Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sunday Selections

I am joining Elephant's Child, River and others for Sunday Selections, and as usual just random photos.

What a mess. Note the white poster.

Still a mess but a tidier mess.

I was amused. 

A brand new train station, an extension to the Pakenham train line to East Pakenham. The convention nowadays is to put the place name first and then its direction, so it is surprising that it isn't Pakenham East. 

You can escape the approaching train with this button, but you are already safe and out of the way of the train. But what you can't do is open the emergency gate from the outside and cross in front of an approaching train. 

A few months ago, Hair Dresser Friend and I visited this bar very impromptu. The meal was good, and we finished our meal just in time to enter the trivia quiz. I was a bit tipsy by then and I couldn't immediately understand how it all worked. We didn't win, but we had a respectable score. Absolutely sober, I would have done better. 

Who is that society misfit in the white car?

The intentions of Phyllis and Kosov were good, but the court was already occupied. I had already explained to Phyllis how to book the court. 

Kosov has been doing some paper folding. Quite clever really. 

How often do I feel like writing something like this on a sign that warns of bleeding obvious. 


  1. Try as I might, I cannot get the hang of origami. Clever!

  2. The National Prohibition Act doesn't seem to be working.

  3. Kosov's origami is good. Love that final sign.
    And yes, the first two are a mess. A tidier mess? Surely a contradiction in terms. A classic oxymoron.

  4. The owner of that white car is obviously a nonconformist .

  5. The bins do fascinate Joel and me a lot in terms of photography themes. The last shot has an interesting sign.

  6. The "society misfit in the white car" is someone who thinks for themselves.

  7. Don’t leave the detergent or the cloth on the bench top, nor the rice cooker. A toaster and kettle is acceptable . As for tennis racket …the germs! Yes, I am OC

    1. It's a good thing you can't see my kitchen!

    2. I actually agree with you, but the air fryer must sit on the bench too. By good grace, I allow the rice cooker to remain as it nearly used daily.

  8. If those black cars had been identical I'd be thinking the FBI was in town, or maybe some bigwig politico with his convoy of bodyguards. The origami is impressive. Well done Kosov.

  9. I am sure you would say something a bit more erudite were you to scrawl on a sign.

  10. Actually, there probably will be some shit on that hill if any dog walkers have walked up or down it in the last 24 hours.

  11. That origami is quite impressive. To have a respectable score at trivia while tipsy? That's impressive too!

  12. It's probably just a reprint, bit if it's not and it's original, that Prohibition CLOSED sign must be about 100 years old!

    1. It would be easy to just copy the idea too Kirk.

  13. I had to laugh at the last
    Clever doing paper things.
    Certainly the murals are a bit of a mess, probably ok initially till someone came along and thought they could do better.

  14. Messy graffiti sent me thinking. It actually requires a certain amount of courage to attack a wall with loads of paint and what we should have really is a playground full of walls for the young too practise on!

  15. It is a good thing that carrying around a can of spray paint is inconvenient at our age.

  16. The origami is good.
    My car is black.

  17. Ha! That last one is funny. Your first few look like pictures I'd take here of urban blight. The paper folding IS clever. I can't imagine having the patience.

  18. Yes I have a huge diamond shaped road sign near my place that has Three simple letters right in the middle dip. I always want to start singing doo-wop. When I see it. The boys are amusing. Show us more paper folding. Cheers, Andrew



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