Saturday, September 28, 2024

The week that was

But in the meantime much was happening in the foreground for me, and not all particularly pleasurable. 

A gay guy who I know through work, though I never worked with him, invited me to catch up for coffee. The weather was so bad, we sat inside the cafe, rare for me. It was a nice catch up. He mentioned a former workmate who would like to catch up with me and he gave me his phone number.

He must have spoken to said person on the phone after meeting me and said person was in the city having lunch with someone and decided to call in to see me on his way home, UNANNOUNCED. I received a call from a neighbour and I went down and escorted him up from the foyer. He and his late wife liked us and in the eighties, we did socialise at times with them. Aside from Ray's flat in '79, they have been to every place we've lived. They bought furniture from us. 

His wife died I think in 2018 from rapid MND, so sad. When I saw him back at work after some time off, I offered my condolences and he cracked into tears. If you met him, you would swear he is gay. I think he was here for two and half hours and we chatted away. 

He has only recently bought mobile phone and is very anti technology. He proudly proclaims he doesn't know how to turn on a computer, yet he was proud of his achievement that when I called his phone, he had learnt how to add my phone number. I mentioned how without internet, people were becoming more disadvantaged. He asked for examples, and naturally I could not think of any. I have since. But then I realised that one of his sons looks after his financial affairs, which he oversees, by using the internet. 

From what he said, he is extremely social and goes out ballroom dancing three or four times a week. He is a member of other social clubs. He travels to country areas for dancing. He made me tired as I listened to what he did. He is very comfortable financially and will never be a 'burden on the taxpayers' like I will be. 

But you know dear readers, I decided I don't actually like him. He is openly racist when in the company of white people, his way is the right way and he is always right, he is intolerant and he is just so full on. To hear him talk, you would also think he is gay. He had four sons and doesn't agree with the way they are bringing up their children but to me it sounded like the children are being brought up like other children are now. Fortunately he mostly keeps his mouth shut about that.

Things calmed a bit for the next couple of days, until Hippie Niece and her partner, without their four children, would visit on Friday afternoon before they had an early dinner and attended a Rugby League semi final match. They are lovely and so caring but also so loud and so full on but I did give them a few books, the jigsaw puzzle I mentioned a few posts ago, and the Baby Q barbeque and gas bottle. I was going to sell it, but it would have taken over an hour to clean and no guarantee it would sell. Once we bought the air fryer, we stopped using the barbeque. 

Bone Doctor parked here Saturday morning and we went out for brunch before she went to the AFL grand final, then just as brunch finished, Hair Dresser Friend messaged me and as she was passing by in a tram, would she be welcome to visit. Of course, I said, so we chatted for a couple of hours. 

Phyllis and Kosov went out to buy ingredients for mutton korma to cook in a pressure cooker. I was going to have some, and they ended up buying lamb rather that mutton, but I knew it would not be cooked until well after my usual dinner time, so Bone Doctor to the rescue. After she returned from the football match, she asked if we could have some Thai food across the road, which we did. As I am typing at after 8pm, the meal is still not ready. I normally eat at 7. 

The socialising is not finished yet, with a catch up with another friend and Hairdresser Friend on Monday afternoon. Hair Dresser Friend asked me if it was for coffee or drinks. I replied, 2.30 is getting pretty close to 5 o'clock, so we could swing either way. Can you guess where the friend lives and Sister has posted some photos from the same place as she has just embarked on a four day walk with a couple of her friends. 

Fortunately Margaret shouldn't read this until tomorrow afternoon and not give the game away. 

I'll leave you with this, a rather unusual storm here in Melbourne last month. I did not know when  you are taking a video and turn your phone horizontally, the resulting video will be sideways.  The storm was a ripper. 


  1. What a busy schedule. It is okay to decide you don't really like someone.

    1. TP, he is pleasant to me but he has fallen out with many people.

  2. Good on you, though, for getting out there and keeping busy.
    Of course, you could do without the racist fellow.

    1. Bob, even if I see him again, it won't be often. We have nothing in common really, except work and knowing each other a long time.

  3. I would not have been able to wait until after 8 pm to eat. I suffer if I eat after 6:30 - 7 pm.

    1. JC, I like to have a couple of drinks before dinner and I was already on my second one and there would have been time for a third and fourth. Oh dear.

  4. I am a terrible person. I really cannot sit quietly and listen to nonsense like your racist friend. I often wish that I could. It is a skill that would come in handy during these 'trump' years at family gatherings.

    I like the fact that your life is full and that you are surrounded by people.

    1. Debby, I can bite my tongue for a single conversation and steer it away from anything I don't like to hear. I am at the moment very social but it comes in waves. There will be weeks when I see no one, except Philip and his friends now.

  5. You have had a busy time and will continue to do so, by the sound of it. That's good.
    I don't like racists, so would not have enjoyed the company of that man.

    1. JB, people can have their thoughts but I don't want to know about them, which I suppose is cowardly. I should let them speak and then knock them down.

  6. Quite a bit of lightning with that storm!

    Isn't it funny when you've known someone a long time and you suddenly take a critical look at the friendship and think, "Why am I in this?!" I've had that happen with some friends as well.

    1. Steve, I've never seen lightning like that here. I suppose you would have seen plenty in Florida. Yes, Ray and I were on the receiving end once or twice but I don't believe it was anything we said or did.

  7. Odd how friendships can slip and slide and we wonder what we ever saw in people. Racism and misogyny are a complete turn-off for me. The guy who visited sounds like a right prick.

    1. WWW, yet was always nice to us and we liked his late wife too. But he is one of those people who would also be critical of other people behind their back.

  8. The internet is now a necessity of life for most people. We don't all have grown children to handle it for us.

    1. It is Kirk. People are being financially disadvantaged now. If you want paper bills for any utility or communication costs, you pay extra.

  9. Goodness you are busy. Sigh at the old friend. I wonder whether he was always racist?

    1. EC, as I did, he worked with people from around the world and he got along generally, but I did not like the way he spoke in a one on one situation or a group of white people only. He was always like that.

  10. I learned about the sideways video myself just last Friday as I videod the bees coming and going from the tree hive here. That storm looks fabulous, what a display. I have an elderly neighbour I don't really like because of the same reasons, but I drop in to see her now and again still. Why do the boys cook so late in the day and eat late at night? could they perhaps cook late and then keep the food to heat up at a regular meal time the next day? I used to eat at 6 or 6.30pm, these days it's more likely to be 6 or 5.30 pm since I often skip lunch.

    1. River, you can turn your phone sideways for photos. I wonder why not for videos. They nothing to any schedule. I don't think they get enough sleep either, and it is irregular sleep. But they are adults and while I might make a remark, it is not my business to suggest what they do and when.

  11. That man seems like he would be in xxxx sandwich if he could be. Sad about his wife though.
    Well I never, re your sister and your friend...fancy that - photos of Launceston, and I'm late today commenting as we've been out to lunch with friends, a long, long lunch, Andrew.

    1. I think your sandwich comment is right, Margaret. Ah yes, long lunches. I have a memory of them. It was nice to see Sister in the same places I have been and I too got a photo of a peacock in full display. She has been in Bay of Fires today, with more nice photos.

  12. Such a busy time, Andrew. I hope that guy doesn't turn up at your door again. You don't need that in your life.

    1. Pat, I am a person of routine and someone just turning up really threw me, and my plans for the day.

  13. I enjoyed stormy weather and much needed rain, then learned that the most recent hurricane cost many lives and much property damage. ~sigh~ On a brighter note, you are my social hero as I'd usually rather offer strangers a comedic or uplifting quip than spend hours talking with family and/or friends.

    1. That is so kind Darla. Yes, the death toll from the hurricane is shocking, never mind the damage.


A visit to northside

Melbourne is divided by the river Yarra. People who live on the north side of the river, the hipster types, the young artistic types, and th...