Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Bellarine 1/2

The first full day stay at my Sister's to look after her cats was quite weird. I had my phone, my tablet and my Kindle, everything I needed for relaxing week away, yet I felt so unsettled, like pacing around, looking for things to do, and realising it was impossible for me to make much of a tidying or cleaning impact on Sister's house. With some reflection, while I still read your blog posts, I didn't comment as it is too hard without my keyboard. I was pining my desktop computer. 

One cat was immediately friendly, the other much more cautious. The first time Ray and I looked after them, they were real scaredy cats, so this time they clearly remembered me. Of course when it came to food time, such caution was abandoned in the haste of starving cats getting food. 

Around noon, the more forward cat tried meowing at me in a attempt to convince me that he normally has lunch. No no. That is not on the list Sister left for me. 

When you are carrying the cat food in bowls to where they eat, why do the creatures walk in front of you and entangle your feet instead of walking behind? I sorted that for the breakfast by putting their food in place before letting them out from the night stays in the car garage. Not so easy in the evening. I know they will jump up onto the kitchen bench as I am serving their food into bowls, so I set up a physical barrier with my cereal box and a couple of bottles, and that worked. 

Here are some photos from my stay.

Is this a fire on the horizon? 

No, it is just public transport, carrying passengers. 


Public transport is good. There is no shame at being on a train, tram or bus.

It's time to turn the video recording phone system on. 

There is marvellous little cafe at the Queenscliff Beach car park, but alas, it is closed Tuesday and Wednesday, or maybe Monday/Tuesday. Whatever, I brunched at the very nice Willow Tree Cafe. I am doubtful about the name. I think it may have changed. Next door is a very traditional butcher, selling quality meat and it has a fly wire door to enter. It didn't seem to be a self closing door, so you must take responsibility for the door, and everyone did, closing the door behind them. 

To be fair, this is the worst room in Sister's house. When it all starts coming out along the floor from the walls, you have a problem. To be crude, so much shit!

The blacker cat Oreo is the more friendly than Athena. As I have always thought, a male pet cat, and a female pet dog are best. 

Making the best photo of Sister's front garden. Let me describe it as a dry woodland garden, with a sparse but roaming underplanting, complimented by a strawberries growing in a purposely designed pot. Well, something was growing in the strawberry pot, so perhaps I gave some weeds some flourishing water. 

The nearby town of Drysdale has a new library, which I saw when I was there a few days before my stay at Sister's. We took a look inside and it was being well used, and I really liked the design. The town is worthy of further investigation. 


  1. I wonder why you couldn't settle.
    Our scaredy cats will only come out for strangers if they think the coast is clear. Both are male.
    I did think the smoke was a fire - and am glad to be wrong.

    1. EC, it was strange. Normally there isn't enough hours in the day, yet I felt a little bored there, initially at least.
      It did look like a fire as the train approached, but I was waiting for it.

  2. I am not sure I could settle without first having a good tidy up.

    1. I did a little bit JayCee, such as washing, wiping and cleaning but I can't do much about the all the 'stuffs'.

  3. That would be a bit unsettling to me, too. I have stuff but it's mostly off the floor. But some people love being surrounded by their stuff, I know.

    1. Boud, that really is not me to have things sitting on floors that should be put away.

  4. Oh my giddy aunt, Andrew! I could have a field day, actually a couple in THAT room, it is an OCers delight. My son’s town fridge looks the same, he has given me a licence to clean it out every time I visit . Thankfully he doesn’t have a garden. . Uncluttering kitchen benches , fridges and gardens are my forte, I often have to have a turn the blind eye approach otherwise I would irritate all the time instead of some of the time

    1. Anon, I won't even mention the state of Sister's fridge. Yes, irritating all of the time might be too much.

  5. That is a lot of stuff your sister has. Not my thing, but everyone is different. That library is gorgeous!

    1. Pixie, I won't even mention their double garage. Yes, as I said I was really impressed with the library, proving modern architecture doesn't have to be ugly.

  6. How nice of you to take care of the kitties. I'm sure that was a relief for your sister. Yes, cats are notorious for getting under foot. One of mine races me to wherever I'm going and usually manages to trip me in the process.

    1. Sandra, she doesn't mind putting the cats in a cattery, but if I can stay there, she prefers that. That going ahead in an erratic manner seems to really be a cat thing.

  7. Not only is there no shame in using public transport; it is to be warmly encouraged. Clean trains and trams help us all.

    1. Yes Hels, but unfortunately the train I saw was not a good example of clean and green.
      You may be pleased to know that about one third of the 604 buses in Orrong Road are now electric.

  8. The library looks like it's made from Lego's and I like it.

    1. That's good Deb. It is not just me who likes it.

  9. Male cats tend to be more dog-like.

    1. Kirk, that is maybe why I prefer male cats.

  10. Lately my wild things come out when a stranger comes in. Its an oddity in their lives, something new and fun. Or they're just all half senile which is probably more the case. I go nuts inside a house with too much stuff. Can't handle it.

    1. Strayer, to do what you do, you have to super organised and clutter would make it harder.

  11. When I saw that room I straight away thought of floor-to-ceiling wall-to-wall cabinets with doors closed and it would all be out of sight. Of course that clears floor space for more clutter so only half the problem is solved. I've also seen much worse rooms, entire houses in fact, so that one isn't too bad. And now I'm looking around here and thinking what needs to be got rid of. The cats are pretty.

    1. River, they would fill those and still there would be 'stuffs' on the floor. They have plenty of storage space, and the spaces are bulging out.

  12. I'm guessing that "worst room" is a kind of combination spare bedroom, study and lumber room. At first I was mystified by the presence of the Uncle Toby's Muesli bars, but maybe they are provisions ready for another outdoorsy expedition. Did you get any didgeridoo practice in while you were there?

    1. MC, it is exactly that, and a garage turned into an indoor room. I nicked one of the muesli bars and I didn't like the soft droopy bar. What didgeridoo? Oh yes, so there is. It is such a nice and quiet seaside town with a lot of indigenous history, but they are priced out by wealthy retired barristers and medical specialists. But at least that comes with wannabe hipster baristas.

  13. It's good you sorted the cats out. Trains looks very good and it's moving faster than I thought it would.
    That room would drive me mad, would have to tidy it up.
    Interesting library.

    1. Margaret, from past trips on the train, it gets up to about 35 km/h, which is fast enough where there aren't flashing lights etc at several road crossings.
      I would tidy the room if there was anywhere to put the stuff away.

  14. I saw Drysdale on google map before but never actually explored the town. The library does have a unique design. Maybe it is a good new assignment for you! I am planning to do another photo walk in city tomorrow.

    1. Roentare, we shan't run into each other in the city tomorrow, as I have appointments. An echo, whatever that is.

  15. It's kind of you to cat-sit and you soon adapt to the special cat walk. As for feeling strange, you will feel that way for a long time, until you are fully accustomed to being without Ray.

    1. JB, the cat walk. Very good. Ray not there is part of it JB, but I have cat sat for a few days a couple of months after Ray died.

  16. Replies
    1. It is TP, having ridden on it four times in twenty years, I think.

  17. Hi Andrew
    I always feel that way if I stay in someone else’s home by myself, there is never quite enough to do and invariably one gets given the least attractive room in the house!
    Nice pics
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Alison, yes, and I am also so used to just getting on and off trams everyday, but I had to plan each day more with having to drive. Although it looks like that's my room, and it was for two nights at Christmas, I had the master bedroom to sleep.

  18. How nice of you to cat sitter ! First thing you will learn after a while, a cat is always right. In the beginning they fake that you are the boss, but after a while .... The place looks very nice !


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