Friday, October 4, 2024

Friday Funnies

I've never quite learnt the definition of memes and I can't be bothered, but I think these are memes? I've gathered them from different sources over time, as they appealed to me. 

This went down a treat when I quoted it to Sister, not. 

Oh yes. Yes indeed.

I'm learning a stronger combination of words from Phyllis. 

Yes but don't as your first instinct may not be correct.

Aww...too far? 


  1. all of these...especially that last one 😁

  2. Big smiles - particularly at the second. Which sums my boring self up all too well.

  3. Roared with laughter at that last one.

  4. Hello,
    The 2nd one is very interesting.
    So much of childhood is just wonderful and we never realised it then.
    I just came across your blog in the comments of a different one :)

  5. OMG, that last one was the best!


Friday Funnies

I've never quite learnt the definition of memes and I can't be bothered, but I think these are memes? I've gathered them from di...