Saturday, September 28, 2024

To the hills!

If not covered in cloud, I can see Mount Dandenong and even the tv transmission towers that sit upon the top of the mount. 

Tenant Phyllis asked if one day I could take him there. Ok, I replied. I am a busy retired person but Saturday and Sunday are free. So Sunday I drove a trio of Phyllis, Kosov and their friend whose name is the capital city of Peru. That is how I remember her name. If I get to know her better, I may greet her Peru City. 

It was a great day and I know they enjoyed themselves and it was good for me. I am sure photos went onto Insta but as happens to young people, their phones 'ran out of juice'. Phyllis used mine to take photos, "Andrew, your camera is so much better than mine". A stop on the way home to retrieve Kosov's wire from the boot was required. I never knew I had so many USB ports in my car. There is even a couple for back seat passengers, and in the console, it was pointed out to me that there is cigarette lighter socket but no cigarette lighter. How can I light the fuses of fireworks? Childhood memory. 

I had allowed Kosov to stay one night without charge as he had bought me the HSP and on Saturday night he was ready to leave when I said to him there is no point you going home on the train for an hour and then returning on the train the next morning for our Dandenong Ranges trip. So he stayed another night. 

Monday morning I was talking to Sister on my phone when Phyllis left to what I thought was work. But it seemed not. "I have a visual project for university with study class mates. I will see you Friday or Saturday" he said later in a text message. "I will send Kosov to pick up my laptop, sort out my washing and pay my rent at some point". 

The weather was freezing cold on Wednesday and it rained a lot. In the afternoon a very chilled Kosov turned up here with Phyllis' rent money and feeling very cold, Kosov asked if he could take a hot bath to warm up, and he did. I asked if I could watch him bathe. 

The Wednesday was busy, which deserves another post. Here are a few photos from the Sunday drive. Don't climb trees as you could fall, yet tree climbing is encouraged. 

Maybe an azalea? I should know. 

The biggest aspidistra gardenia daphne in the world at nearly two metres tall. What a beautiful scent has Daphne, and she is a good a good sister, unlike the freewheeling, promiscuous and rapacious Ivy.

Camellia. There were rhododendrons ready to fully display. 

The view.

I am not very good on our Eucalyptus, but possibly messmates.

Philip had brought along the trip a berry and custard croissant for me, for which I was grateful. They then had cake and I had coffee in this restaurant. Parking was difficult because a wedding reception was underway. 

I wondered if I could make it back uphill after walking down to the modest Olinda Falls. The track was steep, wet, muddy and slippery. I managed, with one photo stop.

I'll delete these two last photos in a day or so. Kosov is with Ms Capital City of Peru and Kosov is wearing my hat. It looks better on him.

And Phyllis. 

Now there is mention of Phillip Island. That will be an overnighter. I will do what like to do. 


  1. That looks like a good day out. They seem to be enjoying themselves from those photos.

  2. Ha! You could install a hidden video camera in the bathroom.

    1. Tasker, I am already a dirty old man. Don't encourage me.

    2. I am not really that interested Steve, which is a good thing.

  3. What fun! I love day trips like this.

  4. That looks like an excellent day. For you all.

    1. EC, it was nice. They brought so much food along and managed to eat most of it. I am a little envious of fit and healthy young people at times, but I don't want to be young again.

  5. You’re very kind Andrew. Am thinking Phyllis really likes you which is lovely that he feels comfortable and feels that he can ask favours. Of course I don’t know you but you give the impression you’re a bit hard arse but thats only the exterior. Marie, Cheltenham

    1. I think Andrew comes across as a total softie with a fun sense of humour ....Peta

    2. Marie, maybe kind. There was plenty in for me personally too. Phyllis gives me plenty of hugs, which I tolerate. I think I was just lucky to strike someone with such a good character. Hard arse? Ray always said I was a survivor.

    3. Peta, I am in a position of power over Phyllis, and that gives me confidence that I am in control, so I can relax and be Mr Nice Guy. Or maybe I am just talking crap.

  6. How fun! I'm so glad you went. Looks like an azalea to me.

    1. I am pretty sure it is Sandra, but I have forgotten the three different types. Mollis, Kurume?

  7. Ms Capital City of Peru's last name isn't Bean, is it?

    1. What is Kirk talking about, I thought. I fact checked that Lima is the the capital of Peru, and then dawn arose. I think I now know her well enough to make a dad joke about her name.

  8. You know, they look like such good spirits. I am glad that it seems to be working out for you.

    1. It is Debby, but not how I imagined. But what did I imagine?

  9. It looks like a wonderful day out. I'd be climbing that tree! Yes, even at my age! Berry and custard croissant? Oh Yummmm.

    1. River, the tart was so nice, but I've always found tarts to be rather nice.

  10. Looks like a really enjoyable trip. Love the photos.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thanks Alison. I set the pace to slow to suit myself, but that didn't work so well, with such exuberant young people, and I don't mind a bit.

  11. I like the tree inviting people to climb it. It's refreshing to spend time with young people and they clearly had lots of fun.

    1. JB, I like being among young people, for their enthusiasm, their keenness to learn, their sense of fun, and their world wisdom. They know so much more than I did at their ages.

  12. Oh you are good to your boarder and his friends, but then they do you good too. Works both ways. Nice photos of a lovely bush area, Andrew.

    1. I am kind to them Margaret but I am careful to be not taken advantage of, any more that I want to be. Our Dandenong Ranges are lovely. I guess you haven't been to them.

  13. I love that you all went out for a day together! A lot of young people would think themselves way too "cool" to mix socially with somebody older. I guess chaffeur service is a good incentive though :)

    1. Chauffeur service Kylie! Yes, but on my terms. I wanted to go too. Young people from the sub continent don't see age difference quite like we do. In fact even in England, young people don't see age difference as we do here. It is an Australian fault.

  14. That looks like fun! I love the last two pictures. I think you should leave them up!

    1. I would want to ask their permission Steve, and I don't want them knowing about my blog.

  15. It was rather nice for them to want to include you in their activities but on your own terms. Better than sitting alone in the condo, Andrew. And like you say, you set the terms.

    1. A couple of times they went off on their own Pat, which was fine. They have much more energy than I have. We were going to do some bird feeding but I chopped that off as I wanted to be home for my afternoon rest.

  16. The names you create for friends and family are so clever. Thank you for sharing these wonderful images. Best wishes!



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