Sunday, December 15, 2024

Sunday Selections

Hello all. Today is Sunday Selections day so I am participating along with Elephant's Child, River and others. 

Let's start with the Sir McPherson Robertson fountain in the Domain. I've shown it before but it so gorgeous, I will publish my latest video.

Our Friend in Japan, who has moved back to Australia, then returned to Japan and is now on a cruise until sometime in March, and she will then return from Japan to Australia permanently. At some point I will post her terrific itinerary. I believe she gave us the cat magnet/tea towel holder but I don't know where the ladybird came from. 

Decorating tram stops to promote things has become more common. 

Trams with all over advertising look terrific, unless you are a passenger inside trying to see where your stop is. 

A delightful block of apartments, in South Yarra I think. The rooms within will be very large. 

Why did I take this photo? Was I communicating with someone who had a foot fetish? I can't remember. The weather must have been warm as I just have a sheet over me and the doona is pushed aside. While the rest of me falls apart, my feet are still ok. 


  1. Love the fountain and the cat magnet. You are right - those apartments do look good.
    And lucky you on the feet front. Mine are not good = and definitely not pretty.

    1. EC, my feet do look better since I began having pedicures.


  2. My fridge door is cluttered with too many magnets.

    1. Roentare, ours was once too but we rid it of all. I have to stop the lads slapping magnets on the fridge. I've allowed one of Singapore.

  3. Feet are often the first to go. You have done well.
    Isn't it great to see the old blocks of flats that haven't been bulldozed for modern monstrosities. As you say, the rooms would be large and airy unlike the matchbox sized offerings of today.

    1. Merlot, I haven't overused them. South Yarra is quite preserved, it seems. There is a very large two storey block under threat. I must check what is happening with that. Yes, they would be lovely inside.

  4. I love the curved corner on that apartment building and the little walk leading to the gate. So mysterious! Almost as mysterious as the picture of your feet!

    1. Debby, disappointingly no one has declared a foot fetish.

  5. That angle for the foot photo makes your legs look very long. Are you six feet tall?
    I tried to video our Victoria Square fountain, but people kept walking in front of me and then workmen came along to brush off the duck poop from the edges, so I gave up.
    "the rooms within will be very large": oh be still my yearning heart! I long for more space! I don't need a twenty room mansion, but just one extra room would be nice.

    1. River, I was 180 but I've shrunk to 178. So not quite 6', but I think my legs are on the longish side. I'm sure I've taken a photo of that fountain. Sometimes a photo is just not meant to be. If yo had an extra room, you would fill it with stuffs, unnecessary stuffs.

    2. No, I would just spread out what I have crowded in the lounge/dining room.

  6. Like the curved wall on that building. Not something you see too often.

    1. Not so unusual in art deco architecture Kirk, and fortunately not all of ours has been demolished...yet.

  7. Like the shape of that building. I often think the advertising on the trams/buses is a way of preventing graffiti. I am jealous of your feet. Mine are on their way out.

    1. Fun60, I haven't seen graffiti on any of our public transport exteriors for a long time. The advertising would certainly do as you suggest. Our trains aren't allowed to cover windows with advertising. You have overused your feet.

  8. A curved wall like the suggestion of a turret always interests me.
    Cool post. Nice to see faraway places, Andrew. I like the practical cat tea towel holder on your beautiful new refrigerator Thanks

    1. Cloudia, quite different to where you live. Do you have any historic areas or buildings?

  9. Certainly a lovely cat there on the fridge..the pathway is really nice and the fountain is gorgeous, Andrew.

    1. Thanks Margaret. I really do love the fountain and have sat there a number of times contemplating, especially during lockdown.

  10. Oh to live in the sun and be warm;) shivering here. Actually on the curved building I like the soft tone of the brick and of course the sound of running water. Very soothing.

    1. Thelma, see today's post. Maybe you will rethink. Thanks.

  11. Fountains are lovely - the sound of trickling water is very relaxing. I like your cat magnet - very elegant. South Yarra looks a pleasant area. I'd love to see inside the apartments.

    1. JB, I will see if I can make time to find the apartment building and some details.

  12. The foot photo, has a lot of depth and reflection, a glimpse into an ordered life.

    1. Ordered life TP? Yes, I suppose my life is just that.

  13. I love wet, splashy fountains when the temperature is in the 40s.

  14. Nice fountain, and yes, a great-looking apartment complex. I think your foot photo is more than I've ever seen of you! You seldom post pictures of yourself.

  15. Nice looking feet, Andrew. I like the water fountain sounds as you might would guess.

  16. I like the look of that apartment building. The old ones had such nice big rooms, Andrew.

    1. Pat, yes they do. Even the 60s and 70s flats built here were quite spacious.

  17. Thank you for the fun post. :D I wish you all the best.


Wake me up Maggie

The UK, Europe and Australia have magpies. I don't know about the rest of the world.  However the Australian magpie is very different to...