Sunday, October 20, 2024

Sunday Selections

Some as Elephant's Child and River join in with Sunday Selections, as I am doing and this week, and bar two, the photos are mine and some date back quite a while. 

This railway bridge still exists in Melbourne, and isn't it just wonderful. 

There is a FaceBook group tagged, 'We've always been here', and it seems we have, the site often showing similar photos. The caption is a bit of a laugh. 

Malvern Station is quite a busy station and really needs some loving care.

A considerate tagger? 

Queenscliff viewing tower. Fortunately it has lift. 

The views from the tower. 

It was an expensive meal out in a posh place for us in Queenscliff in January. We bantered back and forth, should we each have an affogato? Are we poor or can we afford this? We did partake and given what happened a few months later, I am so glad we did. Never in my wildest dreams.....

Our building has a library. I remember dumping some books there. Now we need to ask the building manager before depositing books.

I gave this bottle of holy water to Phyllis. I don't know if he has drunk it, applied it, sprinkled himself with it or douched with it. Ray would have bought it and it is named Basilica of St Michael, I think in Salzburg, Germany. Ok, it says Mondsee. I can't be bothered looking further. There is some connection to The Sound of Music.

The thinking time I spent about straightening up this picture was more than it took to straighten it. Now I think it is ugly and out of place, and I am going to take it down. 

It is not the first time currawongs have landed on balcony railings, once landing on my own, but it is unusual. Damn, as I clicked my phone. One bird has flown away. But it hadn't and I caught it in flight. 

Morning shadows.

Afternoon shadows. Fencing courtesy of the taxpayer subsidised very posh boys' Melbourne Grammar School. 

Oh my Phyllis, you have very large jar of ghee. How much did that cost? Andrew, only $10. I have a vague memory of a tiger chasing its tail so fast that it turned into ghee. The very young Andrew did not know what ghee was. Does anyone know what I am talking about? 

Lol, $750 for a hair drying appliance. 


  1. That bridge must have been quite an engineering feat in its day. I love that it is still there - is it being used still?
    $749 for a hairdryer? No way, no how. My hair air dries. Though I still (somewhere) have the hair dryer I had as a school girl (which last time I found it still worked).
    Another delightful and eclectic collection. That view is spectacular and I am glad that you had an enjoyed that expensive dinner.

    1. EC, the bridge is still being used, I think by standard gauge trains rather our normal broad gauge. I think the Melbourne to Sydney train uses the bridge. I should know as we travelled on the train last year.
      Yes, that Queenscliff dinner was rather special.

  2. I have it on very good authority (i.e Mr Google) that the Dyson Airwrap is definitely worth $750 if you are looking for a sleek finish.
    The affogato was also definitely worth the splurge too.

    1. JayCee, that is more than our Dyson stick vacuum cleaner cost. Maybe the vac could do the same hair job.

  3. I think the "tigers chasing each other around the tree until they turned into a puddle of ghee" reference may be from the children's book "Little Black Sambo". My grandmother had a copy in the 1960s.

    1. Of course it was Pollyanna. I remember now. I had a copy when I had I has just learnt to read.

  4. Yes, it was Little Black Sambo, not allowed any more. Such nonsense as we try to obliterate all the 'offensive' stuff and pretend we're whiter than white , or , rather, incredibly politically correct, which changes with the seasons.

    1. JB, it had the revers effect to me. I realised there were different people in the world, and it is laughable that it could make people racist or was racist itself.

  5. Makes me sad to think of the days when an "Alexander" and a "John" were thought of as JUST friends.

    1. True Bob, but be pleased it is generally not like that now...for most people.

  6. Why must donations to the library be formally inspected and approved? I would have thought making the library bigger and more accessible to all the residents was a great idea.

    1. Hels, the shelves are full. There is no more space for books. Some people might leave inappropriate books, or use it as a dumping place for academic books.

  7. That railway bridge photo is incredible. That looks so vintage. The queens Cliffe meal does look scrumptious

    1. Roentare, it was not quite The Last Supper, but now it feels a bit like that.

  8. Why buy an expensive hair drying appliance when you can just do what I have always done - use a towel! As for "a tiger chasing its tail so fast that it turned into ghee" I have no frigging idea what you are talking about Andrew!

    1. YP, does that make you a towel head? I am sure you know very well about a tiger turning into ghee.

  9. I loved Little Black Sambo as a wee lass and never thought anything other than the tigers going faster and faster. Adults make innocent things evil.

    1. Merlot, your last sentence is so true. Apropos of nothing, on the phone tonight I told Phyllis' mother Carolyn back in Chennai, that her son is a bad boy, but I am looking after him.

  10. I knew that ghee was butter, but I was not quite sure what the difference between ghee and butter were, so I went off and had a bit of a read about it, so that may be considered cheating. I will let you decide.

    I am glad that you decided that you and Ray were rich enough to afford the splurge. But I will caution you that though I hardly know you, I feel confident to say that you should NOT consider yourself rich enough to buy that hair dryer. That, my friend, would be a bit over the top. No pun intended.

    1. Debby, but you haven't said what the difference is between butter and ghee is! Now I will have to look myself.
      I could afford the hairdryer, but what a waste of money. Young women with dead straight hair look strange to me.

    2. The difference is that the butter is melted and the butter solids fall to the bottom and the liquids evaporated. So ghee is like dehydrated milk...not to the point of being a powder. Not that dehydrated, but it has less liquid than the milk does when it is dropped into a pan.

  11. I love the building's library and would love to rummage through the books, but it's a bit far from home. The view from the Queenscliff tower is great. And of course you could afford that affogato. Unless you have one everyday, that would break the bank in no time. Do you think you will ever have one again? I know what Ghee is and would like to try some for cooking but never seem to find any here. Maybe in Aldi, though I almost never go there.

    1. River, I think I will have affogato again but my eyes may well. I really need to look up what constitutes ghee.

  12. Now I want affogato!
    Aldi doesn't have ghee but woolies does

    1. I think the ghee came from a Woolworths Metro, Kylie.

  13. Love that bridge. Yes know what Ghee is used for, many things.
    Like your shadows, you did well. Good selection all round, Andrew.

    1. Thanks Margaret. I didn't think you would know about ghee.

  14. Thanks for the glimpse into your life.


Monday Mural

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