Friday, February 17, 2023

Matters Social

I haven't really mentioned much of the social things we have done this year, probably because nothing was too exciting, just catching up with people.

I think I did mention lunch with Mother at ABI's place. As Mother wouldn't go out, she paid for a nice roast chicken with all the sides from Red Rooster. I also mentioned lunch at the Seafood RSL with Ex Sis in Law and her husband, along with their grandchildren twins. 

We dined one evening with our Hairdresser Friend at Romeos in Toorak Road. 

We lunched and then a few weeks later dined one evening with Brighton Antique Dealer at Clocks, Flinders Street Station.

On our own we have dined at Nar Bangkok across the road and twice at the Elsternwick Hotel. 

One of the cafe late coloured twins had an appointment at the Dental Hospital, so we trammed to Carlton and had lunch with Hippie Niece, her companion and twin daughters. Staff said sorry, only one chef today. Lunch menu is limited to non spicy pasta, mild spicy pasta and quite spicy pasta. The girls can have spag bol. It is amazing how quickly you can order if you have such limited choices. The food was good and the service wonderful. Where was it? Ok, Ms Frankie. 

We caught up with our Sydney friend for lunch at Abory (sic) Afloat, and that was nice. Afloat means you are afloat, on a pontoon and it felt a bit strange when it moved. Who said you can't make real friends on the internet? 

This week past, we caught up with our Dyke Friend from Tasmania for brunch at Hobba Cafe along with our Hairdresser Friend. 

My acquaintance from the Gold Coast is in town and with a temperature of 38 degrees (100F) forecast for tomorrow, I have postponed our public transport roaming catch up until Sunday.

Early next month Ex Sis in Law is joining her Fire Fighting son, wife, toddler daughter and twin babies to travel to New Zealand. She is not backwards in coming forward and asked if she could stay the preceding night with us, leave her car here and we drive her to the airport, then pick her up a week later. She still works and has no understanding of how busy retired people's lives can be. At great inconvenience to us (we have to be organised early), we can do that.

Then Fire Fighting Nephew is staying this Saturday night after travelling to Melbourne from Geelong by ferry. I think he will be with mates and they are coming up to see a soccer match. He needs to come here to get a key and then I guess in the early hours of the morning he will return here to sleep OR he may go straight to the football match and now being sensible dad to three, may not stay out late and be home here before we sleep. He may have coffee with us in the morning but in spite offer of cereal and toast, he will find somewhere nearby to buy Bahn Mi. 

I will give the laddie a sentimental something when he visits. More on that later. 


  1. It is over 40 degrees Celsius for the past 10 days here. The heat is killing me. You have a closely knit circle of family and friends

    1. Not quite Roentare. It just felt like it was 40, until today when it was. We have so few friends but we do have a big family, which is great.

  2. Boy is it hot where you are! I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to forgo your social like and spend the hours in an air-conditioned apartment.

    1. Kirk, it takes extreme cold, wet and windy to stop me going out, but also extreme heat. We were having a pleasantly cool summer until today where we reached 40, over 100 in your money but then a cool change arrived and it is now 19/66 degrees

  3. Well, you have been (and are being) quite busy! I can't believe it's 100F anywhere in the world right now, it's so chilly and gray here.

    1. Steve, can you turn on some good 20 degree temps for May please. High teens would even do.

    2. Sounds like you are busy. Lots going on.

  4. During our many years living in StKilda, Romeos in Toorak Road was a great place to meet people. Long before Covid, I loved socialising in coffee shops with an Italianish flavour.

    1. Yes Hels. They can be great places and we just loved Romeos. How did we not know of it.

  5. Stalker

    I must be getting old Andrew but I can’t remember a hotter day than Thursday in Adelaide this week .It reached 40 at some stage but even at 8 am it was stinking hot .. the doggies still insisted on going out for their furchino….though they had it sitting in an air conditioned caršŸ¤£
    There’s more of the same next week so walk early or late It was a beautiful evening last night

    1. Stalker, I am sure you have had hotter days. I think in 2009 we had a top of 44 degrees. Lol at dogs in the car have furchino.

  6. And now it's cool and quite pleasant. Gotta love Melbourne's weather! Except when it is disgustingly hot.
    You have been far more social than I have this year. I have a very small circle of people I can share a coffee with and, apart from my trip, I haven't had dinner out since pre Covid.
    Busy retirees are a thing, aren't we?

    1. Today's weather was a delight Caro. As I type our balcony door is open and a cool breeze is coming in. I never feel like we are very social. It is mostly family.

  7. You have been far busier socially than I have. I have been to see the twins twice this year and am going again on Monday. Everywhere else can manage without me. I miss Red Rooster, we used to buy two dinner packs once a week to feed all of us on my night off from cooking. We have Red Rooster here in Adelaide but I think there are only two outlets and neither is anywhere near me.

    1. River, I seriously like Red Rooster. but there isn't one near us either. I should check for the closest. Remember the Hawaiian Pack, with a banana and pineapple fritter.

  8. I forgot, I also went to grand daughter's Baby Shower and to visit my sister.

  9. Replies
    1. Strayer, the so call heat wave was brief. We are back to low 20s, my kind of weather.

  10. Your social calendar is exhausting for me just to read. lol Be well, Andrew.

    1. Darla, always comes in waves then weeks with very little.


Friday, kind of Funnies

What can I find on information super highway to amuse you. Sorry about the brief watermarks. I need to find a better downloader. I was looki...