Sunday, December 17, 2023

Lakes Entrance 2013

Some bloggers post photos from ten years ago and I kind of mean to that at some point. But this is a one off coincidence, taken ten years ago when we took a road trip, staying with a friend in Lakes Entrance and then visiting southern New South Wales. We stayed in motels along the way. It was a great holiday. 

Current resident of Lakes Entrance, Sparkling Merlot, rekindled memories of our boat trip to the Metung pub for lunch with lots to see and note while cruising along. There was an informative non recorded commentary by the captain.  Here are some photos from back then.

We took a break in Sale on our way to Lakes Entrance. A new roundabout had been built somewhere and our plug in sat nav device showed us driving way out in a paddock as we travelled the new roundabout. We were quite amused.

We checked out an art gallery recommended to us.

I am not sure if this was in Sale or Lakes Entrance. Actually, it was LE as we took a drive around the hills behind the town with our friend. We had a lovely seafood meal on a pontoon afloat on the lakes. 

I've no idea where these couple of photos were taken.

Lake Tyers. There was a man standing on the hotel roof trying to get a phone signal.

Some views from somewhere in Lakes Entrance, I think back west from the town. 

Strangely I never took a photo of the pub itself. I think this was the decking at the front.

Ah, I did take a photo of the pub.

Back in Lakes Entrance I think.

Every year a swan used to nest on a busy public footpath lakeside. Dogs on a leash would pass by without concern.

The gap at the top of the photo must be the entrance to Lakes Entrance.

A little bird feeding on our friends balcony.

The next day we left Lakes Entrance to visit the Buchan Caves. I have no idea where we went from there, but photos will tell the story.


  1. It looks a really lovely area. I am glad that you enjoyed the holiday so much and dug out the photos to share.

    1. Thanks EC. We remember our two stays there fondly.

  2. "Lakes Entrance" is an odd name for a settlement. I did a little research (googled) the place and I can see that it's a nice town to live in or to visit but I would change its name to either Sparkling Merlot or Andrewville.

    1. YP, I was just but a visitor. Merlot is a committed resident, so how about Merlotville?

  3. The place name is succinctly descriptive I think. An entrance to the lakes. Why call it anything else! Looks very attractive as a place to visit.

    1. JayCee, the entrance has been known to block up, especially in times of drought when there is little water flow into the lake. I think about a decade it was opened with dredging or something like that as the fishing boats couldn't get out to sea.

  4. I was going through old photos this morning and was disappointed that I hadn't written the place, date or friends' names on the back. At the time, I assumed these details were unforgettable.
    Your top photo is amazing.. I have never seen a top storey like that before.

    1. Yes Hels, you could do that with photos. I hope my mother did. Now we should rename the digital photos with appropriate information.

      Many is the time just weeks after telling myself I will remember where I took this photo, I don't.

      It is a rather curious building. The top storey looks like a later addition but it also looks as old as the lower levels.

  5. Metung pub is so iconic that I recognise it instantly. I never realise why it is so famous though. Dad used to love angling and boat fishing. He used to take me to Lake Entrance to get squid at 2 am in the back jetty of rented town house.

    1. That's some nice family history Roentare. Were you as bored as I was when my father took me fishing?

  6. In the last photo above the roof with the solar panels to the right is the corner of a house. That is where I am living right now!!

    1. How remarkable Caro. That would be in a street with the name beginning with H. No wonder your views are so nice.

  7. Lovely shots and name. You reminded me of the very old plug-in GPS I was gifted which created an imaginary bridge across the bay near the front of my old home. Some prankster, it always made me laugh. I've climbed many hills to get a signal in strange places.

    1. That's funny about the bridge WWW. Being more of a city person, I've struggled for a phone signal at times because of system overload.

  8. Put your glasses on Andrew, there are two little birds feeding on that balcony.
    The pub does look very nice, as does the Hotel in the first picture. Lakes Entrance looks to be a lovely area and I bet on a good day one can smell the salty ocean air.
    I like that metal fish sculpture.

    1. River, where we did a little bird feeding to two medium sized birds. No punctuation can make that sentence right. I guess the fish sculpture was at Meetung but I am not sure.

  9. Nice pics. I am sure they rekindle old memories. I love taking photos of places I go to. It's great to see them after many years. It's like virtual trip all over again.

    1. Pradeep, it may be great to look back for you and I, but my partner is never interested in revisiting the past.

  10. In the first few pictures it looks like had just sopped raining, but that only adds to the charm.

    1. Kirk, you are correct but it was only light rain. The skies were very grey.

  11. Some of these shots are very reminiscent of pictures Sparkling Merlot has posted recently. I can't believe you even have a photo with a glimpse of her current house! (As she mentioned in her comment above.)

    1. Steve, yes it is quite a remarkable coincidence about Merlot's rented place being in the photo. Of course in my best stalker manner I had to work which house it is, using Google Maps and Google Earth.

  12. It sounds like a good holiday. It seems very exotic to me to see a pelican . . . we just have pelican crossings ;-)

    1. JB, it was only a few years ago that I learnt about your pelican crossings. We call them zebra crossings, I guess because of the black and white road colours.

  13. The photo archive tells the story of many lives.

    1. TP, that they do. It was a very nice couple of weeks on the road.

  14. The swan looks a little lonely there in her nest doing her biological duty. The pelican or spoonbill or whatever its species looks quite at home along the lake.

    1. Strayer, shared parental duty, so it could be the father swan on the nest. It's a pelican, a large bird witch makes a large mess, as you can see.



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