Thursday, January 16, 2025

Panto Fun

The panto was fun, Jo had a lot of lines to deliver as Cinderella and she was flawless. All the kiddies sat up the front on cushions and became quite involved in the performance, which is how panto is, along with dragging in older audience who seemed quite uncomfortable. True panto traditions upheld. I had a very nice lunch with Sister before hand at Zoo Cafe

It was a long drive there and back and I had time to ponder. 

I like when I find out a blogger's address, and using Street View, I can see where they live. In the infancy of Street View, I saw one blogger in her driveway, captured by the camera. 

So yes, I have stalking tendencies. But once I look at where they live, I am satisfied and quickly forget what I saw. 

Any amateur sleuth can find out a lot about me online, but I do try to protect my real name. I don't use my real name in social media, but as I said, any persistence can find out about me. Nevertheless, I respect other's privacy and I hope they do the same for me. 

What's on tomorrow? Brunch with my 'Dead in Bed' call mate neighbour. HH can really talk and I enjoy her company. I will continue to try to convince her that she is not poor and if her apartment feels hot, turn on her air conditioning. Her son does the same, advising her that she has plenty of money. I am trying to change from being a frugal person to a spending person, but it all seems too late, and I am trying to change HH's view of spending too.  

HH took this balloon photo one morning last week. There must be money in balloon flights. 


  1. Spending habits/convictions are very hard to change. We underspend here.
    Love that balloon shot. And yes there is money in ballooning but quite a lot of expenses too.
    Of course the panto was fun. And I am totally unsurprised that Jo was excellent.

    1. EC, yes, I am sure the costs are high, but I do think the profits are quite good too.

  2. Andrew, since I secretly installed a spy camera onto your computer I know more about you than you could imagine. Just send me all your spare cash in a plain brown envelope and I'll not spill the beans.

    1. JayCee, you are bluffing, but in case you aren't, I will send you a tenner to pay you off.

  3. I've been using my real name so long now that the cat is well out of the bag. Fortunately it's not an uncommon name so the stalkers may have trouble narrowing down which one is me. (Hint: I am not Steve Reed the UK environment minister.)

    For some reason, Google Street View skips the portion of our street that includes our house. This has been true the entire time we've lived here. I think there must be a legal reason for it -- and nothing to do with us -- but the fringe benefit is that we are not on street view.

    1. Steve, there is no real reason for me not to use my real name beyond I didn't want friends or family to find my blog, and I still don't. I am now much more circumspect about what I write online about friends and family, but still, if people dig back....

      Mr and Mrs Russia are clearly being protected for whatever reasons by governments. Were they spies? Defectors? MI6 plants?

  4. Joel taught me about privacy issues few years ago. It was too late by that time. I always want to get onto balloon flights across the city.

    1. Roentare, I am pleased I not easily identifiable. But it is not that I have much to hide. Let me guess? Do you have a significant birthday coming up? What a nice gift from Joel to give your a balloon flight for you both.

  5. Great that Jo did you all proud. Panto is very participatory, full of shouts and chants from the audience, and ancient dialogue -- he's BEHIND you! Oh no you didn't, oh yes I did. Etc. loads of fun. A lot of double entendres for adult consumption, too.

    1. Boud, the only thing lacking was the double entendres. Including them would have made it better still. Everything else was included.

  6. Oh no! Andrew!!!!! You know where I live!!! Next question...what are you going to do with that information?

    1. Debby, I sit on such info and bide my time until I need to use such information. Be careful, girlfriend.

  7. Boud beat me to it. Oh no she didn't Oh yes she did! Sounds like a lot of fun.
    I think I know your surname as facebook keeps suggesting we be friends and I know that face on the attached photo. There are a few other clues but I shall remain shtum.
    Please get HH to turn on her airconditioning. Life is too short and we can't take it with us etc etc.

    1. Aw Merlot? Can't we be Facebook friends? Respondez, silvo plate.
      HH is not stupid. She knows she has money. She is playing the martyr.

  8. Do people sit in those balloons in the sky??

    1. Hels, from my memory of my 50th birthday gift, you stand facing outwards, holding onto a padded bar? The edge of the basket? Whatever. Don' t wear your best hat for the flight, as it will be scorched by the gas burners over your head.

  9. Lol. I failed to take a note of the relevant surname before you removed the newspaper story. Stalking fail.

    1. MC, and with my name, you might have access to my criminal history. I am scared now.

  10. I like knowing where my friends live too, but I don't go to great lengths to find out. I like using Google earth to "fly" over the general area, I see some nice views that way. I've looked down at my own residence here, though I'm on the ground floor so can't really see it, just the roof tops. Street View would probably show me my front door. I never did bother to find out your real name.


    1. River, did my building look nice? Probably not. It is nicer inside. I was going to say, I don't know your surname either. But then yes, I do. Sorry, but I've never Googled you. An old newspaper article might pop up though.

    2. I haven't seen your building, I only know your suburb and that's quite large.

  11. I've looked up my own house on Google and it shows a view that's at least ten years old!

    1. Boud, I expect it was interesting to see how your home looked ten years ago, or maybe it hasn't changed.

    2. No ramps now, since the user died, different car, it's more cheerful now, I'd say. That was an awful time in our lives.

  12. Spend some money and keep some Andrew, when you get as old as I am it's not worth spending money for eg on a new kitchen because I probably wouldn't live long enough to enjoy it, well maybe.
    I'm pleased Jo did well in the Panto, my she has grown from a wee thing to a lovely teenager know doubt.
    The photo looks great.

    1. Yes Margaret. As I said about buying the new fridge, it will be the last one I buy. I may buy one more car yet to see me out.
      It has been an amazing experience for us to see Joanna become a young woman. Sister told me Jo gets sad at family gatherings where she is a very young cousin and a very old aunt. At family gatherings, she always had Ray as her backstop.

  13. Pantomimes - you have to go with it, despite your reservations. I'm glad Jo excelled - well done.
    I've got a very common name, which suits me as I'm very common!
    I love exploring through Google Earth. I could be a very effective stalker, I'm sure.

    1. My stalking skills exceed your attempt to disguise your real name. You cunningly added an extra letter to your name, but I now can reveal you are Janice Blogg. Now on to your maiden name.
      Err, you are looking at Google Earth?
      "Kosov, can you mop the balcony please."

  14. We can't take it with us. A balloon flight is still on my bucket list.

    1. You must take a balloon flight TP. I am so glad I did.

  15. I love to tour by google maps too. You know where I live! The last I street viewed my street there was my first next door neighbor in a yard, not his own, the only picture I had of him. He died.

    1. Lol Strayer. You were the one who I saw in your driveway, back view.

  16. That panto sounds fun.
    Surely most folk have a voyeuristic streak - and if they say not then they’re fibbin’ 😉
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I reckon so, Allison. It would be unnatural to not be curious.

  17. Andrew is not your real name? Sigh. What next? It's too much for me, so early in the morning:)
    My real name is not Pixie either, although my hair has a pixie cut, just coincidence. I used to blog under my real name but then my ex-husband was stalking me and my readers online, as well as my sister's family.
    I love looking at people's homes too. Our homes say things about us that we don't even realize. I especially love in the fall, when it's dark early but the weather is still nice, walking after dark you can see into people's homes. I'm a people watcher:)

    1. Pixie, it is my second name and aside from family and very long time friends, it is how I am generally known.
      I kind of guessed your real name is Myrtle and not Pixie.
      Dutch people like to keep their blinds open in dark evenings so people can see how clean and neat their homes are.

  18. Jo may become a famous actor in the future. I'm glad that the panto went well, Andrew.

    1. Pat, I said that to Sister, and she replied Jo probably doesn't have the svelte body to become a famous actress, which is pretty awful. She'll have to do it on sheer talent.


The rest of the Sunday

Ex Sis in Law invited me to visit their new rented home she and her husband have just moved into. I drove the fifty minutes Sunday afternoon...