Tuesday, November 5, 2024

I is a fashionista

I was kind of aware of a woman sitting nearby on her own when I brunched with Gazza. I thought she was going to give us tea and sympathy about our coffee in paper cups when she approached us as she was leaving. 

But no. She said, I saw you two guys arrive and noticed you at times and you both look so stylishly dressed. WTF?

You would never think Gazza was gay by the way he normally dresses, but this day he was wearing a deerstalker tweedy kind of cap. His jacket was was a bit canvas looking, and quite nice. Instead of his usual baggy blue jeans, he was some kind of black pants. I didn't notice his shoes.

I was wearing my usual slim fit black Levi jeans, a collared dark blue and white fine checked shirt over a black tee with my dark blue Sketchers pull on shoes, and to brag, my designed in Italy, and made from New Zealand wool and French linen made somewhere or t'other Rodd and Gunn jacket. Since my scalp melanoma surgery, I wear either a Puma baseball cap or dark blue brimmed faux straw hat. I was wearing the latter. Phyllis has repainted my right hand small fingernail with glossy black nail polish. Apparently I can answer if questioned about my black nail, it marks my support for the empowerment of women, so that's ok with me. 

This woman just went on and on about how stylish we looked. Again, WTF? This is how I dress every day. She was visiting Melbourne with her children and they had visited to see Cold Play perform. She was an attractive woman in her forties, nicely dressed too, but without the Melbourne black clothing look. 

She was visiting from Rockhampton, in Queensland.  Gazza said to me, that explains it, meaning she did not have good taste if she thought we were fashionable. I said to the woman, You've truly made my day, thank you. She was quite lovely. I wonder if she noticed my black fingernail. I doubt it from her angle.

Truthfully, I like my little fingernail painted in high gloss black because it looks pretty. Gazza and I decided we are fashionistas. 

Back in town the next day I bought my new wallet. Meat is so expensive and apparently so is animal hide to make wallets. It was only two years ago when Ray bought me a new wallet for my birthday and it was nice, but the pocket for the notes was too small. I messaged Gazza that I was buying a new wallet suitable for a fashionista. For some reason I decided I needed a new wallet and I had a $10 credit to use. The wallet, the only one I could a could find to suit me, was priced at $80. Many wallets were locked in display cases. I waited for quite a while to find staff to open one case. Lordy, these wallets are costing three figures. Back to my original choice and I took it to the counter to pay.

A brief wait for for the person in front of me to finish their transaction. My $10 credit was applied to the $80 price, and the register showed I owed $80. My simple mind doesn't go much beyond adding 2+2 equals 4. Yes, I'm sure that is correct and a wallet for sale at $80 less a $10 discount should not equal $80. I pointed this out to staff, who immediately replied that my wallet was not discounted because the sales only applied to other brands. 

Now, I was getting clarity of thought. Staff is missing the point. $80 less $10 does not equal $80. That is not too hard. 'Ah', staff confessed. 'I see your point. I will reverse the transaction. My apologies'. Except she couldn't and asked other staff to help, and they could not. Neither was authorised to do so because the discount had already been applied. The floor manager was called and she fixed the problem. 

Start the process again. Hey, now I only owe $10. Sadly staff picked this up, cancelled the transaction and tried again, and still I only owed $10. History repeated itself one more time. Call the floor manager again, but a different one who is authorised to fix problems, the one who had earlier opened the glass case for me. 

She did finally fix the problem, and after me being there for over fifteen minutes trying to pay for my new wallet, gave me discount of 10%. So the $80 wallet cost me about $61 and rather a lot of time. A small paper carry bag was given to me for free as well. 

It was frustrating for a retired person who is so busy being retired, but no floor staff were to blame for a system failure. 

My new wallet is good but blocks my public transport card being read by readers. I have to take it out of my wallet. I will work on this. 

Btw, Phyllis cooked me a Railway Curry tonight and it was delicious. During the times of the Raj, it was served to train travellers en route. And my Aged Care meals were delivered too, to my door. The lass was patient as I filled in my next order. She brought a form for my following order so I can slowly review what is on offer. The food looks good. More on that after I've eaten some. 


  1. I needed a photo of you two stylish gents!

    1. Bob, I shall remain enigmatic but I must have gotten something right.

  2. Excuse my chutzpah here.
    It is important that men dress attractively and cleanly, if they want to be taken seriously. There is no need for a suit and tie, but there is a need for fresh breath, deodorant and a fresh shirt or jumper.

    1. I agree Hels. Just a bit of thought into your appearance goes a long way, and don't be a slob.

  3. I am not a fashionista. Clean and comfortable is my rule. I like that other people are though.
    And am glad that you have quite a wide choice of meals. How long does your nail polish last before getting chipped?

    1. EC, I dress comfortably for me, and I only change my clothing look from long sleeved in winter to short sleeved in summer. I keep putting my puffer away, but then I have to get it out again. Surely now it can stay in the wardrobe until March or April. My nail polish is kind of chipped at the end now, perhaps where it hits a keyboard key, but it must be good quality, as it has lasted well.

  4. Look at you, you fashionista, complete with painted nail:) It's always nice to get a compliment.
    I could not have dealt with that rigmorale with the wallet, not for any amount of money. I would have just walked out.

    1. Pixie, it is nice to receive a compliment. I thought when buying the wallet, it will all be done in a minute or two, and then another minute or two and it just stretched out.

  5. Somehow I always imagined you as a dapper chap. Fashionista indeed.
    That was a lot of hard work for your $10 credit. I would have just given up.

    1. JayCee, I make an effort but I am old. A reasonably well dressed fossil.

  6. She was very complimentary, wasn't she? You should give yourselves a pat on the back.

    1. JB, I've experienced incidents of people who are on their own wanting to engage in conversation, and at times I indulge them, but I am more for pointing to the ear buds in my ears.

  7. So, now I know a fashionista! We're going to need pictures. Featuring the black nail.

    1. Boud, I paid about $60 to have the jacket sleeves shortened, so that it shows the right amount of sleeve length. That did involve moving sleeve buttons. It sits perfectly now, so I should take a photo of the sleeve and my black fingernail.

  8. So the meals on wheels food standard has improved

    1. I've had one now Roentare and it was very good.

  9. I feel so common in the presence of a fashionista of your caliber.

    1. Strayer, it may look a little weird while cat trapping, but you could buy a nice skirt and matching jacket, with a blouse at a charity shop. Black minimally heeled shoes would be fine. A nice handbag, and you are there...but would you feel comfortable? I feel comfortable with what I wear, black jeans and a collared shirt.

    2. I was at a friends place once, who has tons of clothes, my size too, and I dressed up to the hilt in some of her clothes and we went out. That was incredibly fun. Her shoes didn't fit me though, but she had some toeless ones I got by with.

  10. I agree, we need pictures of you in your fashionista glory! At least with all the angst of wallet buying you got a discount. I would like to try a travel curry, hope your senior meals are yummy.

    1. Deb, don't hold your breath. My profile photo is the best you'll get. The curry was good, and now, the first senior meal of roast lamb was good.

  11. I can only go by your prose, but you sound stylish to me.

    1. Kirk, I don't think I am but I think long after Ray found me less sexually stimulating as I aged, he liked the way I presented myself.

  12. How nice to be complimented. I haven't been "slim fit" size since about 2005. I am glad you were patient while getting the wallet kerfuffle sorted. Have you thought about a separate folder for your transport card? I have one which lives in my jacket pocket during winter and in the front pocket of my handbag or backpack in summer. Easy to find and have ready when boarding. You won't catch me being one of those people who board and then start searching for their pass while holding up others behind them.

    1. River, my lower body maybe slim fit but my upper body isn't. I try to disguise that. I have thought about a separate folder for my Myki, but I think I've worked out the right placement in my new wallet now. Here many people will sit down and claim their tram seat, and then get up to touch on their card.

  13. I find myself now feeling the need to dress myself stylishly before I come here to read your blog. In my defense, I was a bit stylish earlier today. However now, I'm in my favorite fuzzy night gown. Which is not stylish at all, but is wonderfully cozy.

    1. Lol Debby. Fuzzy night gown over pyjamas perhaps. So sexy.

    2. I am sure you are my dear. Now rest up and you'll clear you mind as you sleep.

  14. Nice to be complimented on the way you were dressed. I think it makes people smile and feel better. I enjoy dressing well when I go out, sadly 4 days a week I wear a navy uniform which I'm sick of! I wish I could wear bright colours, but I always wear one of my many scarves in winter and necklaces in summer to brighten it up!

    1. Sami, I always thought of you as being a nice dresser. Hey, I've seen the photos. I know. If the navy uniform has a sharp cut, I think I would like it.

  15. Well I think it was lovely of the lady to comment on your nice clothes. Don't often see people dressed nicely these days.
    What a mess buying your wallet, but in the end you got it a fair bit cheaper.

    1. Margaret, it was so nice. On the odd occasion I have complimented someone, usually with, 'You have a great look'. Now I think about it, I will do it more often. Women can so often look nicely dressed and men can have great looks.

  16. It is unlikely that I will come back to "From the High Rise" as I dislike fashionistas. Men are born to be scruffy buggers just like me. Clothes are an irritating necessity except when I am an on a nudist beast swinging my baseball bat.

    At the wallet shop, you should have charged them for your wasted time.

    1. I'm a scruffy too, most of my clothes are easily five or ten years old and I don't even own a dress.

    2. YP, a little style doesn't go amiss, what you wear. The shop did pay me $9 for fifteen minutes waiting time, that's $36 an hour....not bad.

    3. River, most of my clothes are quite old. No dress at all? Family will have to buy one to dress you for your coffin.

  17. How nice that the lady complimented you both and I loved the line Phyllis has suggested you use if questioned about your polished nail.
    A new leather wallet or purse, mmmm, I adore the aroma. Yes they are expensive but worth it - however your experience trying to buy the thing beggars belief, how can this sort of thing happen so often in these days of high tech? I'm glad you got a further discount.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Actually, someone else mentioned that to me Alison, and I followed it up and while black fingernails can mean many things, that is one.

  18. Well it is good to be called a fashionista, something I will never aspire to but what the hell ;)

    1. Thelma, I don't think I am anything like that. My clothes are old but quite good too. I have a semi permanent look that I think works for me.

  19. You're probably much more attentive to clothing than any of the men in that woman's life! Which makes you a fashionista of sorts. I haven't heard the thing about a black fingernail representing empowerment of women. The wallet saga -- good lord! I imagine you had to exercise some serious patience with all that going on!

    1. Steve, yes. I would present much better than straight men of my age. The puzzlement about the paying for the wallet did initially amuse me but it did go on for a bit too long.


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