Friday, October 25, 2024

Love, death and the whole damned thing

Today, the 25th, marks six months since Ray unexpectedly died. Life for me is now very different. Although I miss him terribly, I still live a good and indulgent life. I expect I will take a decent dram of The Scottish Doctor tonight and do some cleansing wailing. I think there is an Irish word, keening, and that is what I may do. 

Ray was loved by his own family and very loved by mine. Phyllis, I think wanting more wardrobe space and he knew I was sorting things out, rather cheekily presented me with two boxes from Ray's wardrobe. I am pleased he did. That was a bit more sorted out, and things from the past discovered. 

This pewter mug was presented to Ray by Mother, Step Father and ABI Brother for his fiftieth birthday. I had totally forgotten about it and I expect Ray had too. Mother was ever so skilled at giving inappropriate and useless gifts. Her heart was in the right place, of course. 

Do not be sad for me. Love is grand and I am so glad to have had it for nearly forty five years. I thought this clip of a reunited pair of swans so nice.


  1. Of course I am sad for you - but glad that you had all those years. Love that swan clip.

  2. Although a very different time zone, tonight I'll drink a toast to you before my dinner....yes, 45 years....really lovely. You have been doing so well and have a very good attitude. Where does the time fly? Hard to believe six months have gone by so quickly. From the base of the mini-mountain in Maine. Regina

  3. You obviously had something special over those 45 years. Each anniversary will no doubt bring some tears but hopefully outweighed by the good memories.
    As a coincidence I think that we have a parallel existence! Same ages of each partner, same 45 years of being together. Probably the same occasional tiffs too.
    Enjoy your Scottish Doctor.

  4. I'm glad you can celebrate your 45 years while still mourning for Ray. You're doing just fine.

  5. Life goes on and you are living it

  6. Keening, wailing, crying. Release.
    Thinking of you as you miss your Ray and raise a glass to your precious time together.
    I like the term Scottish Doctor......better than the more common Ginger Lady.
    Alison in Wales x

  7. I'm so glad you two had 45 years together, you were lucky, but it makes it harder now that he's gone. Take care Andrew.

  8. The swan reunion is heartwarming. :D My husband and I became a couple 35 years ago; he was 28 and I was aged 20. Sorry to say, the man doesn't think he'll last much longer with his ongoing health issues. I fear this might be a self-fulfilling prophecy. But we are still together hanging on to what we've got. What more can one ask? Best wishes, my dear.

  9. It's hard to believe it is six months. The shock of reading about it here at the time is shill fresh in my mind.

  10. You and Ray were indeed lucky to have such a long time together and of course you miss him. I am sure the Scottish Doctor and some Irish keening will help you through this anniversary. Just avoid the English stiff upper lip.

  11. The reuniting swans clip was marvellous Andrew. Though I never met him, I suspect that Ray would have been happy with the way you have got through these past six months. At times it must have felt so painful but you soldiered on. Good on ya cobber!

  12. I don’t have a drop of it in the house but I’ll think of you (both) as I enjoy my comforting cup of Milo later this evening.
    And yes, as Tasker mentioned, your recollections of that shocking evening are still clear in all our minds.
    Big (((hugs))) and 😘

  13. The swans are so heart-warming!
    I wish you'd had longer. I'd be diving into a tub of ice cream tonight but whatever works 🥰

  14. Love the swans. Touched by what you had to say in the rest of the post.

  15. Such excitement from the swans, it's beautiful Andrew.
    Certainly, a lot of years together, now the wonderful memories.


Love, death and the whole damned thing

Today, the 25th, marks six months since Ray unexpectedly died. Life for me is now very different. Although I miss him terribly, I still live...