Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Grammys

Oh yes. You heard right. I am nothing if not a diverse blogger. Actually, I have no interest in the Grammys. I don't know how to describe Troye Sivan beyond him being an attractive young gay Australian man, whose on stage behaviour when singing, can be quite provocative and very out there. Good on him for rattling some chains. 

When I saw he attended the Grammys, I wondered what he wore, which sent me to the red carpet photos. Here are a few red carpet photos I saved, from The Age.

Troye Sivan. His Prada suit is ok, I suppose. The scarf is not.

We are left guessing as to whether Lucky Daye has a muscular chest or bitch tits. I've never heard of him. 

Avery Wilson was looking very gay in his colourful jacket.

But, who is this with his head in a castle? I may have clicked on a photo of Justin Bieber on FaceBook, and I was then flooded with his photos, then the algorithm stopped sending me Justin photos and thought Jayden Smith was more to my taste. Yeah, he is ok, with a pleasant enough face that doesn't need to be hidden in a box. His clothes are not normally as conservative, with or without a box on his head. 

At least I know who this is, Will Smith. His slap encouraged me to take some interest last year. His outfit is good. 

Olivier Rodrigo. I said pet, I said love, I said pet, I said love, by exposing so much, you have spoilt the mystery and desire. 

The very elegant Ingrid Michaelson was my pick for best dressed. The fabric is great and the pattern, stunning. 


  1. Tienen que ponerse ropa que llame la atenciĆ³n de las gentes. Viven pendiente de conseguir popularidad.

  2. Oh no, dear. A nice little frock and cardigan would look so much smarter . And go and scrub some of that muck off your face too.
    Now, where's my Horlicks?

    1. I reckon JayCee has the right idea ,frock and cardi, though my Choi cecwould be a tshirt and shorts with glittery crocs!
      Andrew you surprise me , Here was I thinking you were a dapper lad from Melbourne but you are really a fashionista

  3. I looked up Troye Sivan. I'd forgotten how much sex goes on when you're young. Gay men also don't have to deal with women who say no to them, only other men, whom I'm guessing, usually say yes. I miss being young sometimes, but other times, not so much. As for Ingrid, she might as well flaunt it because when she's my age, you don't want to flaunt it anymore. Once upon a time I had marvelous legs and long auburn hair, and slept with a lot of men, but that was a lifetime ago.

    1. I like that like me, you are very experienced with men.

  4. It's disappointing that you didn't include a picture of Kendrick Lamar who wrote and recorded the best song: "Not Like Us". Kendrick wore a faded denim suit with a faded denim baseball cap on his head - worn at a jaunty angle:-
    From de high rise, from de high rise
    Andrew he live in de high rise
    No need for disguise, nobody cries
    Yup, yup, don't fuck it up
    Down in the street, down in the street
    De trams go cruisin' by, who these guy?
    It Phyllis and Kosov flexing them muscles
    Here in Melbonio everybody hustles
    In de high rise, in de high rise.

  5. Not one mention of Mr and Mrs West? Talk about mystery leaving the room... He lost a $20M contract with Japan over that.

    1. I didn't see that until after I wrote the post. A pixelated public gown is nothing if not controversial.

    2. It wasn't pixilated in real life. That was a media affectation. I mean, imagine a dress so revealing that the online discussion is whether she's had cosmetic surgery, a labia reduction, also known as 'barbie doll surgery'.

  6. I didn't see much that I thought was really good. Will Smith is a pig, and the kid with the box on his head is trying to hard for attention.
    I did enjoy the big pecs!

  7. I've heard of Will and Jaden Smith, none of the others. Guess I've checked out of the current music scene.

  8. I love your critics on their fashion. It made me laughed for a long while

  9. I'm piggybacking on Debbie's comment. Bianca Censori, Kanya West's wife, made Olivier Rodrigo look like a nun!

    1. Kirk, I became aware of her after I written the post. My goodness.

  10. I don't like any of those outfits. Jaden Smith looks okay apart from the box on his head. Will Smith looks like he is wearing one of Michael Jacksons jackets, as for Lucky Daye, if that's a muscular chest then I'm Queen Victoria. Olivier (Olivia?) obviously hasn't noticed half her dress is missing.

    1. You are probably right about the spelling. Lol about half her dress missing.

  11. The young lad in purple looks as if he should still be in primary school. When did we get so old?

  12. Will Smith looks the most appealing.

    1. Hels, I thought so, regardless of his character.

  13. Most of these outfits are no appealing to me at all, Andrew.
    I haven't yet looked at the outfits of who was wearing what but will get to it.

  14. My grandson is an up and coming stylist with a famous racing driver as someone he dresses at this moment in time. I do not take much notice, it all looks like vanity to me in ridiculous clothes ;)

    1. Thelma, a stylist to a racing car driver sounds interesting. No surprise I guess that they need one.

  15. It's supposed to be about the music, surely? It's all fluff.

    1. JB, thanks for that valuable insight. I had a vague idea it was about music, and I suppose if I watched, I would know.

  16. It appear to be a parade to show off more and more flesh and ridiculous fashions! As for Kanye West's girlfriend, words fail could they allow such a thing!!

    1. I don't think that they were actually invited. My understanding is that they crashed the party.

      Will Jay

    2. Sami, West's girlfriend wasn't exactly subtle, was she.

  17. I must be old, I have no idea who most of these people are,

    1. ha ha Travel :) Old age has some benefits.

    2. TP, fortunately we don't have to take any notice.

  18. Why would someone wear a castle over their head?

    1. Strayer, why or why not? He received attention and that's what counts.

  19. I didn't watch the grammys this year because I really don't know who most of the people are. Getting old I guess, Andrew.

    1. Pat, and it was more important to you to tidy that sock drawer.

  20. I don't know who any of these people are, except Will Smith. That castle-on-the-head may be the weirdest thing I've seen yet this year. And that's saying something.

    1. Steve, I suppose and explanation of the castle on his would be interesting....nah, not really.

  21. I was so confused when I first saw Jaden's look on my TV haha. I agree with your take that Ingrid Michaelson was best dressed. The gown was so beautiful! I am sitting at home reading this while having my hardwood floors refinished & laughing to myself. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Ah Jackie, your floors are being done. I hope the wait is not too long before you can walk on the floor. My brother recently had his redone and he had to move out for a day or so. Clearly technology there is moving fast.

  22. I agree with your fashion choices. :D That 'pixelated' dress is all I'd seen before this, with talk that she's a victim of her husband's desire to shame his ex. Who knows? She does look pretty wooden, as if under a trance of some sort. I don't care beyond wishing victimhood on no creature, human or otherwise.

    1. Darla, yes, she did look trance like, as if she was drugged.


Listen to the Stentophone

Stentophone is a new word to me, and apparently a new word to spellchecker.  How about you? I found this a great read, https://www.ianvisits...