Monday, February 20, 2023

Monday Mural

Joining with Sami and others for Monday Mural.

I've posted photos of this terrific mural before but it was a long time ago. It has been very disrespected and is mostly only visible from inside a clothing shop at Spencer StreetSo Cross Southern Cross Station. Part of it is visible in the shop next to where I took this photo. I just love it but it is hard to photograph with the lighting getting in the way. At least you get an idea of the mural in these photos. It is very wide and while this is only part of it, the rest is quite similar. This link has outdated information but tells you what you need to know about the mural. 


  1. This is a gorgeous mural. Really love the finesse involved in this. I will check if this is still there!

    1. Roentare, the photos were taken maybe three weeks ago. I am sure it will be there. See if you can do better with cameras and skills.

  2. Every time we talk about a ‘trip to the city’ I mention this…’s right on the station’s doorstep- but we never get there. One day….when we find the right door to go through ( or shop to go into). Thanks for reminding me

    1. Cathy, I knew roughly where it was and found it again. Savour it when you eventually see it.

  3. It must have taken endless time to research and plan all the details. Imagine not being able to see it properly now :(

  4. What a criminal shame that something so intricate and interesting cannot be easily seen. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    1. Caro, a bit like Mirka Mora's mural at Flinders Street Station. A quarter of it disappeared when Clocks was built.

  5. Thank you for sharing.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. How interesting a lot of work in that one.

    1. Margaret, I believe the artist was paid, but yes, so much work in it.

  7. It's a very nice mural, I could stand and look at it for more than a minute I'm sure. There's so much to see in it.

    1. River, standing and looking at it in detail was something I failed to do. Next time.

  8. Wow, that's more a painting then a mural !

  9. I wonder if that was painted on sight or off site and assembled.

    1. TP, I think on site. If it was assembled, it could have been moved to a better location.

  10. That wonderful mural deserves to be viewed more easily. This obvious point should have been taken on board in relation to the development of the shopping centre. I should like to see Harold Freedman's fire brigade mosaic so could you please cover that one soon.
    P.S. I did say the magic word!

    1. YP, you know art comes after commercial profits. I have shown the fire brigade mosaic but a long time ago. Time for a new photo then.

    2. I thought you would have done but of course your old blog was deleted because of rude pictures and vulgar words so I cannot look back and find it.

  11. Wow, quite a lot to see in that huge mural. What a pity it's not in a more visible place. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Andrew

    1. Indeed Sami. To think there was once a viewing platform to see it.

  12. How sad that we are unable to appreciate this incredible mural that must have taken forever to create. It's a real beauty, even though it looks washed out due to the lights in front of it. Still, it is an absolutely stunning mural and great photos of part of it.

    1. B & L, if it was on proper display, I would guess it would have been touched up if it was faded. I can't see it ever being on proper display unless there is a massive renovation of the shopping centre.

  13. Wow! I'm forever saddened by human callousness. It does always come down to money, doesn't it? We have a saying for almost any question: Follow the money. Best wishes, Andrew.

    1. Darla, we use the same expression here and the money was certainly followed.


Friday, kind of Funnies

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