Thursday, January 2, 2025

Home life

The custom for The Highrise tenants is to sleep until 2.30pm, if not later. I don't approve of such a waste of daytime, but it is not my business.

"Andreeeew", said Kosov about NYE. "We could see some (illegal) fireworks from your balcony at midnight." I was fast asleep. "We went to bed at 2(am)." Interesting because the dishes in the dishwasher were quite warm, and the kettle very warm at 7.30 in the morning. I monitor my electricity usage and watch for spikes. That also informs me of who is up and awake and using energy in the small hours. Again, not my business, but I like being told the truth.

I know nothing of Costco, aside from that you have to buy large amounts and I don't have storage space for large amounts. Phyll is allowed to take a guest to Costco and it will be interesting to see what it the shop is all about when he takes me today, as long as he rises at a reasonable hour. I suggested 11am. 

I admire the written English skills of Phyll and Kos. Kos has become my scribe, writing for me. Sometimes they speak English, sometimes Indian Tamil, and they mix the two up. Phyll doesn't haven't much of an accent but Kos's is a bit stronger, and he rolls his r's like a Scot. I can't speak for Kos, but Phyll's arithmetic is poor. He could not work out in his head that three small cans of tuna was near enough to one large can of tuna. My arithmetic was perfect for the spicy crumbed spicy tuna croquets.

Phyll paid me $400 two nights ago for board. That didn't make sense until I asked him. That's two weeks rent, Andrew. Yes, Phyll, but Kosov must move out because he can't afford to stay here. 

Once Phyll said told me it was for two weeks board, and Kos couldn't afford to stay here, I realised Pyll's poor arithmetic. Because of Kos's financial situation, when Phyll was back in Chennai, I said they could both stay here at half price rent until the end of Kos's lease, half price being $150 per week. 

I am sure I was quite clear about this, nevertheless, Kos had to leave because of financial matters, about which I was quite firm.

My arithmetic is not too bad, clearly much better than Phyll's. To me two tenants jointly paying $150 per week sounds better for them than one tenant paying $200 per week. Kos is over the moon at not having to move out. Aunty Andrew is too kind but not an old fool. 


  1. But you are kind, Aunty Andrew . . .

    1. I know JB, I know. I have no responsibility to look after foreign students, but...

  2. Auntie Andrew is a lovely man, and one I am glad to know - albeit just on line. Himself loves COSTCO. I loathe it.

    1. EC, I found it interesting and if you have a large house for storage and a large family, I think you could save a lot of money.

  3. Never, she said proudly, have I been to Costco. Nor have I watched Fox News.
    You are a true gentleman, Auntie, and long may your big jib draw.

    1. WWW, I am not sure why people dislike Costco. It is not my kind of place, but I can see its merits. Re me, all that glitters....

  4. You are a softie. Thankfully, we are able to do mental arithmetic! These kids don't learn it now.
    I don't do Costco, that is John's job!

    1. Jackie, wasn't mental arithmetic something we just kind of learnt ourselves because we needed to use if often? I can't remember being taught it, but take me not remembering literally.

    2. We had mental arithmetic tests every Friday morning in primary school, followed by dictation tests and spelling tests, reading comprehension tests too, answering questions to be sure we had understood what we had been reading.

    3. Your memory is better than mine, River. I think I learnt well enough but I can't really remember how, aside from getting the cuts for saying pitcher, rather picture.

  5. That is a bargain rent you are offering. Just be careful that one of them turns into a squatter. You are clearly bonding with the tenants who keep you a good company.

    1. Roentare, it is cheap rent but I wouldn't say bargain. They do plenty for me to compensate. Kosov now knows how to clean dishwasher filters, air con filters and tomorrow he will learn about the washing machine filter.

  6. My brain hurts trying to figure out Phyllis' maths. You are indeed a softy but nobody could ever call you a fool.

    1. Thanks Merlot. I must say, I was surprised at what is simple for me, not able to be done by Phyliss. Sometimes they use imperial measures, and I wonder if that caused a lack of understanding, although I think India is quite metricated. Not a fool insofar as, it has to work for me.

  7. I agree with Merlot. You are kind, but not foolish.

    1. Debby, I can see how easy it could be for a lonely older widower.

  8. Speaking in 2 or 3 languages is very helpful in the long run. You may not understand Greek mythology or Iranian warfare in Tamil or Spanish, but you will eventually learn the ordinary daily words for food and clothing etc. My Hebrew is good, but my Yiddish is childish, so I find mixing up sentences to be very helpful.

    1. Hels, as I understand, Yiddish is less formal than Hebrew, but I am not sure about that. I would have thought the opposite, that you would talk better in Yiddish. Yiddish sounds like a great language for gossip.

  9. Going to bed is not necessarily the same thing as going to sleep. Just sayin'.

    1. MC, my internal wall are very thin but aside from occasional shrieks, I've heard nothing.

    2. So are you listening, or are you asleep? I'm presuming the former. You need your beauty sleep so that you are up fresh and (relatively) early to check the kettle.

    3. Nothing that wakes me up at least, and they spend a lot of time in their room alone but not asleep.

  10. You are doing ok, they give you a lot of fun and that is priceless, usually.

    1. Margaret, to put it more formally, they enlivened my life. Simply, they make me laugh every day.

  11. So they have agreed to the $150 per week? I'm astonished at the late rising hour. I can't see Kosov finding a job when bosses know he doesn't rise before 2am-ish. You're going to have to buy some primary school math books and give Phylis some basic instruction.

    1. River, I realise it is not clear, but Phyllis will pay his usual $200 a week, a little more than the the short term $150 a week for the two of them I offered until the end of Kosav's lease.

  12. Aunty Andrew is a good stick.
    Now, if i could get a boarder who would look after the garden I could charge them board AND save on mowing.

    1. Kylie, these two would love to look after a garden, but they would need guidance.

  13. I wondered if my long ago X was the only one with money skills like that.

    1. TP, they may not have much money, but it is easy come and easy go to them.

  14. Doing math with those two is very confusing indeed, Andrew. I'm glad that it is sorted. They sure keep you entertained!

    1. They do indeed keep me entertained Pat, even just from our cultural differences and their lack of experience about cleaning and maintaining a home.

  15. I have a costco card, but only buy cat food there. They are increasing yearly membership so that I won't renew just to buy their cat food. I'll give the money to someone with a membership to buy it.

    1. Strayer, that's a good idea. I believe here the membership costs AU$65 and you are allowed to bring two guests.

  16. Strayer is wise. ~nods~ We have a similar membership (Sam's Club) and purchase various items but cat litter is the big one. Just today we brought home three huge bags plus scored some other deals. I've never been inside a Costco despite them being around. Best wishes!

    1. Darla, kitty litter seems to be so important to some. I can't imagine how much Strayer uses.

  17. My arithmetic was perfect for the spicy crumbed spicy tuna croquets. I love that sentence! I also love Your math work and that the boys are liberated from that anxiety for the time being. I enjoy reading about them Cheers and Aloha, Andrew

    1. Cloudia, it is known here that Asian and Indian guys can be physically affectionate with each other without being gay. They are less likely to be targeted by anyone, as long as the nail polish is not noticed.


Just not quite enough

Debby and Tim have finished laying their timber floor at the new home to be, with only just enough flooring timber. It was a long time ago ...