It was just a rotating wheel, rather than an extraction fan. I cleaned the fins as best I could and I have a scar on my hand to prove it. The bathroom glass at the side of the bath was vibrating. 

Our electrician mentioned worst case, ceiling plaster cut to remove it and a direct replacement installed. I thought it would be hours and hours of work.

Nope. The rather attractive electricians thought very laterally. They removed the old fan and motor from the casing and cut into the large exhaust tube leaving the box intact by access using the hole they cut a few years ago for the bathroom heat lamps. They installed the new unit where the exhaust tube was cut. What I thought might be two days of work turned out to be one and a half hours, plus they had a break for lunch and to pick up the new unit. 

Say two hours labour for two staff plus the cost of the new unit. In our own worst case scenario it could have cost $2,000. It will be a good bit less, I am sure. I would expect about $1,000. 

We've always used this electrician company here. They are just so professional, while I am sure they aren't particularly cheap. 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Five Questions

Hels invited me to follow her with replies to five questions. You can see her answers here and I thought her response to the historical person you would like to join for dinner was quite brilliant and very educative.

I found it hard to apply the questions to myself and put it in the too hard basket, but I didn't forget and I've thought of a way out of the hole. 

1. Yes, but not an indigenous Australian. I mostly come from white invader English stock, most of who were in Australia by 1850, including the Swiss branch. It may make me boring but I've never seen any information that any were convicts.

2. This was a big stumbling block. I'll get back to the dinner companion.

3. My great accomplishments are too many and too great to mention, and modesty prevents me from listing them. I am rather pleased with my nearly 45 year relationship with R. Rocky is an understatement but we are still together and still arguing about trivial matters. 

4. My phone. I can access nearly everything I need to by a phone/internet connection including twenty years worth of digital photos.

5. Personal expression before blogging was probably by typed letter and in earlier days, hand written. I am my mother's son. 

Right, back to Question 2. I can't answer this, so how about some of you suggest which historical figure I would find good company over dinner? If you suggest Oscar Wilde you will receive a slapping but otherwise, have some fun with it if you like.  

  1. Are you a native Australian? How many generations of your family were born there?
  2. If you could have dinner with one historical figure, who would it be and why?
  3. What would you consider your greatest accomplishment?
  4. Other than your loved ones, what is your most treasured possession? And
  5. Before blogging, what, if any, was your main mode of personal expression?

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The gay lifestyle

There isn't a gay lifestyle and nor is there a gay community. 

Nothing more to say aside from aren't I in a grump today!

Well, that was last night. It was a crap day in so many ways.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Funeral wear

 I've never owned a suit. I hired formal dinner suits for a couple of occasions.

A few years ago R bought a blue suit. It is ok, but I think he looks better wearing other clothing. 

I have black pants of an ok cut, a variety of shirts, smart enough leather shoes and a decent jacket that can do for weddings, funerals and parties. 

Before we set off for Mother's funeral our Hair Dresser Friend was here at home with us, to offer comfort and support. She came to the funeral with us. 

At some point in a comforting way she patted my arm and then froze. I raised my eyes and head? Your jacket is Cashmere. Take it off. I want to see the labels. She was right, as the label says Cashmere blended with wool. 

I had no idea. I know it is a nice jacket and sits in my wardrobe normally covered with dry cleaner plastic. 

But isn't Cashmere very expensive? My hazy memory recalls a day when I didn't feel too poor and bought a jacket at a hugely reduced price for $180. It could been this jacket or maybe a hand me down from R, although he didn't know it was Cashmere either. Not showing, but the lining has an iron melt tear. All very strange. I should have taken a photo of the lining melt, and of the jacket on a hanger, but it is covered in plastic now. You'll have to wait for the next marriage or funeral for those. 

Monday, September 4, 2023

Monday Mural

I'm joining with Sami and others for Monday Mural. 

Is this a new mural? It is very obvious and in Lonsdale Street, Melbourne. If it isn't new, how can I have not noticed it before?

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Sunday Selections

I am joining in with Elephant's Child and River for Sunday Selections. As usual they are random photos, mostly mine. 

This one is not mine. I would guess 1961. Tram tracks are very much evident but no trams. Double decker buses dominate Oxford Street, Paddington in Sydney. The introduction of the very inferior bus service drove many away from public transport. The slow loading bus replacement system simply could not cope with the numbers of passengers that trams so easily handled. 

The location is known as Taylor Square, now with a permanent rainbow pedestrian crossing and several gay and very gay friendly venues nearby. Don't hold your breath, but I expect one day trams will once again run along Oxford Street. 

The Record was all about Aussie Rules football and sold by lads at football grounds. It was a very good throw away information source.

Maybe it was printed within this printing building. 

I posted about this city building on my old blog. While it is not so old, I do really like it. 

Rainbow Alley runs in front of Council House 2. There aren't really businesses on the short strip and not really potential for any. 

The Prahran Square fountain, which is so rarely working these days. I don't know why. Children love it and some adults too. Last week it unexpectedly came to life and some nearby youth decided to do handstands in the low jets but then the jets rose and they bolted. The handstands were very competent and later I realised they must be students at the Circus Oz school. I was too slow with my phone to capture the lad with his midriff exposed while he was handstanding. It would have been a good photo. I heard him ask later if anyone took a photo. 

A curious but likeable sculpture at Gardiner Railway Station.

It doesn't happen too often that we have a clear view across the bay to the hills of  Portarlington

It worries me a little about what is in a couple of these sauces but we will have plenty of vegetables to cancel out anything bad. I hope. Of course the meal was delicious. 

Trams are remarkably safe

Trams are very safe, and even if you are motorist and hit by one, the tram driver will have probably already applied emergency brakes. It is...