Saturday, July 29, 2023

Silent Saturday

That was all I was going to post as I had no energy to be creative. 

We saw Mother today. R baked a carrot cake and we took some slices for her, and some Maccas chicken nuggets. Sister took her Maccas apple pie yesterday. She loves R's carrot cake. While she was receiving nasal oxygen , she seemed better than when we last saw her. Her voice was not as croaky and she pulled herself up in bed on her own. 

Fifteen minutes after posting some positive news to the FB family group, I received a call from a hospital doctor. Mother's oxygen levels are very low and she is now wearing an oxygen mask. She has fluid on her lungs that the doctors are trying to drain with drugs. The doctor said that in a few hours they will know if that has worked. 

This was a loaded call from the doctor. I read into it that Mother could die soon from fluid on her lungs. 

We shall see, and I am sure I am really cheering you all up with Mother updates. Forgive me. It is my therapy to write. 


  1. Forgiveness NOT needed. Do what works for you. I hope that the treatment works. And I am very glad that your mother got a slice of R's carrot cake.

    1. The treatment did work EC and she is wondering what the fuss was about.

  2. Ah, sorry to hear that Andrew. I echo EC'S comments and hope that things improve with the drugs.

  3. I also use my blog for therapy. Your in my thoughts, Andrew.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

    1. Dora, thankfully no prayers. You know, haha.

  4. It looks like an episode of impending acute pulmonary oedema. Best wishes to her comfort uneventfully.

    1. That's exactly what it was Roentare, sudden onset and quick draining. Now just good oxygen flow administered and antibiotics.

  5. Stalker🙏♥️

  6. I am thinking of you, Andrew. Such a difficult time. She is in good hands and they will keep her comfortable.

    1. The medical care is very good Caro. I am not sure that the nurse care level is quite good enough. I think maybe more nurses are needed, or what were they once called? Under nurses who could change beds and help with eating. Nurses Aides?

  7. This is an opportunity for us all to gather around you, Andrew, virtually speaking. I am sorry to read this and am sending you my very best thoughts.

    1. Thank you Debby. I am calm and while hoping for the best, she is very old, and so I am prepared for the worst. R is stressed and wonders about the negativity. How can you put a positive spin on what is happening.

  8. Say what you want Andrew. Let it all hang out! The people who visit this blog have all known love and sorrow and the parting of ways. This is a good place to offload.

    1. Indeed YP, as you did write about your Simon.

  9. No need to ask forgiveness. Whatever you need to express, express.

    1. I will Kirk. Of course what I express will be censored for public consumption, as bloggers do when writing about personal matters.

  10. No need to apologise it's a hard time for everyone and mentally tiring.
    Writing it all down helps. Take care.

    1. Yes Margaret. Writing is a great thing for me to do. I get clarity of thought too after writing.

  11. Everyone understands EXACTLY what you are going through.

    1. Yes Hels, as I well remember about the deaths of your own parents.

  12. Amazing the difference 15 minutes can make. I'll keep my fingers crossed that she pulls through. I'm glad she got to eat Macca's apple pies and carrot cake though. Sweet treats for happy memories.

    1. River, I do wonder if pulling through will be best for her. She will hate high level nursing care and it is clear that is what she will need if discharged from hospital. Maybe it is her time to go. We can just make it best for her now.

  13. Dear Andrew, hugs from Oregon, wish I was there to give one in person.

    1. That would be so nice Strayer, but I think I would have brush cat hairs off after the hug.

    2. I'm so glad she's improving. Best wishes, and thank you for the cat hair comment giving me a giggle.

    3. Yes we cat women carry around some things.

  14. This is your public ‘online journal’ that we are privileged to be able to read. Write on Andrew…

  15. Replies
    1. Hello Gosia. I hope you are doing well, perhaps in your summer house.

  16. Let it all out - everyone understands and sympathises. Dreaded telephone calls . . .

    1. JB, hospital staff use their own work phones to call which display on my phone, Private Number. Each time I see 'Private Number', I am afraid.

  17. I'm glad the treatment worked. She may thrive in a nursing home. My father certainly did with all the socializing and physio that he got. He was in a wheelchair which he propelled with his feet and was all over his unit talking to people. Thinking of you.

    1. Pat, I think it is now fairly unlikely she will get to that level of care. The thought of it horrifies her and for many years we urged her to go into low level residential care, but she wouldn't.

  18. Just seeing this, Andrew. The last of a life ican be very like a roller coaster, ups and downs, sometimes in minutes as you described. It is hard on the head and heart. Writing helps me too, even though I usually write in a private journal. If it helps you to blog about it, do it.

    1. Thanks Jenny. I hope your own situation isn't too bad at the moment.



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