Saturday, February 25, 2023

No Post

Thursday night, a wine tasting hosted by the wine shop across the road at our building's recreational area. It included a sausage sizzle and food fellow residents brought food along. We contributed a dozen raspberry and lemon tarts from our local French bakery. In the blink of an eye, they were gone. R always gets such things right.

R wasn't feeling terrific, so we didn't go out in the heat for our usual brunch this Friday. I was confused by the heat and took a country train ride. I can't remember where I went and without planning my trip, I ended having a 50 minute wait for a train back to town. Fortunately there was a pub next to the station so I had an ice laden g&t as I killed time.

We had dinner this Friday night with my gay former workmate at the most excellent Kantipur

So, too busy to write a apologies.


  1. You had more interesting things to do than write a blog post.
    Heat? What's that? Sigh...

    1. JayCee, my blogging life is important to me, but I don't usually put it above normal life. Normal life can be exhausting.

  2. As you are so busy, I will write your Kantipur TripAdvisor review for you:- "Our go to restaurant for an Indian/Nepalese meal. The food here is consistently good with lots of choices. Vegetarians are also well catered for. I tried a goat curry for the first time recently. Yum! The staff are friendly and there is a pleasant ambience in this well fitted out restaurant. Such good value for money too. Highly recommended."

    1. YP, almost spot on aside from I have eaten goat curry many times. Our twin friends at the time refused to eat goat curry. I just see it as another critter to eat.

  3. It is best to have a life than writing a post lol

    1. Roentare, that is my motto but I do like have something to say daily, even if I explain why I have nothing to say.

  4. I like a train ride. There and back and one short stop off for a drink.

    1. Rachel, normally I plans such trips out in detail, and now I remember why. The pub to pass some time was terrific, a real country pub.

  5. You did write a post about your outings. It sure has been hot down there. Stay hydrated. The wine tasting night sounded fun.

    1. Diane, not hot as remember years past. Our a/c has not worked hard at all this year. It sure worked hard during the winter last year. It was good to be social with fellow residents.

  6. You took a country train ride but you can't remember to where. Either that gin was very strong, your marbles are rolling around on the floor or you have just become too blasé about these exciting excursions.
    I stepped outside and came straight back in. It was horrible yesterday. Today is cooler but muggy. Not pleasant, either.

    1. Caro, it was lovely and cool on the trains. I think it may have been Donnybrooke? Why I got off there, I have no idea. Unplanned country train trips no more.

  7. Lots of places have a vegetarian alternative, IF you insist on not eating meat, but Kantipur half expects you to be vegetarian. Great place.

    1. It is good Hels and Indian/Nepalese places are usually so good at vegetarian. We had one vego dish between us. I take it you've been.

  8. Raspberry and lemon tarts sound nice. Perhaps you should have stayed home in the heat, as I did, napping throughout the day.

    1. River, I do like to go out on my own in the afternoon. But I need to plan where I go and I did not that day. I should have stayed home in the cool.

  9. There’s not too many country lines leave Spencer Street - take your pick…it’s going to be one of them.

    1. Cathy, I think I meant to be on the Ballarat line but ended up on the Seymour/Bendigo line. I ended up in a bad mood with the fault totally being my own.

  10. Replies
    1. I suppose it does TP. It was more than I intended to write.


Sunday Selections

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