Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Nothing to publish

I was on a couple of trains today. I moved seats once to get away from very loud teenage girls who weren't describing their boyfriends in detail but talking shite.

A lass seated on the other side of the aisle decided we all needed to be entertained by what was emanating from her phone.

So far, no one sat in the seat next to me, but then a large lad did. For God's sake, noise was coming out from his phone too.  WTF?

There are corded earphones that can bought for a couple of dollars. The more popular earbuds cost more, especially if you want the branded ones but you can get them cheaper, by not buying the propriety brands.

In a Footscray station lift yesterday I was subjected to YMCA playing from a phone at a loud level.

What is this all about, unnecessarily subjecting other people to what you are listening to?

Later edit: The noise coming from the phones were from media, not voice calls, voice calls being bad enough. 


  1. Fortunately I rarely have to travel on public transport these days. You've not encouraged me!

    1. Graham, by choice I am public transport user. I have a great vested interest in good public transport. Ours is not bad but I'd like it to be better.

    2. Andrew it's not that I don't support public transport but where I live there is none that meets my needs. If I ever get to the stage when I can't drive it will have to be expensive taxis or move into town.

  2. That is something guaranteed to drive me crazy although I have the advantage of being able to switch off my hearing aids.

    1. JayCee, hehe, when my nephew's wife is around, lovely as she is, I turn my aids down. Her voice is so high pitched.

  3. Sigh. And I don't (often) want to listen to your conversations at megalevels either. Some conversations are an exception for my ever curious evesdropping self.

    1. EC, I've put in an edit to make it clear what the noise was. Yes, personal conversations overheard can be interesting, but mostly not.

  4. Good grief. Sorry your ride wasn't more pleasant.

    1. Sandra, I didn't die but I did feel like murdering.

  5. Replies
    1. Is it really Roentare? There are certainly now more tech ways to annoy other people.

  6. Listening to loud sounds causes hearing loss.

    1. Sorry, repeat yourself Tasker. You are mumbling.

  7. On a slight tangent, I was amazed to read recently that t he younger generations listen to their phones so much that there is a new trend towards doing things without it. They call it "silent walking"
    Who would have thought that doing things without a constant sound track, as most of us always have, would become a "phenomenon"

    1. That's interesting Kylie. Young people are reinventing the wheel. I listen to podcasts at times when I am out alone but never music.

  8. Bloody annoying! Our National Express coach drivers would not stand for it. All passengers are warned not to annoy others by playing music. They threaten to turf you off their buses and I believe they mean it.

    1. It is not the way here YP. Non confrontational, transport staff remain safe, no media stories about 'a poor innocent' being mistreated. National Express was a big fail in Australia because perhaps even the driver's refused to let people on if they didn't pay.

  9. It is extremey annoying! This is why I prefer to text instead of call and don't have muxsic on my phone. If I want music I will take my tiny ipod and earbuds. Just recently a woman got on the bus while talking on her phone, but she was so quiet and the person answering wasn't yelling either. My ears were so thankful. What is worse, in my opinion, is those who wear earbuds, but still have the volume so loud the rest of the bus can hear. They'll be deaf soon enough if they keep that up.

    1. River, I reckon the same about those who have earpieces at such loud volumes. That used to annoy me but has been overtaken by other anti social noise.

  10. "muxsic"?? stoopid fat fingers!

    1. I dit'd notice your mistake.

    2. I did notice, but River, don't feel bad. Not only did your retraction and Andrew's response make me smile, I've gotten material published yet still make mistakes.

      Noise cancelling headphones are one of my favorite things. Be well!

  11. Kind of depends on what people are talking about. Sometimes the eavesdropper in me is activated.

    1. Sorry Kirk. I have edited the post. It was about media noise coming from phones.

  12. It’s bad enough having loud phone conversations going on nearby but worse still when it’s with speakers on and the phone held at arms length - so you get to hear both sides. And of course there are the ones who like - FaceTime, then we not only hear the other side but get to see the caller as well

    1. And Cathy, what is it about holding your phone like a dinner plate in front of your mouth while speaking and receiving outloud? Yes, I try to see what the person looks like on the screen when people FaceTime.

  13. It's yet another indication of people's self-absorption and lack of awareness of others. My hearing is quite acute so it doesn't take much to irritate me.

    1. JB, I really believe people are quite unaware of their impact on others. I bet you have a great facial expression reserved for those who annoy you when in public.

  14. I agree, I either use earphones, or ride in silence.

  15. I could not agree more. I think it's a weird kind of passive/aggressive behavior to make oneself a nuisance in public. Like, "I'm here! Pay attention to me!"

    1. Steve, very much attention seeking behaviour.

  16. Oh boy. A sore point with me as well. Especially since I have developed this 'thing' where loud noises make something in my ear vibrate in a most annoying way. Tinnitis? I do not know, but it is something that is hard to ignore, and I can ignore almost anything.

    1. Noise can be so intrusive Debby. I hope for your sake it isn't tinnitus.

  17. Transit is so bad around here I dread ever losing my ability to drive. But I've been on noisy planes and present at get togethers where others are tethered to their phones so intensely they aren't present. Silence and attention are greatly desired at all times by me. I even drive without music for long stretches.

    1. WWW, perhaps it's a trade off you make to live in such a beautiful place. The older I get the less I like to listen to music, of any kind.

  18. The noise from people's phones is horrible everywhere. I don't want to hear what their media feed is spewing out.

    1. Pat, one of the worst aspect is that they are so engrossed in their phones, they can't see my dagger like stares.


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10.10pm. "Phyllis, shut up and stop distracting me. I am faced with a blank page for tomorrow's blog post and frigging well move yo...