Friday, December 13, 2024

Christmas prep

Ray: I am not putting up a tree this year. I am not doing Christmas cards. I am not decorating.

Me: Yes dear.

I've heard this for a number of years but always, the tree went up, cards were posted and Christmas decorations were spread. Of course not so this year.

I had no intention of decorating myself but, there was something special I wanted to get out. I know I donated the two Christmas trees, and I thought most of the decorations and lights but I am sure I kept snowman. 

And I did. I found it today with a few other very old items and some tinsel. I spread a little tinsel around and added the ornaments. 

This was what I really wanted to find, years old and comes out once a year. It is lit by a tea candle inside. 

Also many years old. 

A little newer. Kosov was impressed by the colours.

This one has a speaker, but it has only been used for its changing lights.

Hair Dresser Friend was insistent that we make Christmas cakes together, having a cocktail or three while we did so, just as she and Ray used to. I had to decline. I am sure I would have teared up at best, if we tried to recreate what they both did. She made her cake at home and decorated her small apartment with Christmas lights I had given her. Both looked fabulous.  

I am sending cards this year to Ray's sisters and anyone who sends me a card early enough for me to send one back. Kosov wanted to try cheese and mac, and so has gone out to buy some. When he returns, he will write out my cards and address the envelopes. I must get them in tomorrow's post. 


  1. The firsts are hard to get through, but you're doing a nice job there! Wise not to try to recreate former rituals though. I think you were right to decline.

  2. I hope that Hair Dresser Friend made you a cake too. Boud is right. The firsts are always difficult and Christmas is a biggie.
    I like your minimalist decorations.
    How did Kosov like Mac and cheese? Comfort food at its best.

    1. EC, I am sure I will get a slice at least. I don't think he cared for Mac and cheese much, and nor did I.

  3. I really like your decorations, especially the carousel. I've written our cards - fewer each year - and Barry posted them. Now we're sorting out the dining room, which has become a bit of a dumping ground, and then I'll spend an afternoon wrapping presents.

    1. JB, suddenly my spare room has become a dumping ground, for photos and paperwork. I must attend to it. May I ask how many children, great grand children and great grand children you have?

  4. I can imagine it must be hard, this first Christmas of your changed life.
    Your snowman looks like a much loved part of your festive traditions. I like him.

    1. Yeah JayCee, snowman has been around forever. Minimal but important decorations are in place.

  5. Replies
    1. Looks are everything Roentare, but what will it taste like?

  6. Now I need a lease but up part of my snow people collection.

  7. I know it will be hard without Ray, but at least you have some very colorful people around you to help get you through the holiday season.

    1. Indeed Kirk, but I will mostly be with family over the couple of Christmas nights.

  8. This will be bloody hard but, as Kirk said, you do have some interesting souls to make you smile at least. And if the eyes leak, let them.
    I should see if I can find your snowman's twin and put him out on display. I have a feeling it was from Spotlight many, many moons ago. My decorations are all in a box marked "Ho, f***ing ho". The Christmas spirit is not strong in this one!

    1. Merlot, I will be on the Bellarine Christmas day, the Mornington on Boxing Day and ricochet back to the Bellarine. Snowman may well have come from Spotlight. I love your nomenclature for your Christmas box.

  9. The snowman should be a hunky Australian man in skimpy bathers, about to jump in the surf :)

    1. Hels, should you see such an ornament, do tell where.

  10. I love the snowman and the vintage carousel. It's nice of you to decorate a little for Kosov and Phyllis. The cake looks yummy.

    1. River, you don't bake a Christmas cake now? You must have in the past for family?

    2. Never, they don't like Christmas cake or pudding. I have in the past made many dozens of mince pies, but not any more, I just don't have the space for rolling out pastry.

  11. I also said that I wasn't decorating. I discovered that I am a liar.

    I also understand about the cake baking. Sometimes, it is just easier to replace a tradition with something completely different. In time it will come to you. Nature abhors a vacuum. I do hope you will not spend the holidays alone. 'Firsts' are tough.

    1. I lied too Debby. Don't worry. I won't be alone, but kind of on my own.

  12. Fond Christmas memories there Andrew.

  13. The first Christmas without Rick, I didn't want to do anything. But then an inner voice (maybe him) told me to decorate at least a little bit, because he loved so much my Christmas decoration. So I did, no tree but the room had a Christmas spirit. On Christmas Eve I wanted to be alone and just chatted with my Dutch family. What I did on Christmas day I don't remember. Anyway it will never be the same, so I just let it go. But my decoration is done !

  14. Sounds like Kosov is turning into your personal valet. Next you will be ordering him to clip your toenails.

    Your first Christmas without Ray could be mournful and grim if you allow it to become so. Perhaps it is to some degree inevitable. A time for reflection.

    1. YP, Kosov is like that. Somewhat annoyingly helpful at times. "Kosov, I am not so old yet". I had a pedicure today but I am sure Kosov would have clipped my toenails well for free.

      I'll have plenty to focus on at Christmas and I don't expect to become emotional but if I do, who fucking well cares. Maybe Auntie Andrew is not the hard nosed bitch he comes across as.

  15. Sometimes a low key holiday is best. Take care of yourself.

  16. You get to decide how you will celebrate Christmas, or not. I'm not a fan of Christmas myself. Always disappoints. People, especially family, are not as nice as they are in the movies:)

    1. Pixie, well the family really, and that's fine. I don't think there has ever been trouble on Christmas Day at a family event.

  17. As you know, I'm not a fussy Christmas person, but it's nice to have a couple of ornaments with important connections.

  18. Good to hear you have found your favourite Xmas ornaments. It will be a different and difficult time but with family by your side you will get through.

    1. Fun60, family will be very aware, and of course they will miss him too.

  19. I wrote a comment but I don't think it published. I like your decorations. They're plenty.

    1. It did disappear, Strayer. Yes, this year, less is more.

  20. It is good that you found snowman. I don't blame you for wanting to pass on putting a tree up but it is good to put a few things out, Andrew.

    1. Pat, to start with, no tree for artistic reasons, at the very least.

  21. Carlos is not in the mood for Christmas decorations this year and it seemed to come up so quickly that I agreed; plus, he has a surprise in store for us after the first of the year so that'll be Christmas.

    1. Bob, cosmetic surgery gift vouchers, so you too can look as ridiculous as so many do?

  22. I kept thinking that the little carousel looked familiar but for the life of me could not figure out why. I figured it out. I bought one just like it for my parent's tree. You could remove a minilight from the string of lights and plug it in, and it revolved. Does yours do that?

    1. Debby, you bought the upmarket model. Mine is the base model. I'd quite like one as you've described.

  23. My heart goes out to you once again. Hugs, my dear.


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