Thursday, October 3, 2024

Water and War

I listened to the podcast linked below and if our ABC is similar to the BBC, you should be able to listen to it anywhere. The podcast is is made by the RN radio programme Rear Vision and discusses the disastrous privatisation of the water and sewerage system in I think, England and Wales. I am not sure about the other countries in Great Britain. 

The privatisation was initiated by late Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (she without empathy) and has been an utter disgrace, so if you want your blood to boil in fury about sewerage flowing into fresh water and governmental permission to rip off the people of the aforesaid countries, take half an hour to listen to the podcast. It is very enlightening. 

Sadly ABC no longer allows direct downloading as it wants everyone to use the ABC app, which I believe you can use overseas. You can listen online though.

In other matters, for months the Australian government has been warning its citizens against visiting the Middle East and over the past several weeks, it has been urging Australians to return to Australia before things really kick off in area. Well, it seems kicking off is pretty close to being underway. 

Now the government is talking about emergency evacuation flights and ferries. If my government was urging me to return home, I damn well would have at the first serious warning, promptly. I suppose there are some citizens of Australia in the Middle East who would be reluctant to uproot their established lives there, but at least they know the situation and can make educated judgements. Wouldn't it to be better to be safe than sorry? I do not like the idea of Australians or anyone being put at risk to evacuate those who were too stubborn and could now be screaming help. Of course down the track our government will receive bad press, by leaving all those, 'innocent and desperate people overseas who are innocently caught up in a war'. 

Yes, I am in a bit of a grump tonight. 


  1. Privatisation of essential services never serves the population well. Never, ever.
    And a big yes to your final rant as well.
    I seem to be stuck in grumpy mode at the moment. On so many fronts.

  2. I think we all have reason to be grumpy right now.

  3. Sorry to admit it, but there are times I wish for ignorant bliss. ~sigh~ The worldwide suffering, both natural and manmade, makes my heart and soul ache. Best wishes, my dear.

  4. Good on your government for doing emergency evacs and trying to get their folks out. I'd be the first one on the plane.

  5. There are Australian citizens who choose to live in Lebanon when they retire , they take their pension benefits with them which they are entitled to , and rejoin their extended families . Their hearts are there and I suspect they won’t leave because they look after their elderly.
    Holidaymakers have been told numerous times to leave and they should have . We should not be paying for their return .
    I just wish it would all stop , I suspect we all have friends from all of these groups and so we all worry .
    The conflict never ceases in the Middle East and it seems there is no solution
    I hate the violent protests and the intimidation we see happening in Australia . Protest in peace for an end to the conflict and leave the horses alone!


Water and War

I listened to the podcast linked below and if our ABC is similar to the BBC, you should be able to listen to it anywhere. The podcast is is ...