Saturday, October 26, 2024

In the Clover

Clover Moore has been Lord Mayor of Sydney for twenty years. She was also an independent state politician for 34 years until rules were changed that disallowed being a Lord Mayor and a state politician.

She has always had a large gay fan base, and there are many reasons why. While Sydney is not my city, I have watched with interest over the years and generally she has performed well. She made a grave mistake by pushing for an underground power system for the city's new tram lines in a major street, rather than the trams collecting power from overhead wires, a system that has been around for a century plus. As the grumpy old gentlemen who have a technical interests in trams predicted, the below ground power system is unreliable and has led to many partial closures of the new tram system within the city.

Whatever, it is hard to imagine Sydney without Clover at the helm and she has quite a legacy of achievements. But as a shallow gay man, doesn't she just look fabulous at her age of 79.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Love, death and the whole damned thing

Today, the 25th, marks six months since Ray unexpectedly died. Life for me is now very different. Although I miss him terribly, I still live a good and indulgent life. I expect I will take a decent dram of The Scottish Doctor tonight and do some cleansing wailing. I think there is an Irish word, keening, and that is what I may do. 

Ray was loved by his own family and very loved by mine. Phyllis, I think wanting more wardrobe space and he knew I was sorting things out, rather cheekily presented me with two boxes from Ray's wardrobe. I am pleased he did. That was a bit more sorted out, and things from the past discovered. 

This pewter mug was presented to Ray by Mother, Step Father and ABI Brother for his fiftieth birthday. I had totally forgotten about it and I expect Ray had too. Mother was ever so skilled at giving inappropriate and useless gifts. Her heart was in the right place, of course. 

Do not be sad for me. Love is grand and I am so glad to have had it for nearly forty five years. I thought this clip of a reunited pair of swans so nice.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

The Greatest Country on Earth, 1945

I fear for the good citizens of a once great nation. I wish I could utter the phrase, "Make America Great Again" but it sticks in my throat because of the connotations. I feel for devoted Republican voters. Decent people would never vote now for #45, yet where can they vote as committed Republicans?  Perhaps the phrase 'with equality for all' could be added, and better still acted upon. Are we really seeing a grave decline of a once great nation? It has happened before for various reasons.

No one, not no one could possibly vote for that man.

This is one of the more sensible answers to what I'm sure is a Quora troll question. Yes, statistics can be dodgy but...

I question a few things in the below, that Canada is #1 in healthcare, that #45 is ignorant of the issues in his country and that 15,000 young Americans emigrate each year. The latter could be true though. There are a lot of Americans in Australia but until they speak, we don't know that, and even then, we can't tell the difference between 'an educated' American accent and a Canadian accent, and there quite a few Canadians here too. 

Take this for what you will but it is hardly a sole source of news of the seeming decay of the US. The country has always seemed a bit dog eat dog to me. But I never get that feeling from US bloggers, who seem to be very decent and caring people. I have to keep in mind that generally, we bloggers are quite comfortable people in society. 

About a year ago I read the best words on freedom and it was simply this, citizens of the US are free to.... Citizens in Europe are free from...

I expect this is a troll question and a troll reply, but the writer has gone to the bother of making the spelling American.

Let's be honest for once, you aren't taught, you are brainwashed. Start at the top, you have been told for decades the U.S. is the greatest country on Earth.

At the end of World War II, that may have been true. After all, Europe and the Far East were smoldering ruins. Canada was even less damaged than the U.S.

Since the end of the war the U.S has been on a steady slide from the greatest to a second-world country into third-world.

The U.S. is no longer the greatest.

  • Freedom — U.S. not in the top 50 countries.
  • Healthcare — general healthcare ranked 31st.
  • Healthcare — the new, medico/legal women's healthcare system ranked 77th.
  • Education — 22nd place.
  • Quality of life — 16th place, just ahead of China and Russia.
  • Crime — 656 mass casualty events in 2023 in which more than 3,800 people were killed or wounded.
  • Crime — leading cause of childhood deaths — gunshot wounds.

There are many more statistics like this but Americans ignore them. They clinging to the old statistics because they can't face the truth of American decline.

Don't think Donny Trump knows any of this and he has absolutely no idea how to make America great again.

Infrastructure is nothing. It will cost tens of billions of dollars over at least a decade to improve education and education is a department Trump wants to cut.

Until Americans recognise and do something about it, within a few years the U.S. will be classified as a third-world country.

Over 15,000 young Americans annually see their country's decline and emigrate. They know their country's attitude will not change and the decline will continue.

By definition Republican voters are not evil people, just misguided in my opinion, and that is about my personal politics. I feel bad for rusted on Republican voters as they have no where to go other than vote for the disgusting #45. 

Vote Blue, and you black people, get out there and vote against the evil despot. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

It's my Life

Strange things continue to happen in The Highrise. A nice little display of shells turned into a very large display after Phyllis and Kosov walked along a beach with their phone torches alight. Perhaps their friend needed more sex advice, although it sounded like she was doing quite ok on her own to me with a virile young man.

"Phyllis, what if the printer runs out of paper. I can't insert new paper with the shells there."

But wait, there are more.

They were scooped up and put into a bowl, and just as well, the next day the printer ran out of paper when I had to print out a document that some poor old age pensioner widowers need to do. Doesn't poor old age pensioner sound so much more needy than my former guise as a poor old age self funded retiree. 

Kosov has been here for since last Friday but he has gone home tonight. That's fine. He was given one day's unpaid work at a cafe as a trial part time worker. He worked one shift and he was then told he was casual. He was given cash in hand and then not called back.

It is hard for foreign students. However Kosov has what sounds like a decent proper part time job now, in Peel Street, Collingwood, and if I have any gay Melbourne readers, you will no doubt know Peel Street.

There was something fermenting in the dish under the heating. I think it was for a lemon pasta sauce. Three days later, for lunch I had a small bowl of left over creamy and spicy pasta. It was ok.

I am a tidy person and so was Ray. I dislike untidiness. Phyllis has learnt that I like the kitchen tidy. "Phyllis! There is a splodge of what looks like fermenting lemon pasta sauce on the dining table". "Phyllis, I don't want that supermarket bag left all day against my newly painted smart wall next to my art deco auto trolley, once owned by the mother of our Brother Friends". 

Now, I just have to train Kosov to automatically recognise that the recycling bin is full and needs to be taken down to the basement, and for him to push his chair back in under the dining table. 

These young people! How they must adjust to old man widower ways.

I spent over an hour on the phone to our electric company today. Although the bill payment automatically comes out of my account, the account is in Ray's name. Clearly this is the only time this has happened in the world. I only did so because I wanted the pensioner concession. 

I managed to apply my concession to my local council for reduced rates almost online. I had to write onto a printed out form, scan it along with a scan of my concession card, and email it to the council. At least my home was in both names.

Not so for the car, that I paid for. The car ownership needs to be changed from Ray's name to mine. 

Lordy, then there is insurance to sort out. I am so busy being a retired person and I have all this extra loaded on to me.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Pleasing the residents of Isle of Man

10.10pm. "Phyllis, shut up and stop distracting me. I am faced with a blank page for tomorrow's blog post and frigging well move your shell collection as the printer needs to be loaded with paper".

I think this is a better map of Great Britain than I last showed and less likely to offend those on an semi independent island off Great Britain's west coast. Can any of you see a problem with the map? 

Monday, October 21, 2024

Monday Mural

I'm joining with Sami and others for Monday Mural. 

There is not much to say about the collection and I think they may have been near the city shopping centre, Emporium. It's a mixed bag, for sure. 

Well, this is Bowie. 

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Sunday Selections

Some as Elephant's Child and River join in with Sunday Selections, as I am doing and this week, and bar two, the photos are mine and some date back quite a while. 

This railway bridge still exists in Melbourne, and isn't it just wonderful. 

There is a FaceBook group tagged, 'We've always been here', and it seems we have, the site often showing similar photos. The caption is a bit of a laugh. 

Malvern Station is quite a busy station and really needs some loving care.

A considerate tagger? 

Queenscliff viewing tower. Fortunately it has lift. 

The views from the tower. 

It was an expensive meal out in a posh place for us in Queenscliff in January. We bantered back and forth, should we each have an affogato? Are we poor or can we afford this? We did partake and given what happened a few months later, I am so glad we did. Never in my wildest dreams.....

Our building has a library. I remember dumping some books there. Now we need to ask the building manager before depositing books.

I gave this bottle of holy water to Phyllis. I don't know if he has drunk it, applied it, sprinkled himself with it or douched with it. Ray would have bought it and it is named Basilica of St Michael, I think in Salzburg, Germany. Ok, it says Mondsee. I can't be bothered looking further. There is some connection to The Sound of Music.

The thinking time I spent about straightening up this picture was more than it took to straighten it. Now I think it is ugly and out of place, and I am going to take it down. 

It is not the first time currawongs have landed on balcony railings, once landing on my own, but it is unusual. Damn, as I clicked my phone. One bird has flown away. But it hadn't and I caught it in flight. 

Morning shadows.

Afternoon shadows. Fencing courtesy of the taxpayer subsidised very posh boys' Melbourne Grammar School. 

Oh my Phyllis, you have very large jar of ghee. How much did that cost? Andrew, only $10. I have a vague memory of a tiger chasing its tail so fast that it turned into ghee. The very young Andrew did not know what ghee was. Does anyone know what I am talking about? 

Lol, $750 for a hair drying appliance. 

Trams are remarkably safe

Trams are very safe, and even if you are motorist and hit by one, the tram driver will have probably already applied emergency brakes. It is...