Friday, December 6, 2024


When Ray's Sister and husband to be first visited Australia, they stayed with us here at the Highrise. Ray was concerned about the noise the el cheapo fridge made, the fridge having come with the apartment and a few metres from their bed. So in the mid noughties we bought a new fridge. It has been fine, but it is nearly twenty years old. Read on.

"Kosov, get out of bed. It is 12 noon."

"Yes Andrew."

"Put on your lipstick and be ready in thirty minutes. We are going to buy a new refrigerator."

Well, his eyes widened and lit up at that. I had been looking online over a couple of days and had also visited a large retailer in the city. The more I looked, the more confused I became. My friend who I visited a fortnight ago had just bought a new fridge, (I've just noticed refrigerator doesn't have a d and fridge does. How queer! I believe I've always spelt both correctly but without knowing there was a difference) and I was most impressed with her new fridge, with a non plumbed water dispenser. 

My fridge is twenty years old and while it is showroom condition really, I wanted a sparkling new much more energy efficient model. My online research indicated brands that are very cheap are of poor quality and even if under warranty, they are difficult to repair and obtain spare parts. I wanted the freezer on the bottom rather than the top, and a water dispenser would be nice. 

Up and down the aisles of fridges Kosov and I walked. Nothing seem to match what I wanted that had to fit the alcove, which I had trusted Kosov to measure. Many fridges are black and there is little black in my kitchen. What I did notice was that stainless steel finished fridges were cheaper, and white just looked so old fashioned, like my fridge at home, and cheaper still. 

I received a message from Phyllis. "I think of you every day, every minute Andrew. Now can you wake that MFer and tell him to call me". I passed on the message, and that was pretty well the end of Kosov's input. I was getting nowhere.

"Kosov, follow me. I need to think about what I am doing wrong". I went outside as Kosov and Phyllis bickered over the phone. I shut them out and thought, what am I doing wrong?

I thought, and then remembered conversations with Ray over the last year or so, along the lines of that we had to stop going for cheap all the time. Yes, if what you want is a bargain, but don't make the price your first criteria. Obviously that is within reason. 

This, I am sure, will be the last fridge I will buy, so why shouldn't get it right if I can afford it. I went back inside, still with Kosov and Phyllis bickering over the phone in the background, and began looking with fresh eyes, and that is looking at what I liked, what would work and not look at the price tag. 

Guess what, I found one, a Fisher and Pakel, French! upper fridge doors with a larg lower freezer drawer.. The floor model I looked at had a water dispenser but it had to be plumbed in. As well as the extra plumbing expense, I've heard they are unreliable, so I can live without a chilled water dispenser. An extra $85 for delivery and removal of the old fridge and the packing of the new seemed reasonable, deal done. 

I asked Kosov if he could cook extra rice for me as I could not afford food this week and he replied, you have just spent the same as my life savings. The new fridge will be delivered next Thursday. Smart lad to have savings at his age. I never did. 

So here is how Thursday went. The night before I received a message that the fridge would be delivered between 8.30am and 11.30. I was awake so early and didn't really sleep properly after 4.30. I rose before six and a bonus was I saw balloons in the sky nearby. By 8.30 I had showered, dressed and removed everything from fridge. Most frozen items went into an esky, an insulated portable carry crate with freezer bricks. Some items were removed to just sit on the bench. For the rest of small things that needed to stay, I made a Coolgardie safe by draping a wet table cloth over a plastic washing basket and placing it under the spare room overhead fan. I had rewet the cloth twice to keep it damp. There was no where for the frozen vegetables but I had already asked if I use the fridge of my neighbour H. I took them down to her around 8.30.

Now I wait, and wait. I could track the delivery truck and the app stated I was ninth on the list for delivery. At the rate things were proceeding, there was no way I would have a new fridge at the latest of 11.30. I was not happy. The food was out for hours more than it needed to be. I've already lodged feedback and I will complain further. The delivery happened just after 1pm.

With a lot of help from Kosov, we worked things out for the fridge, including altering power supplies and ripping off everything protective. Food and drinks are back in the fridge but no one will know where they are, least of all me. The fridge looks so empty inside but the shelves are full of jars containing mysterious spices and sauces.

I set the fridge and freezer to maximum coolness and I am checking the temperatures with a thermometer. Adding to my stress about the new fridge, this post from Merlot where she mentioned her new but defective fridge did not help. 

In spite of the stress and delay, I am ever so happy with my new fridge. It rather dominates the kitchen, but I will get used to it. It is a bit sad in a way because for a couple of years Ray and I talked about buying a new fridge. We even went with a tape measure once. For whatever reason, it didn't happen and he missed out on the new fridge. 

"Kosov, it has been a stressful day. Please go across the road and buy me some medicine from the liquor shop." 
"Yes, Annnndrewwww."


  1. Very smart. There's something very nice about a new household appliance. Sad, but true.

    1. JB, I feel like a thoroughly Modern Millie.

  2. Your new fridge looks good and I love the freezer drawer. I like your rationale about not focusing on the price. True here too for big items.
    And I would love a Kosov in my life to measure and deliver medicine.

    1. EC, Kosov even tells me to go to bed when I fall asleep in a lounge chair. It doesn't matter if I sleep in a lounge chair. They are comfortable and it still sleep.

  3. A new fridge-freezer is quite exciting. Well, I think so.
    Yours looks very cool 🙂

    1. Thanks JayCee. I am sure yours looks very smart too.

  4. I love the double doors and I do hope it won't show masses of fingerprints as one of my friends complained when they bought stainless steel appliances. And freezer on the bottom makes loads of sense.

    1. WWW, rarely kiddies here to make fingerprints. But even just getting the fridge set up, there were fingerprints to be wiped away.

  5. Fisher paykel is a great brand. I supplied my tenant with a great fp washing machine that fitted the tight alcove in the condo. But they no longer export to the USA as i found when I tried to get him a matching dryer.
    I've been very pleased with the performance of the washer, no problems. So I hope your fridge is as good.

    1. Boud, that is interesting about FP not being available anymore. During my research I discovered things. Keep reading the comments.

  6. It looks great! Very mod! You'll probably notice a difference in your power bills, too. Old fridges tend to really suck up the power.

    (I never thought about the spelling difference. I wonder if that's why so many people misspell refrigerator by adding a d?)

    1. Steve, the fridge only has a 3.5 star energy rating. I will checked the difference at say 2am.

      I think you are quite right about misspellings.

  7. That's smart to have freezer on bottom and its so big. I would rather have at least equal freezer space to frig space, then I could make and freeze for later. When you're one person, it makes more sense to have a big freezer and small frig space. I like your new fridge!

  8. The new fridge looks great, such fun reading your stories. Lol to the medicine...Peta

    1. Thanks Peta. Truly, it was a rather stressful day.

  9. You will be very happy with your F and P . We too have a new one Our last new was same brand lasted 20 years still working and went to a good home.The silver finish is fine, easy to wipe marks off. Next step Induction cooker ?

    1. Anon, it would be nice if you added a name to your comment, just so I know who is who. I hope my fridge goes to a good home. I have no idea where old fridges go. Phyllis said no to an induction cook top, and the appliance budget has been spent until 2026.

  10. Our previous fridge was an F&P. I loved it but it was plumbed in so stayed put. Our new fridge will be fine when we get it! It was the ice maker that was icing up so you won't have a problem with that.
    I am glad Kosov is so obliging. Medicine is always needed after a big spend and installation.

    1. Merlot, had the delivery not been late, it would have been such a great experience. I was worried about food spoiling, but it seems I did well with that. Kosov is a good lad.

  11. May I be one of the first to congratulate you on the birth of your new fridge. She looks so sleek - as if she belongs in 2024. She will be as cool as her owner. I hope that the old fridge ends up with a needy family but I guess that it is a vain hope.

    1. Thank you YP. You are being unusually kind. I don't know what will happen with the old. It works, not damaged and clean.

  12. There is a leading legal case involving a trucking company called "Frigmobile." I'm pretty sure we used to see semi-trailers bearing that name. Every time I see it I have an unworthy thought about what was going on inside them, at least until I realise that it's meant to be a "soft" "g" rather than a hard one.

    1. MC, your imagination is just as bad as mine. I wanna see what is happening inside the Frigmobile. It reads like a hard g to me.

  13. It's a lovely new fridge, similar to mine. I love the freezer on the bottom.

    1. Deb, our fridges are small in comparison to yours. I am sure you have a bigger one than mine.

  14. So shiny. Almost like a mirror. By the way, until you mentioned it, I didn't realize that refrigerator had no d but fridge did. And like you, I don't think I ever misspelled either one.

    1. Kirk, as I said, it is a queer thing. I hope you aren't snowed in.

  15. My freezer is within walking distance of the fridge but I would prefer them in one body. At the time of buying the freezer, the fridges had dinky little spaces at the top, good enough for a few punnets of ice cream.

    1. Hels, I remember those tiny freezers with a meat tray below. The freezer was big enough to fit a tray of icecubes and a cardboard encased brick of Peters ice cream.

  16. It's a very lovely new fridge, but I thought Fisher and Paykel was a New Zealand company. Perhaps you mean the style of the fridge is French? I could be wrong. Many years ago when our fridge refused to turn back on after a defrosting, we were thankful that we'd purchased bags of ice to fill the bathtub and all the yummy goodies were in there staying cold and frozen. It was almost Christmas and we raced to the nearest town and bought the first fridge we saw that was big enough and paid extra for same day delivery. It lasted several years until we vuilt our own home and bought a side by side fridge freezer that lasted 31 years for the fridge part and 32 and a half years for the freezer. My current small Westinghouse is now 22 years old.

    1. River, yes the twin fridge doors are called French Doors. FP was an NZ company but I am not sure now. The appliances were built in NZ but are now built in China. Great tales about your fridge failing. I feel a bit bad about replacing my fridge because there was nothing wrong with my old one. Yours is older but if it is still working, fine.

  17. Oh, Andrew!!! How much fun this post was. Kosov and Phyllis fighting in the background as you had a philosophical debate with yourself about kitchen appliances. Well. I'm glad you got yourself straightened out. I hope this refrigerator is the fridge of your dreams. At least, I hope it keeps your 'medicine' chilled.

    1. Thanks Debby. The fridge is fabulous in my opinion, although I know your fridges are bigger and better.

    2. Plllt. But I do have a question. Does your fridge have buttons in the door handles, so that you can open the door to the fridge and see all your bottles and jars neatly lined up in a plastic rack inside the door. I'm not sure how to explain it, but I think that it is called door in door. We do not have one of these marvels, but my son does, and it keeps the clutter of little bottles and jars out of the fridge. Sounds like the thing to have if you are head of a house hold of young fireeaters.

  18. Looking very good indeed, Andrew. Love the freezer at the bottom, our is also and same brand but white!

    1. Margaret, maybe your fridge is a few years old now. Bottom freezer is just so much better.

    2. Yes, our fridge is getting older now, and bottom freezer is the just the easiest and a great idea.

  19. May you enjoy it for many, many years to come. Andrew!

  20. Glad it is safely installed. It looks posh but I agree about too many jars of different things in a fridge - they always need a sort out,

    1. Thelma, the shelves with jars will need some sorting out, but no rush now.

  21. Nice, you will enjoy it. Good appliances are worth the money in the long run.

  22. That's a lovely new fridge and you're right, you might as well get a good fridge, to "see you out" as my mum would say:)
    I have a hard time with smaller purchases, often denying myself something because I worry about money. I don't need to worry about money but I have done my whole life, passed on no doubt from my own parents and their parents before them.
    I am curious though, what kind of medicine do you get from the liquor store? LOL.

    1. Pixie, the thought isn't so nice but it is being practical.
      Just a little medicinal brandy.

  23. The new one looks very posh, Andrew. Ours looks like your old one and is probably the same age and going strong. I like your idea about medicine.

  24. When we bought our new fridge a couple of years ago, out of necessity (old one died) and new one had to fit the space, it only lasted a year. Two repairmen, multiple calls finally got us a replacement. So far, so good.
    I am the same as you, always looking at the price first. Even though we can afford whatever we want. It is a holdover from my mother, who didn't have the extra funds. My BFF and I always laugh about this when we go shopping and look at the price first.

    1. Jackie, the trait certainly didn't come from my mother who would be at a counter to pay before checking the price. If she didn't have the money, she would lay by and thankfully she never had credit cards.
      Oh yes, I remember your fridge issues well, and that with Merlot's issue made me nervous.


Monday Mural

I enlarged this photo to study it. It clearly became apparent to me that I could understand nothing.  That is an old and now scrapped Melbou...