Thursday, December 8, 2022

Endangering our children

"Too dangerous", the cry went out when this new children's playground opened at Southbank. Esteemed broadcaster Ms Virginia Trioli agreed. Not so, said the designer and the Lord Mayor. I investigated myself. 

The first thing I noticed when I stepped onto the hard bluestone paving is that it wasn't. It was a little disconcerting to step on to spongy paving when I expected a hard surface. Nothing worse than expecting something hard and it turns out to being soft.

Looky, rocks on wheels. How to break your doting grandmother's ankles with a decent shove of a rock. What fun.

It does look a bit risky and that is the point of the design. However, it meets the highest safety standards for a children's playground. The rocks are of course bolted down and only look like they are on wheels. 

Among the forest of high rise apartments of Southbank will be many young children and I expect they will very much like this playground.

Well done City of Melbourne and the designer. 


  1. It does look like a heap of fun. And definitely no more dangerous that the areas I played as a child.

  2. I saw the news about it in South Bank. It did look hazardous from a distance. All these pointy ends look like a good revenue source for Slator and Gordon

    1. Haha Roentare about Slater and Gordon, better still Shine. I didn't touch the 'rocks'. Maybe they are not rocks either.

  3. I would be asking the young children. They may be more worried by the rough unattractiveness than by danger.

    1. Hels, clambering around in the bush, there were so many hazards. We learnt. There was no unattractiveness. It wasn't what we saw.

  4. I think it is a wonderful playground. Time for kids to extend themselves and parents to stop hovering.

    1. Thanks Caro. The ever hovering modern parents.

  5. LaTrioli talks a load of balderdash at times - always has and always will.
    Time will tell where this is concerned. I’m sure all the Is were dotted and the Ts crossed when it went through the planning dept.

    1. Cathy, I think Trioli was in performance mode when talking about the playground. You are right. It is thoroughly compliant with all regulations.

  6. It looks more adventurous than traditional playgrounds, I think children will love it.

    1. River, I expect so. For almost sterile city living for children, it might be quite amazing.

  7. I avoided rock piles as a child

    1. Even beach rocks TP. I loved clambering over them.

  8. Looks an interesting playground for children with a difference.

    1. Yes Margaret, and that is the point. It might appear challenging to children.

  9. I guess the idea is that kids love playing on rocks, but it seems like regular old playground equipment would be even more functional and!

    1. Steve, I don't think there is a lack of standard play equipment parks in the area. This is more adventure playing than standard swings and slides.

  10. I think it is lovely! And, it blends well with its environment and all the high rise buildings. Tell me. Are those real boulders or a composite material made to look like boulders? but softer?

  11. PT, I did not check, just assumed they are real rocks. I will have to return, won't I.

    1. Indeed you will. I need to know. It is really bugging me as to whether those rocks are real or not!!!

  12. Looks a lot more interesting than the pure plastic ones around here. I'd be playing on that.


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