Tuesday, January 14, 2025

A wee shower

Rain from a storm cloud fell on Melbourne last Sunday. I knew the weather wasn't looking good when I went out, so I was armed with a humberalla. 

I didn't really need the humberella, as I was eating a roast pork sandwich and drinking my, small long black coffee 2/3 full please, indoors as the 'monsoonal rains' fell. As I stepped outside, the rain was still falling but less so. I took photos and videos in Prahran.

One woman found an island.

Such downpours are quite unusual in Melbourne. I cleared a couple of non draining drains with my foot, my umbrella tip and a stick. That was fun.

Phyllis messaged me. Lordy, he is awake already at 12.30. Red bell pepper (he is a foreigner, so capsicum in my lingo) and spring onions if you can Andrew. Sure. 

I had been warned some special meal was afoot. By gosh, it was so nice. Scrambled eggs on sour dough toast, a beef sausage nicely cut up by Kosov, wilted mixed green leaves in garlic and yep, a butter sauce, with a homemade salmon patty topped with a garlic sauce. The effort they put in to cooking is extraordinary, with almost everything fresh and rarely anything commercially prepared beyond the very basics.


I generally forget my phone has a stylus. I pulled it out and noticed I could write on the screen without opening the phone. Phyllis insisted I add my own small A to the centre of the heart after I drew the initial image to show Phyllis and Kosov with a heart in between. "Take a screen shot, Andrewww', so I did. 


  1. Those guys are lovely! You'll have great health if they're cooking. Using ingredients, that's my style.

    1. Boud, they are certainly good cooks but I can't imagine them able to cook for many people at once. Too perfectionist.

  2. Here, where we need the rain we have had showers (incontinent pigeon rain, splat, splat and it is gone).
    The boys do their best to look after you which is lovely.

    1. EC, while very welcome, it wasn't good soaking rain.
      They are kind.

  3. I knew that heavy rain was coming. The golf had been cancelled and all the lads stayed at home, sulking :(

    1. Hels, and out of your way I hope when you were expecting some solitude.

  4. Ooh, lots of rain. Yours looks warmer than ours.
    Your meal looks pretty good. I am feeling hungry now.

    1. Probably a good bit warmer JayCee but certainly not tropical rain. warmth.

  5. That breakie is to die for! Kosovo is now your personal butler. The rain is too little in Bendigo. It barely wet my lawns

    1. Roentare, personal butler and scribe, as he writes for me too.

  6. Those boys are taking very good care of you...and that makes me smile.

    1. They are Debby, but it is a two way street. I am looking after them too. Not too many overseas students can live like they are.

    2. The three of you have made a nice little family 'unit'. It absolutely does go both ways.

  7. When I saw the title of this blogpost I got entirely the wrong idea. I am sure you know what a "golden shower" is. It involves wee. However, I am certainly not speaking from personal experience.

    1. Your sheer knowledge tells me something, YP. No, it is not golden raindrops viewed through sunshine. I never underestimate the desires of my fellow humans.

  8. I do love a good downpour if I don't have to be out init!

    1. Bob, yes. A good downpour is great to see, and it doesn't happen often here.

  9. I assume you all eat the same meal so as not to offend with garlic emissions.
    You are a bit of a softy, Andrew, but we won't tell.

    1. Merlot, we do eat the same meats and always with garlic. I smell it at times but its not bad. Yes, they are doing well out of me, but only up to a point. They must pay the rent, and then receive some back from my 'generosity'.

  10. Oh, wow, the water's quite deep in that video! Is Melbourne built on low ground, or is this just a case of overdevelopment, which can lead to flooding during a heavy rain?

    1. Kirk, it is quite flat and 20 metres above sea level. You are quite right about overdevelopment with the loss of absorbing grass and trees, with much more water needing to be drained. This will get worse.

  11. We have a downpour like that about once a year here. I see a lot of people will have to dry out their shoes after wading into the ankle deep water at intersections. If politicians had to wade through that there would be bigger and more effective storm drains quick smart!
    The meal looks lovely.

    1. River, it is so noticeable that in spite of large drains, the system cannot cope. The water drained away quickly. But it has flooded much worse at the same place in the past.

  12. That is all so sweet, but not the rain bit.

  13. Good of you to poke the drain and let it flow, half the problem with water not getting away are blocked drains. I saw where some cars were not welcome in the water whilst the little flooding was going on.
    You are spoilt and a stylus is a must for me with my phone.

    1. Margaret, it is fun to clear a drain and watch the water disappear. I don't use the stylus as I haven't found a reason to use it. They spoil me, I spoil them.

  14. The downpour is impressive. We have something like that once a year or so.
    Phyllis and Kosov are looking after you so well, Andrew. They're clearly very fond of you.

    1. JB, it about the same here. Once or twice a year, or not at all. In my older years I've realised how many different relationships there are in the world, and I have a relationship with Phyllis and Kosov.

  15. You are doing so well with your lodgers as they cook you sumptuous meals. That rain looks like what we get here. Soon you will be able to talk of endless rain and not endless sun! Thelma

    1. Thelma, back to sunshine today. The lads are good, and caring. But they are only 21 and still finding their way in life.

  16. I am so sorry to self-advertise, but my latest post is called "Migrants welcome to Australia - Bonegilla". My bloody blog is still showing my last post :(
    Perhaps you know how to fix it.

    1. Hels, it has come through on my rss feed, and shows normally as a blog post. I don't read your blog late at night but during the day, and in a relaxed manner.

  17. The boys are a nice addition to your days Andrew even if they overstep the line sometimes.

    1. Pat, frankly, they have been life changing, and challenged the way I think, and have lived my life.

  18. That is quite the rainstorm. Looks like Florida in the summer. I was amused to see some people go barefoot to cross the street, and others just plod on through, shoes and all.

    Your note for Phyllis and Kosov is cute. It's great those guys have been such good company for you.

    1. Steve, yes it happens here at times but not too often. I waited for the water to subside, which didn't take long.


The rest of the Sunday

Ex Sis in Law invited me to visit their new rented home she and her husband have just moved into. I drove the fifty minutes Sunday afternoon...