Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A lovely neighbour Pt 1

In this year and late last year we have two new owner occupiers on our floor of six apartments. If you can guess why the apartments on each level are numbered 1,2,3,5,6 and 7, well done you.

The newest white family with a snooty older teenager daughter occupants at the front of us reply hello but they don't seem interested in being friendly. I normally welcome new occupants to our level, but for whatever reason, the opportunity to welcome them or have a chat hasn't arisen after four months. They don't pause and I've not been in the lift with them. That's fine. 

Last year at the building's Christmas bash, I met our new neighbour behind us, Ronnie, his wife and teenage daughter. While the teenager daughter is perfunctory, Ronnie is just lovely and his wife is nice.

I work from home, Ronnie proclaimed. Come in any time for coffee. So sweet, but not our style. Such things need to be arranged in advance.  Ray chatted to Ronnie first and when I got to speak to him, he already knew we had worked for the same the company. I was there for forty years, Ronnie maybe five years.

I hadn't seen him for ages but then I've kept running into him. For the past six weeks he had been in Indonesia, dealing with the death of his father and all things associated. As everyone is, he was shocked when I told him about Ray's death. He insisted we exchange phone numbers so that I call him any time if I needed help with anything.

It is rare that I sit inside a cafe and not outside when I have afternoon coffee, but the weather was terrible, with all outdoor seating saturated at the cafe across the road. I sat inside looking out the glass. Ronnie walked past and came inside when he saw me. He joined me for coffee and we had a lovely chat. He is such a nice guy.

Today, Monday 17th, I was again at the cafe. I left and as I was crossing the road, Ronnie had just left a tram after being in town. I was on my way to the bank with a certified copy of Ray's will, so it was a quick chat.

Ronnie must be at least forty years old, but wow, I suddenly realised how hot he is. He is handsome, a snappy dresser with his clothes fitting perfectly. I could see he had bought clothing in town, on his own without wifely assistance. He is stylish, kind, friendly, chatty and caring. The only negative is that he is straight, but I don't discriminate. Straight guys are needed in society to breed more gay men, and I suppose straight men too. 


  1. How lovely to have a nice neighbour - and his hotness is a bonus. Eye candy is always welcome, and so close to home too.

    1. Indeed EC. He is just one of those people who have the lot, personality and looks.

  2. Old but not dead. There was a lovely young man at the sandwich place on Friday. I turned to my daughter and mouthed, "Wow". She didn't disagree:)

    1. Yes, very much so Pixie. Though, I am surprised your daughter didn't roll her eyes and proclaim, 'Mom!'.

  3. Ha! My neighbours are all at least 10 years older than me. Not a hottie amongst them.

    1. Ah well JayCee, keep your eyes open when you are out and about.

  4. I don't have hot neighbors, but there are landscapers..

    1. Oh Boud, and in your heat, they would be wearing minimal clothing.

  5. I avoid interacting with my neighbours. Less drama and manipulation. You are lucky in a nice neighbourhood

    1. Roentare, wherever we've lived, we've had good neighbours. I like the contact with neighbours. We won't be friends, but very friendly.

  6. " Straight guys are needed in society to breed more gay men"

    Shhh, don't let them know they're being used that way.

    1. You made me laugh Kirk. Your job is done.

  7. Reminded me of the saying, 'we can't choose our neighbours but we can choose what kind of neighbours we can be'. It's always nice to have friendly neighbours.

    1. Pradeep, it isn't a saying I know, but I like it.

  8. It's good to have nice neighbours. We never get beyond the 'friendly acquaintance' stage, but that's just us.

    1. Friendly acquaintance is probably best JB. You may remember an English tv show, Butterflies, starring Wendy Craig, I think. Her neighbour was always coming to her back door and entering, calling out, "It's only Sonja".

  9. What a lovely neighbour. Doesn't always happen no matter where you live.

    1. Margaret, we've been pretty lucky, always having good neighbours.

  10. I didn't ever live in or visit a block of flats before getting married, and I thought that people would only move into a flat if they couldn't afford a stand-alone house. But living in London changed all that...and I came to value close neighbours for the first time.

    1. That's very interesting Hels. I was much the same in my twenties. Flat dwellers were only poor people. I soon learnt better.

  11. Made me laugh, I needed that. So what happened to 4?

    1. Originally marketed to Asian people. For Chinese people 4 is an unlucky number.

    2. Oh thank God. I thought I was going to be the one to have to ask. Thanks, Travel.

  12. Pleasant neighbours are worth their weight in gold aren't they........and if good looking, well that's a bonus 😀
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Very much so Alison. Good looking is a bonus, and there is another good looking man on my floor who is also very nice.

  13. Ha! Well, his hotness will make it easier to spend time with him, I suppose! It's great that he's been so nice to you. I laughed at the "snooty" and "perfunctory" teenagers. That's pretty much teenage behavior, for sure.

    1. Yes, especially but not just female teenagers, Steve.

  14. Friendly neighbors make life so much more pleasant. ~nods~ I'm saddened by a woman about a block away who says folks in three nearby houses treat her with cruelty. :( You've decided me on sharing a happy story, by the way.

    And, as the proverbial dirty old lady who gawks at beautiful people regardless of ilk, your parting comment cracked me up. I try not to stare at one of the slender female YMCA lifeguard who has the most beautiful brown complexion. lol A silly comment I shared made her smile and my heart all but fluttered. Best wishes!

    1. Darla, like you, skin colour and smoothness can really attract me, and it sometimes even perfect white skin.

  15. Good looking and pleasant, you can't ask for much more in a neighbour, Andrew.

    1. For sure Pat. He does talk rather a lot, so not quite perfect.


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