Tuesday, September 24, 2024


It seems Phyllis has absconded with nine sets of my venetian blinds. Please keep a look out for my missing blinds for sale on Ebay, Market Place and similar sites. One large, seven medium and one small, as I was told by a police officer. The brightness is unbearable. 

Ok, they are away overnight for cleaning. Some of you may think slimline venetians are old fashioned but I think they work so well for light control and privacy. The blinds are the originals installed in my apartment and while the slats are cheap and thin aluminium, they have lasted. We've had them cleaned twice before and this time, they are so filthy after the sanding for repainting and new carpet laying. 

A slat either side of the balcony door are minorly bent. One was by Mother going out to smoke on the balcony when ABI Brother foolishly closed the door blind and Mother jammed the slide blind in the sliding door, and the other side of the balcony door was when I stood up quickly after having an old aunty chair doze, and I fainted. Slight damage to the blind but the scar can be still seen on my hand.

Lordy, how I am bleeding money. KaChing, KaChing, KaChing. 


  1. Ha! You had me there for a moment 😁

  2. You got me too for a moment, but blinds seemed like a strange thing to steal. I like blinds but hate cleaning them. Maybe one day I'll get them done professionally.

    1. Pixie, it wasn't cheap but I just can't do it myself now.


  3. KaChing indeed. Here too. But lucky and grateful we have the money. And yes, you had me too. How quick we are to assume the worst.

    1. I am surprised that people thought I was serious EC. It would be the strangest thing to steal.

  4. Just like I have spent over 20k AUD on a pay to win game

    1. Please explain Roentare. It sounds like gambling.

  5. For a moment there I really thought you had a blind thief ... a thief who steals blinds, I mean,.

  6. Indeed you had us all going for a few seconds. I have blinds in my house too, and I like them very much for sun control.

    1. Deb, the only thing they aren't good at is insulating from heat and cold. Ideally you would have drapes to draw when temperatures are extreme. But for me, it would be a loss of views at the sides and of course when they are drawn.

  7. You kind of had me going, but OMG seems kind of uncharacteristic of you.

    1. Kirk, OMG is not a part of my speaking but clearly I could not think of a clever heading.

  8. What a fabulous view you have from your windows and the balcony Andrew. Shame to cover it up.
    Have you hired a window cleaner as well?

    1. Also, we know you have neighbours on the ‘left’ but are there any on the ‘right’ or are you at the end of the building?

    2. Cathy, are you intimating my windows need cleaning? They do actually even though they were done about three months ago.

      No, there isn't anything at the side this high for about 200 metres.

  9. Oh dear. I fell for it completely.

    1. Lol Anon. I didn't really think anyone would think it was serious.

  10. When my parents placed venetian blinds across their first house, they were wooden, heavy and dirt-collectors. Today's aluminium slats are lighter, more attractive and easier to clean.

    1. Hels, I can remember one version of timber blinds. We had them in nineties when we lived in a place in Burwood for about eighteen months. I didn't really like them.

  11. I have cleaned venetian blinds myself as a tenant. Final steps involved paper towels and ethyl alcohol (possibly my favourite domestic chemical, obv not to be taken). Saves the kaching, or the landlord subsequently putting up the rent on account of the expenditure.

    Repairing them, on the other hand, has proved beyond us.

    1. MC, but people do drink ethyl alcohol. I am not sure how. I used to lay them out outside to clean them. Brush both sides with a sweeping broom with hot soapy water and then rinse them off and hang them outside to dry. When I was younger there wasn't much I couldn't fix, but I agree with you about repairing venetian blinds.

    2. You are right. Normal alcohol is (I think: my organic chemistry stopped at the end of year 11; I'm not going to check Wikipedia right now) ethyl alcohol. I meant Isopropyl/Isapropanol (whatever that actually is).

  12. You had me worried for a minute that Phyllis really had taken off with your stuff. I'm bleeding cash too, seems like every week I have to buy more cat food and cat litter. Lola is eating three and four times a day, yet never puts on an ounce of weight.

    1. River, I was like Lola, but then things changed for the worse.

  13. Wel I thought Phyliss had gone for a moment.
    Great blinds are those, we used to have them ages ago.
    Your place will certainly be very clean, and will look wonderful.
    Do you like your new carpet?

    1. Margaret, I'll just say I have become used to the new carpet. It's ok.

  14. Soooo funny your opener, I loved it!
    We like a Venetian blind they do a good job, but no doubt about it they are hell to clean.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thanks Alison. They are hell to clean and that is why I don't really mind paying.

  15. You tricked us all, even as we wondered why someone would steal blinds. Poor Phyllis - I hope he never realises what sport is being made of him.

    1. JB, he has worked out that I have a blog and that I read other people's blogs. I am cautious when he is in the kitchen, making sure my blog header is not showing on the screen. I hope I am never cruel about him and I know there is a chance he could find my blog.

    2. D (the man with whom I live, though you know that) and I had a laugh the other night about a bunch of 70-year-olds (or near-enough) peering through the virtual keyhole of your blog at the personal hygiene and other domestic habits of a 20-ish young man from Sri Lanka.

  16. Isn't KaChing a city in China? They have a new coal-powered electricity plant built there every month to cancel out any reduction of fossil fuel burning that is made in the western world. I hope your blinds come back nice and clean. Great that you continue to live with them rather than having them replaced.

    1. KaChing is a Beijing suburb, but I expect you knew that already YP. The blind man, in spite of his disability, told me it is the last time my blinds can endure sonic cleaning but of course the company can supply individual blind replacements.

  17. It will be nice to have them all fresh and clean.

    1. TP, they are all back in place and lovely and clean.

  18. I hope it all calms down very soon. I love how friend. Incidentally, the photo of the hummingbird as well as the Russian River sign were taken on a visit to California a while back. We have no hummingbirds in Hawaii either!

    1. Cloudia, ok. I don't know much about humming birds.

  19. I really thought that your blinds had been stolen. Good one, Andrew.
    Supposedly you can't buy regular venetian blinds with strings here anymore as the authorities think children will hang themselves on the strings. You can only get them with remote control.

    1. Pat, you can certainly buy them here. In fact the blind man told me what I have, twenty five years old, are still available.

    2. I now know more than I needed to about your venetian blinds.

  20. All the comments made me chuckle. While I didn't fall for your jest, a friend from Wyoming had me and my technically minded husband going for a bit. Just days ago he said they only had a low speed dial-up Internet connection. lol Be well!

    1. Darla, the comments both amused me and surprised me. I miss the sound of the modem dialling in, but not low speed internet.

  21. I did not for one second believe that first paragraph. Try harder to fool us, lol.

    1. Strayer, you are one of two. The rest believed in me. Shame.



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