This was Wednesday, meant to be published Thursday, but today is Friday. I intended writing a brief post about my day like Steve does, with an economy of words, but I failed.
Hippie Niece's daughter needed a dental check at the Dental Hospital in Carlton. I met them for coffee and cake at a rather good cafe in Lygon Street, called Cyrus Artlounge. There is a gallery upstairs and the great niece has been there before and dragged me up a steep spiral stair case to see the tasteful nude female paintings. The cafe hosts 'life drawing' evenings. You know what life drawings is a code expression for.
It was a nice catch up with Hippie Niece and her daughter, H, who with her twin sister and father have recently travelled to New Zealand for the two girls to meet their father's family. They had a wonderful time, and their father's mother, who is quite strict, loved the girls and spoilt them. H told me she didn't like the plane trip, had a headache and was sick. Just a bit sick?, I asked. No, very sick. You didn't projectile vomit did you H? Yes, four times. I made a big mess.
Merlot, you may recall another projectile vomit situation at a theatre by another of my great nieces.
Hippie Niece had met the family in New Zealand when she was with her Maori partner. She recounted how his now late grandmother just stared at her with malevolent eyes as she ate a mango. Hippie Niece had been travelling in Europe and Britain just before she and her Kiwi partner got together, and she did think the twins might be red haired and Scottish looking.
It was a nice catch up with them. On Sunday I've been invited to Ex Sis in Law's home to meet her husband's daughter's second child, a month or so old. He is a nice looking baby named Winston, and there is a joke going around that it is Wynston. I was warned when I was invited to not mention anything about Wynston with a y. The parents are over the joke.
It was a hot day, so I was happy to return home to the cool. Kosov! Attend me. Yes Andrewww.
We will look in the crate in my wardrobe to see what is there and get rid of what I don't want to keep. I will help you Andrewww.
Forty plus years of theatre programmes from all kinds of shows, some possibly valuable. The oldest I believe is from the 1980s when we saw Debbie Reynolds perform at The Palais. Some work paperwork, which I should have gone through. A stack of of public transport timetables, from the 1990s I think. Several maps.
There was one single piece of paper with some Hungarian printed writing on one side and a handwritten address on the other. Cogs turned, gears engaged, and I remembered. When in Budapest (wow, 11 years ago) we met up with Jane and Lance Hattat and Lance wrote down the address of the rather good restaurant Spinoza in the Jewish quarter for us to catch a taxi to meet them later for dinner. We had a lovely evening, with the only problem being the fun couldn't kick on as we had to be up early to be ready to board our Danube River cruise boat. Lance had offered to escort us to a gay bar where there was a special leather party night. Ray was so annoyed with me that I insisted on being responsible and returning to our accommodation and not go off to a gay bar. I think that was my beginning of me being an old man.
In behind the crate was a gift from our friend Danny in Malaysia. He has a coffee sales and coffee machine business, as well as a barista training school and he gave us this 2002 Lavazza Coffee calendar. The were very popular to being hung in mechanics workshops and male building workers' lunch rooms. You get the idea. This calendar was never used and only opened once. I just checked and there is one the same on Ebay for about AU$180. I believe Lavazza collaborate with top photographers from around the world to produce the annual calendar. Duh, of course the calendar must be annual.
Keeping in mind I had cleared this crate out a few years ago, ridding it of most travel brochures, tickets and all sorts of things associated with travel, we just put everything back in the crate. So as Swedish death cleaning, that was a bit of a fail. I expect in a couple more years I will again wonder what is in the crate, and repeat the process.
There is a smaller crate that I need to check. It is marked 'Diaries and IT'. In the early days of IT, I wrote things down. I'll leave that for another day.