Monday, December 16, 2024

Monday Mural

The temperature forecast for tomorrow is 41/109, and in the north of the state, 46/115, and unfortunately I have an appointment in Footscray to rewrite my will, such an easy place to get to by tram and train, but oh the heat. Trains have effective air conditioning and I know which trams have air con. I could drive in cool comfort of my motor car but I don't know the roads and where would I park? I know the tram and train better and even though I will be exposed to some heat, it will be less stressful. 

Kosov wanted to come with me, to look after the old man in heat and had chosen a colourful umbrella to shade me, but I told him to stay home and accept my meals on wheels delivery. 

On to the mural, like Sami does, or maybe not is she is perhaps travelling, although I don't know what I will show this week? But wait.

These seem appropriate as India and Australia battle it out in a test cricket matches. Our Indian immigrants turn on my country they profess to love and barrack for India. Test matches are played in some smaller capital cities but culminate at Melbourne's Cricket Ground, the MCG,  beginning with the Boxing Day test. A friend will be there on the first day, and Sister and Bone Doctor on the second day.


  1. Entirely appropriate for the season. Which I will not watch. Stay as cool as you can. We will be hot here, but not (thankfully) as hot as that.

    1. As I noted EC. I keep an eye on your weather when things are extreme.

  2. Stay cool if possible. It's hard in this hemisphere to remember midsummer heat.

    1. Boud, if your weather is like that of New York, I feel bad for you in the summer humidity. Our very hot days are dry heat, easier to deal with.

    2. I'm about a hour from New York, so yes, humidity is a summer feature here.

  3. You are reminding me to do my will again too. I will be in north Victoria doing my nursing home rounds. Tragic. You take care

    1. Roentare, like my appointment, your duties for today were badly timed.

  4. It will be hot here, too, but not as hot as you. When Phyllis returns will it be two against one and the Indians will win?

    1. I do think you should have taken Kosov's offer to be sheltered with a colourful umbrella, though.

    2. They may win, Merlot, but what? As it was, the skies were overcast so I need no sunshade beyond a hat.

    3. PS, a cool change has just arrived. Yours is coming.

  5. Good on you.
    Rewriting the will isn't a pleasant experience, is it? I have been putting it off for a couple of months now but with diseases, violence and large accidents, delaying it longer sounds irresponsible.

    1. Hels, it was a pure balance of fairness, and I think I got it right.

  6. I keep forgetting you're in the midst of Summer there, while we fight the cold up here!

    1. Bob, yes. We have to use our memories of cold and heat.

  7. We've discussed rewriting our wills. It's not a fun project. Stay cool, my dear.

    1. Darla, if it needed, you should do it. In my experience there can be disagreements but eventually you sort it out to work for everyone. Of course this time I made my own will, the way I wanted and I thought fair.

  8. Oh gosh on that heat. I used to play a brand of cricket in Ireland when I was young. Called rounders. Loved it. Still prefer it to that bastardized baseball which is far too slow for me.

    1. WWW, we played rounders at school. Was it with a table tennis shaped solid bat?

  9. 109? 115? Make sure you don't get heat stroke walking to the tram station!

    1. Kirk, it would be ironic but better if I died on the way home after making my will.

  10. I heard something on the news about some hate slandering at the matches? I always thought we don't do that sort of thing here, but times have changed and apparently we do now.
    It's wrong, so STOP IT!!

    1. River, I've only heard about the poor choice of words my an English cricket commentator, for which she apologised. I'm sure slander used to be horrendous on sporting fields in the past.

  11. Oh my word. I cannot imagine that heat! I'm not sure that Kosov's umbrella would have done much good.

    1. Debby, no help at all, and it turned out to be overcast, though still very hot.

  12. Well that is a very hot day, Andrew. 30 deg C here at the moment, probably start to cool off now a little.
    Hope you got on ok 'changing your will'.
    Australian Indians barracking for India in Australia, of course they would, but!

    1. Margaret, its unusual to have such temperature differences between your city and mine. Yes, the woman who I saw was competent and friendly. I felt stressed though and gave her so much wrong information to begin with. Our local Indians do at least respect Australian cricketers, as white people respect Indian cricketers.

  13. Cancel the appointment, I say. It's just not worth it

    1. Kylie, I considered that once I heard the early forecast, but I've waited long enough, and it was ok.

  14. I like cricket but the test matches are a bit slow. Don't mind watching the daily highlights though. Ah yes, a new will. A project for 2025.

    1. Fun60, some Test matches draw huge crowds but not all. Do get the spelling of my name correct when you are writing your new will.

  15. We shall be watching the heat, thankful that we don't have to withstand the heat.

    1. JB, no fire disasters at least, well not yet.

  16. Nice mural, just in time for the cricket season. We had a heat wave last week, then from Saturday to today it got cooler, but from tomorrow going up again culminating in 40C on Sunday! I'll be off from Friday so won't feel that heat. Keep cool Andrew. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

    1. Sami, I think Australia has already played India in Perth, with good crowds. A cool change has just come through.

  17. Have you ever been a cricketer yourself Andrew? I imagine you fielding at silly mid-on and filling your box with spray cream when sent out to bat.

    1. Silly mid-on sounds right for me YP. I don't have to actually do anything there, according to my extensive research. Spray cream in my box??? That sounds a bit weird but I am interested to learn more.

    2. It would cushion the blow when struck by a yorker!

  18. Stay cool the best you can. I wish there was an explanation of how cricket is played, for those of us who grew up without it. Rugby is much easier to understand (and fun to watch.)

    1. I have a vague understanding of cricket TP, but I'm not really interest. I have no idea about thugby at all and it looks horribly rough. Golf scoring has been explained to me a number of times, yet I recall nothing.

  19. I can never figure out the rules for cricket but it certainly is popular around the world.

    1. Pat, and it is usually played with good will.

  20. Bonitos murales, muy deportivos.
    Que tengas un buen día.

  21. Bonitos murales muy deportivos.
    Que tengas un excelente día.

  22. I just can't get excited about cricket. Or any team sport, really.


Wake me up Maggie

The UK, Europe and Australia have magpies. I don't know about the rest of the world.  However the Australian magpie is very different to...