Tuesday, September 12, 2023

A quiz

A bit lighter than yesterday's post. 

No Guggling of course. Just what you remember. You are mostly of a similar age as myself, so this shouldn't be too hard but the questions do apply to Australia, Britain and the US, so it will be hard to know them all. 

Who said or on what tv show. movie, in public or YouTube clip were these said? As much detail or not as you like. 

1."Don't panic..."

Don't panic Captain Mainwaring (Mannering) a phrase from English tv show Dad's Army. 

2. "Those darkies next door..." 

English tv show called Love Thy Neighbour. It was shocking and blatantly racist. Ultimately though, the racist white character was always proved to be an idiot. 

3. "This is going straight to the pool room. "

A popular Australian film called The Castle. The item, perhaps a gift, was so good it was going to the pool/billiard room for display.  

4. "You can't say that."

Shaun of the YouTube channel Foxes Afloat telling his husband that he can't say that in the broadcast. 

5. "There's just one more thing..."

US tv show Columbo. I really liked it. 

6. "Your bloody Labour government didn't give you..."

Alf Garnett in the English tv show 'Till Death do us Part.  

7. "It's only Sonia."

A neighbour entering the main characters' house in the English tv comedy Fresh Fields. 

8. "Oh really Richard."

Hyacinth Bucket in the English tv comedy Keeping up Appearances. 

9, "I'm free."

The very camp Mr Humphries in the English tv comedy Are You being Served.

10. "You're not taking the Kingswood."

Ted Bullpit in the Australian tv comedy Kingswood Country. 

11. "There is no such thing as society."

Former Prime Minister of England, Margaret Thatcher.

12. "Hasta la vista baby"

Arnold Schwarzenegger in some shoot 'em up US film. 

13. "We shall fight them on the beaches..."

Former English Prime Minister Winston Churchill. 

14. "Look Arthur, stop, oranges are on special".

Demented Maggie on her way to a funeral with her long suffering son Arthur. Australian tv series Mother and Son.  

15. "These are my daughters, Billy Jo..."

US tv series Petticoat Junction with Kate introducing her three daughters, I think Billy Jo, Bobby Jo and Betty Jo.

16. "Good night John Boy...". 

US tv series The Waltons. 

17. "Blocked Drain!".

YouTuber Drain Addict as in each clip where he is called to clear a blocked drain, he proclaims when he finds the 'overflow' Blocked Drain. 

18. "It's goodnight from me and goodnight from him." 

English tv sketch show The Two Ronnies. Newsreaders Ronny Barker concludes the sketch each time speaking for co-newsreader Ronnie Corbett. 

19. "You're late Butler."

English tv show On the Buses, said by Inspector Butler to driver Stan Butler when he arrived late at work. 

20. "This is a local shop, for local people."

I am fairly sure this was from the at times very cringe worthy English tv show League of Gentlemen, said by the local shopkeepers if a stranger entered the shop.  

21. "Ma, we are thinking about Shady Pines..."

Dorothy to her mother in the US tv comedy The Golden Girls. 

22. "The computer says no."

Dour social security woman in the English tv show Little Britain. 

23. "Yes, I tuck my shirt into my underpants."

Former English Prime Minister John Major. 

24. "What could possibly go wrong?"

YouTuber Scott from Trains, Planes, Everything. He even had tee shirts printed with the slogan. 

25. "He went to Brighton and came back as a gay."

Nana in the English tv comedy show The Royles.  

26. "This has been a Filmways presentation darlings."

Eva Gabor in the US tv show Green Acres. I had to check so carefully that is wasn't Zsa Zsa. 

27. "I will shirtfront him when we meet."

Idiot former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott in reference to Russian President Putin. 

This final one I can't remember myself. There was an older slim and dour woman who read out the English Channel or English south coast weather report, to I seem to recall a bloke with a big grey beard. No one can help with this one? 

Sometimes writing blog posts can be fun. The answers in a couple of days, which gives you plenty of time to not Guggle. 


  1. Some I recognise, some I don't. The shirtfront made me groan when first I heard it - and still does. I don't know how tall he is but he certainly suffers from little man syndrome.

  2. I am ashamed to be able to answer 8. Too much television.

    1. That's very good Tasker. I'd like to know which ones by number, although you may have commented before I edited and put in the numbers.

  3. I know the shirtfront phrase belongs to Tony Abbott. Sonia Kruger is more about dancing with a star or Voice show. Some of the phrases belong to Home and Away.

    1. Roentare, yes Abbott. No Sonia or Home and Away, which I've never watched.

  4. The only one I remembered instantly was "It's goodnight from me and goodnight from him".

  5. A nice mix in there, Andrew. I think I got 15.

    1. Fifteen correct answers Caro? I am impressed and I think you win.

  6. #2 Love Thy Neighbour but can't remember his name
    #9 John Inman from Are you being Served
    #10 Ted Bullpit from Kingswood Country
    #12 I think that was Arnold Scwarzenegger but can't remember which movie
    #13 Winston Churchill
    #16 Anyone of the Walton family members each night as the show closed - The Waltons
    #24 so many people famous or otherwise :) :)

    1. All correct River, except the last one, although your answer is probably true.

  7. Goodness, there only a couple I remember the rest I certainly would have to Google.

    1. Kingswood Country. Would not be allowed now. The word wog cannot be used as a derogatory term.

  8. I remember quite lot of those. Thanks for the memories Andrew.

  9. I remember 7. Misspent youth . . .

    1. Youth JB? I don't think so, but well done knowing that.

  10. This quiz is too hard for me. I know the answers to seven of them without Guzzling but I am not saying which.

    1. Lest the majestic intellectual YP know some rather common television shows. Are you sure you do well at trivia quizzes?

  11. I don't know anything ! so put me a 0 on all questions ! I am used to that from school !

    1. Gattina, not your culture. I would not expect you to know any.

  12. 4. "You can't say that." Foxes Afloat
    5. "There's just one more thing..." Columbo
    9, "I'm free." Martin Luther King
    12. "Hasta la vista baby" Stalone
    13. "We shall fight them on the beaches..." Churchill
    16. "Good night John Boy...". The Waltons
    21. "Ma, we are thinking about Shady Pines..." Dorothy
    23. "Yes, I tuck my shirt into my underpants." Sponge Bon
    24. "What could possibly go wrong?" Everyone
    26. "This has been a Filmways presentation darlings." ZaZa Gabore on the Green Acres

    1. Not bad TP. 9 is not who I was thinking of, see answers. 12, I thought the same about Hasta la vista baby, but we were wrong. 23. Maybe Sponge Bob said this but it was not who I was thinking of. 26, much confusion on this one by me and clearly by you, but the answer is Eva Gabor. Thanks for having a good go.

  13. I know 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 22 and 26. That last one is my favorite because I've rigged it to be the ring tone on my phone when Dave calls me. When my phone starts murmuring, "Zis has been a Filmvays presentation, dahling" I know it's my husband calling.

    1. Pretty good Steve. I hope you agree Green Acres was Eva and not Zsa Zsa. You must send out a 'gay alert' if husband calls you when you are on The Tube.

  14. OK, I only got a handful. Blush. Blush.
    Was 2, Archie Bunker?
    5 Colombo
    12 Arnold:)
    13 Winston Churchill
    16 The Waltons

    1. No Sandra, but I know why you would say that. They were somewhat very similar tv shows. Otherwise, all ticks.

  15. Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  16. I only got 8. I thought I'd do better.

  17. Well I know Arnold's line and The Waltons one. But the others are a mystery. Arnold S is rather interesting. I think now he lives with a variety of farm animals wandering inside his house. For some reason.

    1. Strayer, what a tasty morsel of gossip about Arnie.

  18. I don't know many: 5 - Columbo, 12 - Arnold Schwarzenegger, 13 - Churchill and 27 - Tony Abbot (about Putin), lol.

    1. All correct Sami. I have forgotten why The Abbott said he would shirt front Putin.

  19. I think you should translate all the questions into French and maybe then I can answer, but that's not sure. We have a lot of Moroccans in Belgium I used to work with two girls for 5 years and have been 4 times in Morocco. The people there are so nice and friendly. Fortunately my two colleagues' families had nothing but the family lives in Rabat which is in the north and Marakech is in the south. But still they felt the ground moving.

  20. Yes, writing blog posts can be fun.

    1. Haddock, let's face it. We do enjoy writing posts, whatever they are about.

  21. Interesting to read the answers. Surprised at John Major - what a strange thing to say.
    The answers I knew were 1, 2, 6, 9, 13, 18 and 19. I'm rubbish at quizzes . . .

    1. JB, how the question to Major arose I cannot remember. It was an uncomfortable tv moment and made him seem retentive and old school.

      Ha, you watched many tv shows at the time that I watched.

  22. I only knew 1 (l/c Jones), 9, 12, 13, 16 (Simply because a friend watched it. I've never seen it) and 18 (If I didn't know that I'd be the only person over 50 in the UK).

  23. Graham, I am a little surprised you knew 16 but you gave your reason. Yes, I think every UK person of a certain age should know 18. BBC is not giving us great comedy at the moment and nor is ITV.

  24. I only knew Arnold & the Waltons but I don't feel too bad since that was a lot of Brit & Aussie TV referenced.

    1. Pat, that's quite true. Those who I expected to do well, generally did so.

  25. I enjoyed "Columbo" immensely. Sad to say, it doesn't hold up well in this era like other programs from the seventies and eighties. But the tragic episode "Forgotten Lady" has stayed with me all these years.

    1. Darla, I too enjoyed Columbo and it probably doesn't hold up well.

  26. Thank You Andrew, Great Quiz. " There was an older slim and dour woman who read out the English Channel or English south coast weather report, to I seem to recall a bloke with a big grey beard." Would this be from "As Time Goes By" ? Judi Dench and Geoffrey Palmer as Jean and Lionel would travel to his father's home in the country. The woman was Mrs Bale, the housekeeper to Rocky, Lionel's father. I think this is still on one of the commercial TV "second".

    1. Thanks Benny. I'm pleased you enjoyed it. You are quite correct about As Time Goes By. I just needed a little memory prod, yes Mrs Bale. Well done.

  27. Thanks for the answers. I think the "computer says no" woman was actually a travel agent, but she may as well have been social security!


Friday, kind of Funnies

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