Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sunday Selections

I'm joining with River and others for Sunday Selections with my usual random photos.

This photo from the most excellent Ian Visits blog. I had a good laugh and when I told R about it he laughed too. I know London's Bayswater Road reasonably well although I don't remember seeing the Russian embassy and that is where the embassy is located. I believe there is a layer of dried spit outside the embassy at the moment. The City of Westminster has decided to rename the part of Bayswater Road past the embassy as Kyiv Road. I've no reason to disbelieve the story.

Sadly its actual street address is a side street but if you want to complain about warmonger Putin, I am sure if you address your mail to Kyiv Road, Royal Mail will get it to the right address.

There are all kinds of shops, retailers and cafes in Melbourne's General Post Office building except for a post office.

A new and better plaque has gone up on the tree across the road when Joshua Hardy was murdered. His killer was sentenced to 20 years gaol. Joshua drunk? Yes. Blameless? Yes. It was a brutal six second attack, and that is all it takes to kill someone and become a raped sex toy in a Melbourne, Victorian gaol.

It's funny how even such a large ship is never described in what I think would be good selling point as unsinkable. I wonder why not? It was too cold and windy to walk along the foreshore promenade to get a better photo of the large ship Queen Elizabeth. Long live the King.

I think this might be an 'Only in Australia' photo.

The tradie painted over only the rusty part of the flashing. He was quite nice looking, as I observed from my bedroom window with my hand holding

Not exactly lithe, but can I be so choosy? Yep, nowadays what I want, or go without.

My afternoon quiet location for an hour or so each day. The gekkos are made of tin and I used worry when I first hung them that they would fall and slice my neck wide open.

Looking down at Little Bourke Street from the fourth floor of the Myer building. I've never noticed these eels at ground level. Who knows why they are there.

While the black asphalt colours aren't true, I like Aboriginal styled art. 

Three fires with visible smoke from our place in 10 days. This one was close and quickly brought under control. It was somewhere in behind the Alfred Hospital.

Decoration at Clocks bar and cafe at Flinders Street Station. Rather appropriate for a railway station. There is more than one old suitcase.

No phone camera can cut it for this kind of photo. The television towers are a one hour plus drive away, atop Mount Dandenong. Fifty two kilometres by road and forty kilometres (25 miles) as the crow flies. Not bad at all.

Boston ivy? Virginia creeper? Mock grape? I think they are all the same. Unlike normal ivy, I don't think this creeper damages buildings. It is just as well.


  1. Rub it in, to the Russians. Love it. I like the distant towers photo. That's very mysterious and beautiful. I would think about those metal sharp edged gekkos too, if above my head above my bed.

    1. Strayer, I did ensure the gekkos were well hung, so to speak.

  2. Quite a nice selection of photos to view. The creepers look good for the facade but they are bad for Fengshui.

    1. Roentare, in our early days here a non Asian body corporate committee member said that Asian people had told him that our building and the apartments within have good Shengfui. No one corrected him and I don't know if he meant it as a joke. When we moved here, I think more than half the residents were of Asian heritage. Twenty plus years later the number is much less now.

  3. The GPO building is architecturally and historically important. Thank goodness it has heritage protection.

    1. Hels, remember it was once a gathering place for New Year's Eve crowds to hear the clock strike midnight.

  4. Where are the crows that can fly twenty five miles in a straight line? I have never seen one. Perhaps the saying should be changed to "as the pigeon flies". Makes more sense.
    P.s. I am sorry that Joshua Hardy isn't still with us. What a waste.

    1. YP, like humans crows get distracted and divert from their paths by food and sex. Pigeons must have a great focus without distraction. It was a great waste of a lad who could have changed the world with his Aboriginal heritage, outgoing personality and his education to a high standard. No winners in this case.

  5. I remember going to the GPO when it was a post office. It was always a bit intimidating. And there were always people protesting something on the steps.
    The towers on Mt Dandenong are a good way to work out where you are in Melbourne and the suburbs.
    I remember travelling on the old red rattlers with the luggage carriers above the seats. I must check Clocks out. One day I'll make it into town.
    Those creepers always look lovely.
    Thanks for another lovely Sunday post.

    1. Caro, so intimidating and I probably only bought a stamp. The impression one got by post office staff was that customers were minnows in their Post Office careers. The PMG? was a respected and revered institution. Now you can buy a microwave oven at a post office and the staff are generally pleasant and helpful. Change can be for the better.

  6. I don't think any company can market a ship as "unsinkable", not after the Titanic. From that angle, the Queen Elizabeth doesn't even look like a ship, it's a giant floating apartment building, with fancy amenities (dining halls, casinos etc). I like your bedroom geckos.

    1. River, finally someone picked up on the unsinkable Titanic. For most they would be quite small apartment buildings. I am sure the amenities on such a ship are first class. All these years later, I am still very pleased with my gekkos/geckos.

  7. From our house it’s just 2.5kms to Montrose then about 9kms up the windy road to the SkyHigh restaurant next to those towers.
    In years gone by on hot days it used to be fun to drive up there, enjoy the cooler air while looking down at the city and suburbs spread out in front of you - these days there’s a charge just to get into the grounds….so you can look at the city and suburbs spread out in front of you!

    1. You are close Cathy. It is definitely cooler up there as we discovered late last year. It was a week day and while we knew we would have to pay, there wasn't anyone at the booth and we drove straight in. It is public land. We should not have to pay.

  8. What is in the old suit case.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  9. A sad sign, a reminder. The Geckos match your bed line, you would be in big trouble if they fell but secured well I'm sure.
    A good selection Andrew.

    1. An ongoing disaster Margaret. Don't worry, I'll die of something but probably not the gekkos falling from the wall.

  10. I collect old suitcases, which is a strange thing, I know. I use an old glass topped steamer trunk for a side table tucked in a corner between two couches. I have a stack of old suitcases on the third floor that I used to hold games in our previous livingroom. Now there is simply not room. But, I do love the and imagine all sorts of traveling stores for them.

    1. Debby, I like them too but I do think modern suitcases are vastly superior.

  11. Oh, and PS: Unsinkable ships? Perhaps the reason they do not brag on these things is because, years ago (111 to be precise) a huge unsinkable ship left the Southampton. It met an iceberg on the way. Most of the people on board the ship died, 2/3 of them or thereabouts. You may have read about it, perhaps seen a movie. I think it's made people superstitious.

    1. Debby, you are only the second person to refer to the Titanic and of course that is what I was referring to. No one has dared use the term since.

  12. Looks like what I know as Virginia Creeper (in that last photo). I'm not sure I understand the images of the eels -- they're etched on a glass window or floor, I think?

    1. Steve, the eels are painted on the roadway four stories down from where I took the photo.


Sunday Selections

I'm joining with River and others for Sunday Selections. I will guess this is the horse water trough near Lonsdale and Russel Street, s...