Saturday, January 11, 2025

Thursday Extra, published on Saturday

The bleeding spot has caused me untold problems, soaking my bedding more than once and Sister's bedding. Towels when I forgot to be gentle after showering and rubbed my face to dry it. When Phyllis said I had a couple of long hairs near the wound that looked bad and I should use a trimmer. Fail, and I think that was the last bleed. 

My doctor wasn't concerned about the spot in so far as it not being a skin cancer. Not long after I saw him, the main scab fell off. Maybe I am through the woods now. I will still put a band aid on before I sleep. 

Phyllis and Kosov took a bath again this afternoon. Great I thought. That is much less water than two twenty minute showers. But no, they took showers after the bath, but at least shorter rinse off showers. 

My meeting with my estranged friend went well. It was like old days, but without any tension from his late partner and my late partner. After brunch, he invited me back to his place, which I know very well. He has massively improved the outdoor area with an almost enclosed decking. I got off lightly dealing with Ray's estate. He had to hand over his partner's computer to one organisation for it to work out the finances of its organisation, then pass it on to another organisation to go through its finances. He was quite overwhelmed and he readily admits he had been spoilt and has had to learn how to do so much on his own. He has a part time house guest, a guy from Hong Kong who is also a friend with benefits. He was a nice enough guy and spoke Australian. You would never guess he is gay. Via another source, I've seen revealing photos of him, tall and very slim and certainly not behind the back door when appendages were handed out, and rock hard.

When I changed the car road side assistance, car insurance and home insurance from Ray's name to mine, I received his no claim discounts and his long membership benefits. But why was the premium I had to pay higher than Ray's renewal? I should have pressed further on the point at the time. Today I received a cheque for $48 from RACV as the benefits hadn't been properly applied, which made Ray's  renewable premium the amount I ended up paying. 

But a cheque? What do I do with that? Neither of my bank's branches that I use has tellers anymore. There are assist staff to help you with technology though. I tried to deposit the cheque to a machine, but to no avail. I think it was a security guard who said I had press the I want a receipt button, and then I was fine. I poked the cheque into an open slot and the machine read the cheque and put the money in my account. Quite amazing. It must be twenty years plus since I've deposited a cheque and the system has changed a lot, for the better. I thanked the big black bruiser guard on the way out. 

Roast pork Meals on Wheels tonight. I add more apple sauce. Very nice.

I offered to take Phyllis and Kosov somewhere on the weekend. 

Where Andrewww? 

You choose. Have you broken your Google?   


  1. I hope your spot has cleared up now. I'm surprised anyone issues cheques any more.

  2. I am glad that you have been able to reconnect with your friend - and definitely looking forward to seeing where you will take the boys on the weekend.
    It is excellent that the no claim bonus was transferred. I would have expected that it wouldn't.

  3. I had to chuckle at your expression, "certainly not behind the back door when appendages were handed out,". Big dick I'm guessing:)
    I love being able to deposit cheques in ATMs. Apparently you can do it with a photo on your phone too, but I've never tried that.

  4. If their Google are broken, I would guess it is from over use. That spot on your face is concerning.

  5. So many things here to think about, but the roast pork Meals on Wheels stuck in my head.

  6. Beyond the offerings of meals on wheels, there exist private caterers whose fare is of superior taste, yet comparable in price.

    1. Roentare, I don't think any do three courses of good food for $10.

  7. I have found the RACV to be pretty good with refunding moneys owed. They might not be the cheapest but when you need your insurance company it does help to speak to someone in Noble Park!
    I don't understand why companies can't do a bank transfer rather than cheque. We have a cheque made out to Himself's mother as a refund from Telstra of all people but we can't bank it cos she's dead and her estate has been wound up. I't only a few dollars but it's the principle of the thing.
    Can't wait to see where the boys decided to go this weekend.
    And get the spot checked again. It might need to be cauterised.

  8. "quite overwhelmed and he readily admits he had been spoilt and has had to learn how to do so much on his own." My partner of 38 years took care of everything! Now with their memory issues I am being initiated . Not what I looked forward to in retirement. Hey, I hope that spot heals up like It never existed. Aloha Andrew

    1. It's rough Cloudia, but you just have to do it.

  9. Baths AND showers??? You need to remind them Australia is a dry country with limited water available and often in drought with water restrictions. I'm glad you got the RAA and the cheque deposit worked out. I suggest doubling up on the bandaids for a couple of days.

  10. I just deposit checks from the drive thru, because I like using the vacuum tubes and went so far as to suggest vacuum tube transit at one point somewhere years ago. That and counter weight travel in hilly areas. I had plans drawn up. Lol. I could deposit at the atm or by photographing the check on the bank app.

  11. Always something interesting in your life, I enjoy hearing about it. Checks are funny old things, aren't they? I rarely get one either but I can still deposit via the ATM not too far from my house.

  12. The thing on your face, hope it's healed now or soon.
    A bath then two showers after, hmm!
    A cheque, just over 10 years ago I used to put cheques in a hole at the bank and money would be there in my account - tellers - what if you want to get a lot of money out of the bank, the wall won't do it, guess you have to travel to a branch that has tellers..

  13. My bank still has tellers, but I wonder for how long.

  14. I like to read about your life with the "boys" seems like it is so good for you (and them) to have company....I enjoy reading about your "adventures"...Peta

  15. have you broken your google?
    Thats funny :)

  16. Paris is fun at this time of the year, have a fun weekend! Oh, that was not what you were thinking.

  17. Has the bleeding site ever been checked by a pathologist? My first thought, after a Certain Age, is always cancer. Call me ridiculous.. :(

  18. I get a big fat cheque from a client annually and she doesn't believe in online banking. I just photo it with my phone and deposit it from my home. I'm sure you must have that method in Oz, no?
    Your life is never dull Andrew.

  19. The last time I deposited a check, I took a picture of it with my phone and deposited it via a banking app. Surreal! The actual paper check just went in the trash.

    I hope you're done bleeding! Good grief, that must have been miserable.

    I've never heard the expression "not behind the back door," and certainly not in that particular context. LOL

    1. Steve, I think it should be, "Not behind the door".

  20. Our banks still have tellers but you can also deposit at the machine as you did, Andrew.


The rest of the Sunday

Ex Sis in Law invited me to visit their new rented home she and her husband have just moved into. I drove the fifty minutes Sunday afternoon...