Wednesday, January 15, 2025

My Day

After taking Phyllis and Kosov to the beach on Sunday, and then accompanying them to the Victoria Gardens shopping centre on Monday, I wanted a quiet day to myself.

Kosov was up early to meet a friend who works in the evenings, so Kosov was making the extreme sacrifice by getting up early to meet his friend. So Phyllis was up early too. I had hoped for a peaceful morning. Maybe it is better when they stay in bed until mid afternoon. 

I caught a tram to Prahran where I had my hair cut. I caught a tram to Toorak Road and another to South Yarra Station. On the Chapel Street tram were a neighbour couple, who greeted me. They left the tram at Toorak Road too but I don't know where they then went. 

At South Yarra displays indicated the next City Loop train would be in 15 minutes, odd when it is a 10 minute service, but I knew copper thieves had been at work and disrupted the train line. The City Loop train changed to one direct to Flinders Street, that did not suit me at all. I caught the next train to Flinders Street and then a tram up Elizabeth Street to Victoria Market. It was a minor issue for me, but truly awful for so many train passengers who were suffering a bus replacement service.

I walked back to Franklin Street to visit the marvellous Jaycar store. What a revelation. Staff helped with what I needed to repair tv plug tenant damage in their bedroom. 

I was feeling quite weary as I wandered in the direction of the William Street tram, and I spied a stationary bus displaying route 605, which will get me near home. It was eight minutes to departure and the driver was sitting in a passenger seat attending to matters of his phone. It was cool enough in the bus but every few minutes the bus engine started up, I guess to keep the air con working. While we now have all electric buses, this one was older that used battery storage to start off before switching over to the normal engine. I checked my phone and there was a message from Ex Sis in Law. We are at Armadale Station. Are you free to meet at Flinders Street Station for coffee? She had a client with her, who had changed a lot since I first met him. He barely speaks now, but listens, and then forgets.  He likes travelling on trains. 

That will be nice, although I was looking forward to going home. I pressed the next stop button on the bus for the Flinders Street stop, but I must have pressed it on an angle or something and it didn't work, and the bus didn't stop. I was carried to the other side of the river. Bugger! I could have walked back to Flinders Street and caught a tram to the station, but instead I just plodded along foot after foot, seeking shade where I could. It was good see Ex Sis in Law and catch up on family news. 

Once home, much later than I thought, it was peaceful as the lads were out. 

Meals on Wheels, Korean fried chicken for dinner wasn't too bad. 

Tomorrow, a 90 minute drive to lunch with Sister and then see Jo in panto as Cinderella. It sounds high camp to me, as panto should be. Jo made it into the local Murdoch rag in a puff piece. I don't think I have any bloggers now who were around in 2007 when Jo was born and the involvement we had with her as a baby, a toddler, and under 10 and then as happens when teenage years are reached, less contact with her. 


  1. Another very fine day, I enjoy your stories.

  2. It sounds like a good, but very tiring day.

  3. A very busy day but you did achieve a few things despite being exhausted. Hope you enjoyed the panto. I haven't been to one for a couple of years. Always good for a laugh.

  4. Is that your Jo in that photo? Such a pretty girl.
    I feel exhausted now after all those tram, bus and plodding foot journeys.

  5. That's a busy day. At least you know how to get around on trams, trains, and buses. Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow with your sister and Jo.

  6. Having a good relationship with oneself is the best thing to do alone. You had a mindful day to enjoy

  7. It's nice to have all those transit options available ... we don't have that in most places in the US!

  8. I smiled at your comment that it might be a more peaceful morning when Phyllis and Kosovo sleep until noon after all. Such characters they are.

  9. Brave lad but I'd be rashered. Just reading it I wanted to take a nap.

  10. What a lot of catching trains and trams and buses and walking. You got your exercise.

  11. I thought public transport was meant to make life easier.
    A good panto should be over the top camp. I hope this lives up to that.

  12. Well you had a fairly good day a train on the bus, meeting for coffee and no noise in your house...lovely when it's peaceful.

  13. I have vague memories of reading about toddler Jo I think and here she is a fully fledged young woman doing well in everything she tries.

  14. Copper thieves had been at work, disrupting the train line?? If anyone tried to destroy our train or tram lines, I would hope they would be gaoled for the rest of their lives. Go after the rich and famous cars, not the average working families who need to travel by our public transport.

  15. A very busy day. I bet you slept well!

  16. A busy day, for a quiet day off.

  17. I love a day out on my own, so I can see how this was fun for you -- even given the extra exercise when the bus didn't stop in time. :)


The rest of the Sunday

Ex Sis in Law invited me to visit their new rented home she and her husband have just moved into. I drove the fifty minutes Sunday afternoon...