I showed a map of how my state Victoria voted but let's look at Australian state voting. I can't find a map of state names and voting patterns so I need two maps and you will have to alternate between them to get a full understanding.
As usual the Labor Party is shown in red and the conservative Liberal Party in blue.
The conservative Liberal Party was close to being completely wiped out in the last Western Australia election.
I think the Northern Territory has flirted with the conservative Liberal Party in recent years, but not at the moment.
Queensland is Labor but I think it is now somewhat marginal. Our far north is a little like the US deep south but in the south eastern corner is the capital Brisbane and the very socially aware Gold Coast.
We were in Adelaide, South Australia when the government changed from Liberal to Labor, somewhat helped by the new Premier being a bit of a hunk. Unless the government does something diabolical, it will probably get a second term in office.
Not so long ago our island state of Tasmania elected a Liberal conservative government., perhaps because the former Labor government had become very stale. I don't really know why.
Things would have to change a lot for Labor to lose Victoria's next state election in 2026.
Now to the big state. Within the large blue conservative Liberal Party who governs now is a tiny bit of red, the Australian Capital Territory with our Federal Government being located within in Canberra. So that is Labor, but New South Wales is conservative Liberal. While I won't say the current NSW Premier is a bible basher, he is certainly strongly religious and that is of a concern. The conservative Liberal government in NSW is very stale and with quite a number of scandals in its term of office, with the former Premier having to stand down. I expect a Labor victory at the election early next year.
Wow, that would mean Labor is in federal power for Australia and all states except Tasmania. I don't think that has ever happened.
Why is this so? I don't think one party have almost complete control is a good thing. The problem with the conservative Liberal Party is that there has been strong influence from extreme religious people, for way too long it denied climate change and opposed everything that could improve our environment. It has some very shonky high level politicians it needs to rid itself of, hi Angus. Illegally cleared any more land of late? It is a party for big business and 'family values'. It cares not two hoots for those in dire poverty, the homeless and those in difficult domestic situations.
While I would never vote for the party, I am perhaps a typical voter for the party as a self funded retiree looking for good returns on the share market. I imagine if the party is elected at the next election, we will have fracking all over the countryside where it is allowed. Mining and drilling licenses will be issued willy nilly on land and at sea. Wage rises for workers will be opposed. Anti union laws will grow. There will be cuts to funding our most important institutions, especially our wonderful media organisation ABC but of course not opera and ballet. Anti discrimination laws for same sex attracted people will be pulled back to pay back the religious right for its support. There will be a push to pull back abortion laws. But on the up side, it will support the rights of big business to pay time wasting executives millions of dollars for doing nothing beyond firing staff and increasing their own remuneration. Maps from Wikipedia.

The conservative Liberal Party pretty well knows it will lose the next election and has put up a sacrificial lamb leader of His Majesty's Opposition, one Peter Dutton. Some puff pieces have appeared in the media, trying to make him sound like a nicer person rather than a nasty and cruel man. He is what he is, a horrible man.