Monday, November 4, 2024

Monday Mural

I'm joining with Sami and others for Monday Mural. 

I visited VicRoads in Carlton to change my car ownership to me, rather than Ray, and apply my pensioner concession. I paid for the car anyway. It should be in my name. I lunched at Brunetti's in Lygon Street and chose the pensioner special of four different arancini balls. all sitting in a nice sauce, and of course coffee. Terrific.

On the walk back to get a tram home, I spotted this laneway mural. What a shame it has been defaced. 


  1. Some people cannot resist spoiling things. Such a shame.

    1. Agreed. What’s the personal benefit of being destructive?

  2. I am glad you enjoyed your lunch. I would have liked to see that mural before the taggers got to it.

  3. Mmmm...nice lunch.
    Why would someone want to deface that mural? I am sure I have seen it before somehow so luckily it would have been whilst it was still pristine.

  4. It would have been a great mural lane to visit!

  5. I loved Lyon St during the 1960s when at Melbourne University, but Brunetti's hadn't opened yet. It soon turned into everyone's favourite Italian eatery.

  6. Even defaced, I like the sight of that green man (or alien, or demon, etc.)

    1. Someone is being portrayed as Shrek, but I can't figure out what it means. Andrew? Any clue?

    2. Any help??

    3. It sure is JayCee and how good did it look when just painted.

  7. Those defacers should be ashamed. Why was the car not in your name since you paid for it? I love arancini balls and see them in the freezer section at the supermarkets, but haven't bought any in yonks. I'm trying to not use the oven these days (electricity $$$), wonder if I could thaw some and fry them?

    1. River, we had our own cars each. When I retired I gave my car to Ex Sis in Law, leaving only Ray's car in his name. There was no need to change anything back then. I reckon you could fry them. I am astonished at how much power my oven uses.

  8. Looks a lovely mural till someone came along and messed with it unfortunately. I sometimes wonder what the actual artist who painted the mural must think of they scoundrels, Andrew.

  9. I like arancini too. What a pity the murals the murals have been defaced. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Andrew.

  10. You wonder why…..why do they do it?

  11. There are always youngsters who have to scribble over something beautiful !

  12. Glad you're getting it done. And yes, a shame about defacement anywhere but especially on Art. I have to say I'm extremely impressed by the considerations given to pensioners! Sounds as if restaurants routinely offer specials for us More commonly than here. Have a beautiful week my Friend, aloha!

  13. Why would someone deface that mural? It always amazes me how awful some people can be.

  14. The mural probably went over someone's tags and they were mad.



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