Sunday, September 29, 2024


I began the Highriser blog, now the From the Highrise blog, on this date twenty years ago. The former blog was killed by Google for reasons unknown, perhaps copyright infractions in one of the sites in the Google empire. I have to accept that happened but I hated losing my history. Nevertheless, most of my old blog is archived, at least the written words. Things are just much harder to find.

This I think was my first post, on this day twenty years ago. Our friend received a heart transplant and is alive and well, retired and now living in Launceston, Tasmania after a successful latter career in sports administration. She has just turned 62. Once a year our medical system pays for her to fly to Melbourne and accommodates her for two nights to have a heart check. Launceston is not a big city with a big hospital where such health conditions can be best monitored. This in not uncommon.

I don't think I tagged initially but went back and added tags later. 

I can't really remember how my blog looked at that time, but you can see it here. I remember this look. And this one. One of my blog templates featured an orange theme, but I can't find when that was now.

My first blog post. 

Sunday, September 26, 2004


I don't like it in others and I try not to be like that, but already when setting this blog up with the details and profile etc, it looks pretentious. Oh well.

It is not the first blog I have started. The first I deleted after one post. I only showed it to one person, a dyke friend and she found it quite amusing. It was a bit of nonsense about how to empty your toilet bowl of water by putting a long double length of toilet paper a bit down the S or P bend and the wick effect slowly removes the water.

Sadly her lupus medical condition has caused terrible complications with her kidneys and heart and she is at a major hospital awaiting a heart transplant. It is so sad for someone who is 42, so fit and so vital with so much to live for. I am not a religious person but before sleeping one night last week, I did say the Lord's Prayer for her, just in case I am wrong.

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  1. I am so glad that your friend is still doing well all these years later. And am very glad that you continued your blog - and started this one when your other was so rudely taken away.

  2. Your prayers seem to have been answered. I'm so glad you continued blogging or I would never have made your acquaintance.

  3. Happy Blogiversary! Cheers to many more.

  4. Happy Blog Anniversary Andrew. I really enjoy your blogging.
    That's great about your friend.
    Alison in Wales x



I began the Highriser blog, now the From the Highrise blog, on this date twenty years ago. The former blog was killed by Google for reasons ...