Sunday, February 5, 2023

Sunday Selections

Joining with Elephant's Child and River for Sunday Selections.

Bits of plastic jewellery stuck to a table in Prahran Square. Quite cute really. 

Artistic photo of  a bunch of roses?

Architect: I think we should put a walkable ledge along the lowest level of this flat block. 
Junior Architect: Great idea Sir. I'll add it to the plans.

Yeah, terrific idea to give those with bad intent ready access via the ledge to the windows, hence the need for grills.

So beautiful then and so ugly now with stalks of corn and other such crap for some religious harvest thing.

Given the next bus stop from this one is the terminus, I wonder why a shelter would be needed and would anyone actually catch the bus for one stop. Speaking of men in dresses, I saw three in one day a couple of weeks ago. They are young and don't look particularly gay. Just a phase they go through I suppose.

Today (don't mention the gay word) is Pride March day in St Kilda, Melbourne as our Midsumma Festival ends. This is the second year where an artist has won a design award to decorate a Pride tram and it is applied and remains until it is removed the following year.

A bump down below.

A curious structure I recall seeing when on Sandringham bound train.


  1. Your usual eclectic and delightful Sunday Selections. Thank you. Love the Pride Tram. Ouch at being the meat in that car sandwich. There is a young man in our street who often wears dresses. He doesn't wear them well, but he wears them.

    1. EC, none of the young men I saw wore dresses well. Naturally,gay men would.

  2. The three men you saw wearing dresses were most probably Scottish or of Scottish descent.

    1. YP, at times here we do see men in kilts, but these men did seem Scottish at all. I try to be accepting of differences, as I frequently hear about my sexuality.

  3. Quite a lovely snippet of your walks and life on this post. It is lovely.

  4. That is a beautiful old rose bowl you have there. I haven't seen one of those for yonks. Very precious.
    The Town Hall does it very well or not at all from my memories of walking past in days well gone.
    The pride tram is lovely. The All Aboard is fitting is so many ways.
    Why are there so many bingles at traffic light controlled intersections?

    1. Caro, the bowl is a gift from Brighton Antique Dealer. It is nice but the wire at the top is not a correct fit.

      The intersection was remodelled about five years ago and there aren't the number of accidents there used to be. It is a difficult intersection to navigate if you are in the wrong lane and there is much crossing over from lane to lane.

  5. Testing to see if it will finally let me leave a comment :)

  6. YAY it did. Sorry Andrew but for some reason your blog kept saying comment failed to publish. I have been trying to comment for a while! ;) Still here still reading. :)

    1. Snoskred, you comment pleased me no end. I hope you are doing ok.

  7. Good selection and many different items and things you saw and witnessed.

    1. Thanks Margaret. So good you have returned.

  8. The curious structure looks like a guard tower/lookout, is the building a prison? I know many people who can barely hobble from one bus stop to another, so I bet they are grateful to have that stop there. I would put grills on all the windows not just the ones that open, the others can be easily smashed for entry, or even carefully cut with the right tools.

    1. River, I think it was in the suburb of Ripponlea but beyond that, I can't remember. Oh yes, I've been know to catch a tram for one stop. You may be right about the windows but is there any real reason for anyone to break in? It is public housing and I doubt there would be a huge jewellery stash.

  9. The decorated tram looks as if it is having an exciting time, welcoming people on board and roaming around the city :)

    1. Hels, All Aboard I guess is supposed to be inclusive of everyone but it is specifically for same sex attracted people. It works in one way in my head, but not the other way. Complicated.

  10. Interesting captures and captions.

  11. A fortress or castle, on last photo? Or castle fortress. The top looks like some strange helmet with blades protruding or heli rotors. We have kilt wearers around here. I see man in kilt at store now and then.

    1. Strayer, I think the ground level is just a shop. I'll have to look again one day.

  12. That train's artwork is stunning. All your images are a joy to see. Well... except that fender bender. lol I want to know about that interesting structure now. It's really cool.

    1. Darla, yes the crash would have seem the participants very unhappy. Thanks.



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