Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The surgery

My left kidney while functioning well was not draining and drain tube needed repair or I would continue having ongoing infections, as I have been having since March last year.

While expensive I was encouraged to use the private system, which I don't think was much quicker than what the public system would have been and it was certainly expensive, in spite of having private health insurance. It will have been deemed by the public system as non urgent, controllable by antibiotics.

I was told one night in hospital after surgery but two nights were booked. Two nights it was, until I intervened and said I would more comfortable at home with someone to look after me.

I was initially on a liquid diet, but was allowed to have some soft solids 24 hours later. I had no appetite. 

That was last Thursday, today is Tuesday. My bodily functions are only beginning to return to normal. I am very tender where the various telescopic entries were made. In fact all of my skin feels sensitive. I still have no appetite and I am eating about 1/3 of what I normally eat. We rarely throw out left over food but that might happen soon. 

Assuming the surgery works, I guess it will be worth the pain and cost. 

I forced myself to go out on my own today, catching a couple of trams for short distances, then a longer tram trip to Box Hill. I bought some inedible food from a cafe, forcing some of it down but I did find great coffee. I caught a train back to the city, stopping off along the way to look at the new Union Station. It is very functional, as all new stations are, and there were a couple of interesting architectural features.

Then there was the twins' first birthday. I drove for 1.5 hours and the event was sensibly held indoors at a local pub. I made the best of it and tried to look happy and engaged. It was cold and I did not sleep well at the motel. The room was either too hot or too cool. We went for breakfast with Ex Sis in Law and her husband and then visited the twins and the family, including 2 year old Little J who has become so shy, she won't have anything to do with us now.

So, there you go. I am feeling miserable and sorry for myself. I'll get over it soon enough, I am sure.


  1. Poor Andrew. I do hope that the operation was a complete success and that your recovery speeds up.

  2. Oh I do hope you start to feel better soon. I am not sure that I would have ventured out so soon after surgery, but then I am a weak, namby-pamby sort of person.

    1. JayCee, I was advised to not do anything physically straining. I laughed. I never do anything physically straining.

  3. Don't posh things too much. Little and often is the maxim.

  4. Oh, poor you. I hope you start feeling very much better soon.

    1. Thanks JB. I am improving each day. I was just feeling sorry for myself.

  5. You had better take it easy for a few days now to get over the things you have been doing. I would have preferred not to have had the night in the motel and the 1.5 hour drive if it was me.

    1. Rachel, I take it easy most of the time, and I could not have done anything strenuous anyway. The decision to attend and stay overnight was up to me. Driving was ok. I think my body temperature controls had been given a good kicking.

  6. The Stalker

    Andrew this is said with love
    Why pay for advice and then ignore it? If you stayed for the two night you would have been monitored your nutrition would have been monitored and you would be feeling much better.
    The Dr could then have assessed you to see if you really were well enough to leave. Don’t complain when you don’t listen. As my partner often says to me ….when did you get your medical degree… which year and show me the papers. Look after yourself♥️

    1. Stalker, I doubt I would have felt any better the next day. I was just so pleased to be home. I just asked the specialist about being discharged and he replied that if I was looked after at home, I would be fine. A stay of perhaps 15 hours would not have made any difference.

  7. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Doesn't sound like fun at all, but glad it's in the rear view mirror and hope each day is an improvement.

    1. Thanks Sandra and you are quite right about seeing it in the mirror.

  8. This is a trough in your lifetime. It is other people's loss if they choose separate ways. Private system is only good for elective surgery or procedure that requires no ICU support. Public system may give you category 1 priority which may take up to 8 years to do the surgery. States are the biggest mafia in the real world.

    1. Large private hospitals in Australia are top class with wonderful ICUs. My ex husband was treated with wonderful care while in ICU and afterwards . If you have top private health cover every thing is covered except specialists fees, although some specialists will negotiate particularly if yo you explain your ability to pay. Is better than long waiting lists and overcrowded wards that are unfortunately part of the public health system . If public hospitals weren’t obliged to accept drunks and drug addicts then their huge load would be reduced.

    2. Roentare, assuming category 1 is the highest priority beyond an emergency, why would I have waited up to eight years?

    3. Exorbitant specialist costs is the problem. I've experienced both private and public hospitals, and of course private has nicer rooms and you seem to have your own nurse for their 12 hour shift. I've never really had problems with public hospitals. They are extremely efficient once you are in the system moving towards whatever procedure you are having. There was one private hospital I thought offered less than the best patient care.

  9. I do not envy you with regard to the surgery but you have been brave and hopefully as the days and weeks pass by you will feel a lot better. Chin up old chap!

    1. YP, a comforting hug from you would nice, but I'll settle for the cyber hug. Thank you.

  10. "Assuming the surgery works, I guess it will be worth the pain". Agreed.. as long as the recovery is quick and long lasting. In Hebrew we say refuah shleima, meaning a complete healing.

    But why were you encouraged to use the private system, which was no faster and was very expensive?

    1. Hels, it doesn't seem quick but perhaps my expectations of robotic surgery having little impact beyond doing the job, maybe my expectations were unreasonable. I relied on my doctor's advice about public waiting lists. I don't think he knew how slow the private system can be.

  11. Well, you're back to blogging, and for that I'll heave a sigh of relief.

    1. "Aw shucks", Kirk. That is nice. Did I hear that phrase on The Flintstones a very long time ago?

    2. Which one? "Aw, shucks" or "heave a sigh of relief"?

      "Aw shucks" sounds more like Leave It to Beaver.

  12. Oh no, kidney troubles!I can't begin to imagine how you must be feeling, Follow whatever diet they might have prescribed and take care. Drink plenty of plain water. Be better soon please.

    1. Thanks River. I always drink a good amount of water. There wasn't a diet to follow after leaving hospital but that matters little when you have no desire to eat, no appetite and feeling bloated, food is just so unappealing.

  13. Poor boy, I didn't know that you had troubles with your kidney. When your health is concerned don't look at the money ! Even the best is not enough. And good service as with everything costs more of course. I hope everything goes well with you and that your appetite comes back ! otherwise you will become a skinny minny ! Courage it's a bad time to go through, but then you will feel good again !

    1. Gattina, I haven't really mentioned it but it's been an ongoing problem for a long time. I may well lose some weight, but will it be from the right place? Thanks for your kind words.

  14. Oh Andrew. I am so sorry I didn't get a chance to get on here this morning (Traralgon beckoned and we had to be there at 9.30). I do hope you feel better soon. I am guessing a stent was inserted. Feel free to be miserable and contrary. Surgery sucks. Although a solo trip to Box Hill probably wasn't the best idea you've had of late.
    If I could meet you in person I would give you an awkward hug.

    1. So you have a life Caro? You are not at the beck and call of the internet. That is how life should be. Yes, a temporary stent, to be removed in six weeks. All I was doing was sitting on public transport. It was not arduous.
      A hug from you would feel very natural.

  15. Replies
    1. TP, the normal accusation is that I look after myself always. Whatever do people mean?

  16. UGH! I had a temporary stent and it was supposed to be painless, but it wasn't. There was a pulling when I reached, and a dull ache when Ileaned. I couldn't wait for it to be removed, and felt like a big baby when the doctor kept insisting that it couldn't be uncomfortable.

    1. Interesting Debby, as today I saw a nurse to have stitches removed and she said a stent can cause irritation to the body.

  17. Shyte Andrew, so sorry to read this. You're entitled to misery. How are we always told to button it up and get on with it? Throw out the old rules. A trouble shared is a trouble halved. You're a brave lad indeed to go to that birthday party. I hope you appetite returns and soon. As a fellow kidney failure sufferer I hear you.

    1. WWW, I don't normally talk about my own health but I must have been feeling needy. By this Thursday, I am feeling much better.

  18. Oh that sounds terrible and awful. I hate surgery or hospital stay. I went home same day of major back surgery and same with hysterectomy. I think one heals faster at home in familiar surroundings. I hope you feel better soon.

    1. Strayer, going home the same day after a hysterectomy seems strange, but I must be out of touch.

  19. Hope you recover well Andrew. Operations or hospital stays are not fun at all!

  20. Oh goodness Andrew, so sorry you had to have an operation but hope all is flowing well now with no infections - time will tell.
    Your appetite will return when it's ready to and you are ready as long as you keep up with your fluids.
    Take care..

    1. I saw a nurse today Margaret and she was happy with what she saw. I ate more today than I have since before surgery.


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