Friday, June 28, 2024

A lovely neighbour Pt 2, the gay barrister

I wonder if there are gay baristas? I can't say I've ever come across an obvious one. We have plenty of hipster baristas. 

Oh yes, if you missed it in a comment, the reason there isn't an apartment ending in four in our building is that originally apartments were marketed to Chinese investors, and four is an unlucky number for them. 

I recounted to my neighbour Ronnie the previous history of his apartment, and not long after we moved here in 2002 we held a bit of a house warming party with quite a number of friends (we had them back in those days) as guests. Meanwhile the gay barrister who lived where Ronnie now lives had brought (bought probably) a piece of rough trade home. The rough trade was upset about something and was kicking and punching holes in the plaster board on our landing and he was really very violent and out of control. Our guard came up and then two off duty policemen who lived two floors below. They restrained him and he was removed, and the wall was soon repaired and repainted. 

It wasn't a great look for our house warming party visitors. What kind of place have we moved to, full of drug using gay for pay lads? 

That was the only incident on our landing. The current residents are all very nice and if one brings back a rent boy, no one knows about it.  While we were not personally affected, a young male resident entered the building at 4am and wrecked the Christmas tree in the foyer. I wonder what was in his mind? An hour later, he returned to the tree and tried to repair the damage. He failed and it was all captured on cctv camera. He wrote an apology to the body corporate and also placed it on the noticeboard. He avoided a tenant breach notice. 

As for the gay barrister, we got to know him. He was a quiet and shy type until he had a drink and he was then everyone's best friend. He moved up to a higher level and we once went up there for drinks and had a very nice time. 

I am away for a couple of days, on the Bellarine Peninsula cat sitting for Sister. Sun, sand and surf....nah, rain, wind and cold fronts, apparently.  

Thursday, June 27, 2024

State Library 1 -The Hazara

Sometimes I think about blog posts to the point where I think I've written them and published them, and this one is such a post. I could have sworn I've published it but it seems not. I was at the State Library to see another exhibition but this one as I entered the library attracted me, about the Hazara people and we have a lot of them here in Australia. They are mostly Moslem and come from various countries where they are persecuted for reasons I don't understand. Most of the refugees are from Afghanistan, with some from Pakistan. 

The photographic exhibition was quite moving. 

I fortified myself with coffee and cake.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Beware of catching WTD.

A rather nasty disease appears to have crossed our island nation's borders, which I will for simplicity call WTD, White Teeth Disease. 

This disease seemed to only affect famous people but it now seems to had dropped from A listers, to B listers and now to the great unwashed. Or maybe it is a crossover gene from dark skinned people who can look so handsome with nice white teeth against their brown skin tones.

It appears SiCo (say that in your head)  Simon Cowell, is an unfortunate victim and along with so many.

Miley Cyrus seemed to have a milder case of WTD.

There are ways to avoid the WTD. If you see the word 'whitening' when driving, walking or surfing the net, do not stop, pause and definitely do not click. Have a little pity for those suffering from WTD. Keep your teeth healthy by regular brushing and flossing and hopefully you will keep your natural look and not be a victim of WTD.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A lovely neighbour Pt 1

In this year and late last year we have two new owner occupiers on our floor of six apartments. If you can guess why the apartments on each level are numbered 1,2,3,5,6 and 7, well done you.

The newest white family with a snooty older teenager daughter occupants at the front of us reply hello but they don't seem interested in being friendly. I normally welcome new occupants to our level, but for whatever reason, the opportunity to welcome them or have a chat hasn't arisen after four months. They don't pause and I've not been in the lift with them. That's fine. 

Last year at the building's Christmas bash, I met our new neighbour behind us, Ronnie, his wife and teenage daughter. While the teenager daughter is perfunctory, Ronnie is just lovely and his wife is nice.

I work from home, Ronnie proclaimed. Come in any time for coffee. So sweet, but not our style. Such things need to be arranged in advance.  Ray chatted to Ronnie first and when I got to speak to him, he already knew we had worked for the same the company. I was there for forty years, Ronnie maybe five years.

I hadn't seen him for ages but then I've kept running into him. For the past six weeks he had been in Indonesia, dealing with the death of his father and all things associated. As everyone is, he was shocked when I told him about Ray's death. He insisted we exchange phone numbers so that I call him any time if I needed help with anything.

It is rare that I sit inside a cafe and not outside when I have afternoon coffee, but the weather was terrible, with all outdoor seating saturated at the cafe across the road. I sat inside looking out the glass. Ronnie walked past and came inside when he saw me. He joined me for coffee and we had a lovely chat. He is such a nice guy.

Today, Monday 17th, I was again at the cafe. I left and as I was crossing the road, Ronnie had just left a tram after being in town. I was on my way to the bank with a certified copy of Ray's will, so it was a quick chat.

Ronnie must be at least forty years old, but wow, I suddenly realised how hot he is. He is handsome, a snappy dresser with his clothes fitting perfectly. I could see he had bought clothing in town, on his own without wifely assistance. He is stylish, kind, friendly, chatty and caring. The only negative is that he is straight, but I don't discriminate. Straight guys are needed in society to breed more gay men, and I suppose straight men too. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday Mural

I am joining in with Sami and others for Monday Mural. These are flowing locks of hair. Not a great mural but good enough to show. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday Selections

Elephant's Child and River almost always participate in Sunday Selections and as I often do when I join in, mine are randomly taken when I am out and about.

Good afternoon Ma'am. 

Sister left her Hawthorn football club themed water bottle here.

While she attended a footy game, I wrapped her water bottle in a Collingwood footy team Magpies paper wrap. She was both amused but not amused. She hates Collingwood. 

Two Sundays ago I walked streets in Prahran with Bone Doctor. This was in park beside Greville Street. 

In Chapel Street, Windsor. Isn't it just lovely. 

No medical appointments on the King's birthday public holiday, so I visited Dandenong by train. Dandenong has a reputation, especially the railway station, but it was perfectly nice when I was there. Being a public holiday, it was quiet with many shops closed. Above the black car is a water wheel. I had lost my energy and did not cross the road for a close up look. Another day. 

I've seen this more than once. Why list every day's opening and closing times when they are all the same? 

I would guess this post has suffered more than one bump.

I did not capture the true beauty of the floral display at the Town Hall. 

Leafless trees in winter reveal much. I think this building is so nice.

And zooming in, is revealed the words Real Estate, Auctioneers, Insurance and again, Real Estate. 

Trams are remarkably safe

Trams are very safe, and even if you are motorist and hit by one, the tram driver will have probably already applied emergency brakes. It is...