Wednesday, June 7, 2023

England 27/04

Today, driven by Sister 1's partner we set off to Belsay for lunch at The Blacksmiths. It very busy but service was efficient and friendly. The cafe patrons were very middle class older people. I may have been close to being the youngest person there. 

We drove through Ponteland on the way, an upmarket town where apparently all the top local football players live. I wondered if the players visited the local pubs and local posh lassies hang around hoping to bag one as a husband. Yeah, I go for the base and cynical option everytime. 

A lot of rape seed is grown in England, as it is here. We call it Canola and I kind of prefer Canola as a name. 

The village of Belsay.

Lots of sheeps, including older lambs.

A little patriotism at Tescos for the soon to be crowned King Charles.

Sister 1's cat was friendly without being obsequious. Is that not like most cats? 

Sister 1 wisely covered over our open suitcases. 

I can't remember what we had for dinner. Maybe it was the night Sister 1 made a delicious lentil soup.


  1. At least one of our cats used to piddle in guest's open suitcases. We warned them but...
    Fields of canola (and I also prefer that name) look spectacular beside fields of Patterson's Curse.

    1. EC, we came out of it ok then, with only fur deposited. Yes, I can imagine a pairing of the two would look spectacular.

  2. Quite nice photos. So green. It looks like a good trip.

    1. Green we never see the likes of here, Roentare.

  3. Such a pretty place, they have sheep.

    1. TP, no lamb sandwiches on the menu though.

  4. I like posh places. I pretend to be one of them if I try very, very hard.

    1. JayCee, I am the same, as I try to look confident and relaxed in such places. I never check back to see if staff are whispering.

  5. I prefer canola, too. What's Patterson's Curse?

    1. JB, it an imported noxious weed also called Salvation Jane. If there is absolutely nothing for stock to feed on during a drought, they may be saved by being able to munch on Salvation Jane but it is a slow poison to them. It is a curse because it spreads so fast and is mostly undesirable.

  6. It's grown here too and I dislike its name, so we too call it canola seed. That is a stately looking cat who knows how and where to nap in comfort.

    1. Strayer, she is only young but yes, stately indeed. Humans remain her servants.

  7. I also think canola would be a much better name, I'm surprised the name hasn't been changed all over the world. Cats do love to sleep in anything that is new to them instead of their usual bed.

    1. Sami, I too was surprised at the ongoing use of the name rape seed. The cat was a great one for anything new, including plastic bags.

  8. What I love about England is all the old stone buildings, though I wouldn't like living in an area with all the row houses crammed side by side for the entire street. It's different if you grow up that way I guess.

    1. River, quite right and you have to remember that inside while the layout will be the same, they are all individual and many will have been altered. Naturally residents of these housing don't see what they look like from a high point.

  9. Very quintessentially English imagery there.

    1. It is Kirk, isn't it. It can only be seen in one country in the world.

  10. Recent review of The Blacksmiths Coffee Shop...."I can honestly say I think this is the best coffee shop I have ever been to. The team are just lovely, nothing is a problem even if some days they are rushed off their feet, bless them.
    The food is an absolute delight, everything they do is amazing and most importaly all home made. The Quiche, scones, tray bakes, cake.... I wish I could eat all of it,all the time.
    I can't thank you enough for looking after me and my mum on so many occasions.... You really all THE BEST!"

  11. YP, it was a nice place but not worthy of such a gushing review.

    1. And here's another review from Andrew in Australia: "It was okay and I didn't get food poisoning. My partner "R" burped and farted at the same time. I didn't think that was possible."

    2. YP cracks me up alongside your clever posts by themselves, Andrew. Best wishes, both of you.

    3. He is vaguely amusing at times Darla, but I never let on about that.

  12. Sweet pussy cat Andrew. Prefer Canola, sound better.
    I rather like England's architecture.

    1. Margaret, they also know how to adapt very old buildings for new purposes.

  13. Cats always seem to find a comfortable spot. R must have enjoyed being back in the old country.
    We call it canola here in Canada too.

    1. Pat, he enjoyed seeing his family, as I did, but he has some rather bad childhood memories, and not only of extreme poverty where his family were hardly alone there.


Pleasing the residents of Isle of Man

10.10pm. "Phyllis, shut up and stop distracting me. I am faced with a blank page for tomorrow's blog post and frigging well move yo...