Thursday, October 17, 2024

Me birfdy

My birthday was Monday and Phyllis and Kosov made a delicious meal of spicy chicken drumsticks and a version of fried rice. They also bought a stunning birthday cake and while I am not a fan of chocolate cake, it was terrific. It was a bit mousse like with hard chocolate atop. 

In appreciation, I made a magnanimous offer, that Kosov is welcome to stay overnight as often as he wants. Yeah, well, he hasn't been to his home since. He is a nice young man and him staying now has little impact on me. He is polite, friendly and helpful. Neither Phyllis or Kosov use the living area when I am here. I watch my tv, listen to my radio and sit here typing, just as I have for a couple of decades. I'll get back to this.

Tuesday night, the evening after my birthday we had drinks and nibbles here. I know what an effort Ray would have gone to and how stylish his presentation would have been, but I just did my best. Ray would not have approved. I realised I have donated away dishes that could be used to serve dips, along with a nice correctly sized platter for the dry biscuits.

You could say it was a very mixed group, myself, Phyllis, Kosov, my neighbour H, Our Friend in Japan and our Hairdresser Friend. We crossed the road to our very nice local Thai restaurant where I had booked, and had a nice meal and very good chat considering we were four pretty well over sixty white people in the company of two male 21 year old Indian lads who have been in Australia for only a year or so. Neighbour H made a special effort to engage with them, well she was sitting opposite them. 

After dinner, back home we ate more of the chocolate birthday cake. 

Someone who wasn't here said it might be a sad birthday for me, the first without Ray, and of course that was in my mind, but it wasn't. I must do something right in life to have such kind people around me.

Getting back to saying Kosov could stay freely, I used the analogy to them both of one of my work experiences when I asked a public transport security officer about how he wakes up drunks on trams when trams were returning to their depots, and so the person had to be off the tram.

He said, you go in hard and aggressively wake them, shaking them if you have to. You present as a powerful and authoritative law enforcement person. Once they are awake and seem fine, then you switch to being Mr Nice Guy and try to help them to get to where they to need to go.

That is what I did with Phyllis and Kosov. Once I grasped that they are good guys and not out to take advantage of grieving old widower, I've given them some slack. 

Mind, the next morning when I arose, the living area was stinking hot, with the heating setting raised from 20 to the maximum of 28. Apparently Phyliss stayed up until 4am and forgot to turn the heating off and the temperature setting down. Had he had done so, I might never have known, except I would have because I monitor my home's electricity consumption and mein gott, you should have seen the power spike from 1am to 7am when I got up and turned the heating off. I showed Phyllis the power consumption graph two days later and I don't expect that will happen again. 

Don't look at the fine print.

The height of fashion I suppose.

The Brunetti cake box reminds of our visit to the The Grand Hotel in Brighton with Fun60, where we took our left over food back to London by train. I managed to fit mine into my backpack and so was not embarrassed by The Grand Hotel food cardboard boxes. 

Things I don't understand appear in The Highrise. I mucked up the stylish shell arrangement by having to use the printer. You would not believe the story behind the shells, that involves sex, pain and a young woman's libido. Do not worry. Phyllis gave her counselling at a nearby beach as they collected shells. Ok, you are such sticky beaks. She likes the guy more than he likes her. They have sex often, which causes her pain and bleeding at times but she really enjoys the sex and doesn't want it to stop. Racial difference doesn't seem to apply when it comes to sex. 

My dinner, so nice. 

I was given a badge too.

The fabulous cake. 

Even the card envelope was special.


  1. A very happy belated birthday to you. It is lovely that so many people were happy to celebrate you and with you.
    And yes, you are indeed a softy.

    1. Thanks EC. Phone calls and messages from others too. I feel cared about.

  2. Glad you enjoyed your birthday celebrations and that it was a happy occasion. I would have been happy too with that cake!!!

    1. JayCee, I can't even guess at the cost of the cake and it was just so nice. It was a nice evening.

  3. Happy belated Birthday Andrew. The boys and you seem to be getting along well which is good for everyone.
    But that young woman who has pain and bleeding after sex, that's just not supposed to happen. She should see a doctor. I hope she's using a condom because that is high risk sex.

    1. Thanks Pixie. Yes, I know about what you say and sex, but is not up to me to intervene. I offered my opinion to Phyllis, along the lines of what you said.

  4. Oh my, that cake looks amazing. Sounds like a lovely birthday celebration, one well-deserved!!!
    Wishing you many more journeys around the sun!

    1. Thanks Damselfly. It was nice to feel cared about.

  5. Happy birthday, Andrew. Keep positive. It must be hard on your own, even with good people around.

    1. Tasker, the elephant is always in the room, but life goes on. Thank you.

  6. What a fun birthday! They seem very thoughtful young folk, not all are.

    1. Deb, they are and I am rather surprised at how well it has worked out.

  7. I think the boundaries you had previously established with Phyllis and Kosov were about right. There was no need to cut them more slack - just because you were glowing with joyful gratitude.

    Anyway, belated birthday greetings Andrew. 67 seems young to me.

    1. YP, thank you. I knew some readers would think what you suggest and perhaps someone would mention it. In a way it is about gratitude, because I enjoy their liveliness, their mucking around, the full blown kitchen activity, and they make me laugh. I like having Kosov here too, so there you go. It is working for me, no matter what it might look like to outsiders. The senior ladies who met them also thought they were nice.

  8. Your chocolate birthday cake looks amazing. I have never baked even simple cakes so I am super impressed with an elaborately decorated professional piece of work.

    1. Hels, while I can bake a cake, I can't decorate one at all, beyond laying out half almonds on the top of a Christmas cake.

  9. Happy birthday and many more. You have good friends, I'm glad to see.

    1. Boud, at times I think I need more friends than perhaps five, but generally I am content with who I have in my life. Thanks for good wishes.

  10. That is a very good celebration of your birthday. I let mine slip usually

    1. Roentare, that was my intention, but there was a push for gathering.

  11. What a fun day; good friends and good food! Happy [fine print] Birthday!

    1. Thanks Bob. YP in his comment clearly did not have his glasses on when looked at the fine print.

  12. I think you have struck gold with Phyllis and Kosov as, indeed, have they with you. What a thoughtful celebration for your birthday (you spring chicken you, you are a year younger than I).

    1. Merlot, the Gayshare experience has become way beyond my expectations. Our birthdates aren't quite a full year apart are they? Just months?

  13. A belated happy birthday. Cake looks delicious. As for the seashells. sounds like Phyllis is allowing herself, but I guess as long as it's consensual, so be it.

    1. Kirk, who knows what young people think and do. I try not to have an old man brain about such things.

  14. Happy birthday, Andrew. I would venture to say that you find kindness in this world because that's what you put out into the world.

  15. Belated happy birthday, Andrew; you're doing well!

    1. Thanks Jan. I hope you and M are doing well.

  16. Happy Birthday for last Monday Andrew. What a wonderful birthday you have described, seems you had a wonderful time.
    Your two new friends are spoiling you, but isn't that so lovely.

    1. Margaret, I do feel spoilt and it is lovely.

  17. Happy birthday, Andrew!
    You were well celebrated. Is Kosov going to pay rent now?
    And yes, sex that causes pain and bleeding isn't right unless that's her kink. That girl needs to move on

    1. Thanks Kylie. Kosov will have to contribute more, like take the recycling to the basement, which he has done already, and a few other things, but no. Aside from showering at times, he costs me nothing more.
      I don't think it is her kink, or she would not have mentioned it. I've had clarity of thought. The old instinct was he is using her for sex, but a more modern and realistic interpretation is, they are both using each other for sex, and that's fine as long as it lasts.

  18. Happy birthday! You had a lovely celebration with people who enjoy your company. The cake looks luscious!

    1. JB, thank you. I cannot deny, it does feel nice to be cared about, in day to day life and here too.

  19. Happy Birthday! If you'd said something earlier I would have said it on the right day, but what's done is done and can't be undone, or something. Anyway, your meal and cake looks like you have people around who care.

    1. River, and sent me a card and a nice gift if I announced my birthday in advance? Thank you, and it was nice to among caring people.

  20. Here i am- late to the party as usual - but full of good wishes for many more trips round the sun for you. You’ve struck lucky with your choice of housemates haven’t you. They are bringing you joy at this saddest of times. Love the Birthday Boy Badge!


Me birfdy

My birthday was Monday and Phyllis and Kosov made a delicious meal of spicy chicken drumsticks and a version of fried rice. They also bought...