I am joining in with Elephant's Child, River and others for Sunday Selections, this week just random photos, mostly mine. Note: I am over trying to place photos and text. They will appear where Blogger decides.
Rather a contrast isn't it.
No Andrew, Bond Store not Bondage Store. Don't get yourself excited. I think bond was something to do with wool or wheat export. Your Google is working? Look it up.
Milton House is in Flinders Lane in the city. Quite an unusual building, I thought and took this photo before I read the blue plaque below.
It looked nice but the chocolate mousse was actually cake. I was disappointed but it didn't stop me eating it.
Honesty in advertising is a good thing. Nude up you lasses and note some tabs have been torn off by those who will become world famous models or actors.
It was always terrific to catch a modern blue Harris train that were so much quieter and smoother than our red rattlers. Once done with they weren't salvaged for scrap but dumped in landfill as they were full of asbestos.
I miss these old semaphore signals. It was good to see mechanical action. These are on the viaduct between Flinders Street and Spencer Street, now replaced by lamps.
I know the feeling.
I had planned to take photos of my cleaning of the central exhaust fan. The unit is under this flap in the main bathroom. It was such a difficult job I forgot all about taking subsequent photos.
It is so badly positioned and this is the third time I have cleaned it in twenty plus years. I cleaned soon after we moved here and then not for about eighteen years and the fins were completely blocked. I dug out the compressed dust and it went back to working well. About three years later, a few weeks ago I again cleaned it. Not by my doing but some screw holes have stripped thread and only about two screws hold the base plate in place. Once I put it back together, it rattled. I stuck in a bid of cardboard to stop that but it seemed nosier.
The large exhaust pipe is obvious but three smaller duct pipes come from the bathroom, the toilet and my ensuite. The large pipe along the way to exterior exhaust picks up the stove range hood, and used to also pick up the clothes dryer ventilation until we blocked it when it became redundant.
R says it must be replaced, and we will get to that this year, after the kitchen tap replacement and the air con dripping issue.
While it is an interesting photo if you embiggen it, I am not sure why I saved it.
Nicely done and I was not crass enough to tug off a leaf to see if it was real or fake.
I have a feeling that The Record was a tramway union newsletter to members.
Where was this building? It appears to be in the city but I have no memory of taking the photo.