I am not that old in comparison to some of you. Some of you are of a similar age. Some of you are younger.
Generally your health and physical condition really starts to deteriorate at the age of 60. In my case when I retired at the age of 61, my body began retiring too. At 67, should I live to 77, I think I'll be in wheel chair and being spoon fed. Ok, maybe not. I hope not.
Your genes will mostly dictate your lifespan, and we all know clean living, diet, socialising and exercise can cheat the genes somewhat. Having a partner helps, along with keeping your mind active, but if you blog, your mind is active.
I can't say my life has been clean, and still isn't but I do try in various areas.
But what really pisses me off is those who reach a seriously old age and brag about their older person achievements, how fit they are, their wonderful pain free life. At 90, they are living a glorious life. Good for them, but for most people it is not like that.
Your partner may have died, many of your friends have died, you may not have much money to spare, you may feel lonely at times, your health could be bad, making your life a constant struggle. You might be dependant on others, in spite of disliking that.
So just before you brag about what a great life you are living when you are 90, this is not the case for most people, who probably struggle at the age of 80 onwards, or earlier.
But you don't have to be too old , as you can even die at the age of 40 from the coded police words, "There are no suspicious circumstances".
It was very sad to hear of the deaths of two retired star Australian Rules footballers around the age of 40, one day apart, and there were no suspicious circumstances. One would think, they had everything to live for.
Troy Selwood.
And Adam Hunter.
I'm one with some longevity genes. Both my parents died in there 70's. But on the average we usually make it past 85. One of my Aunt made it to 103.
ReplyDeleteI agree that aging is just the luck of the draw. I once saw this interview with the children's author Beverly Cleary. She had just turned 100, and the interviewer was gushing over about it. Cleary just laughed and said, "It was unintentional."