Thursday, February 16, 2023

Curious phone screen

Here are a couple of screen shots of my from my phone when I was vertically scrolling through The Age newspaper. As you scroll through now, there is a tiny pause when passing through ads. It is not smooth scrolling.

My phone is not old, I have fast WIFI and a good 4G strength so I was surprised to see this pop up. Good work Chrome. 

But why? Here is the answer. Advertising is so dominating and using so much of your phone's resources to the extent that Chrome says it is not going to bother showing such ads. A shot in the foot by those who place such advertising. They have gone too far.


  1. It has been happening like that for some years. I feel it even more when working in the country towns. I am with Telstra. It often went offline for ages at a time.

    1. Roentare, I've seen it a few times but only lately. Even with the service with the best coverage, you still have problems in not so remote areas.

  2. Pop up ads makes me mad! Mostly when one tries to move them, and your off to there main web sight. I can handle the pause.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. Finally something tech that places users over advertisers.

  4. I don't bother with the internet on my phone (stupid predictive text put honeymoon), that's what I have the laptop for.

    1. River, when I am out I use the Google Maps and public transport apps a lot. I certainly don't bother with writing or really looking blogs etc.

  5. Replies
    1. Diane, it will pull advertisers back to simpler advertising. It is good.

  6. Hate ads with a passion, have an ad block on my phone, sure does help and computers, if only I had something for the TV, yet I do as I don't listen or look!

    1. Margaret, without too much commitment, I've tried ad blockers and they don't seem to work very well. Yours is the best solution.

    2. I have an ad-blocker working on my laptop, I never see any popups or other advertising. I don't remember which one it is but I pay yearly for it.

  7. Well, that's handy! I wish I could do that on my television!

    1. Steve, while I watch little television live, I wish I could to the same, especially with YouTube without paying.

  8. Is "The Age" a magazine for old folk? Perhaps the ads are for mobility scooters, walking sticks and equity release. There's just too damned much advertising on the internet. Sometimes it feels as though I am swatting away sand flies as I delete or ignore them. Bloody things!

    1. YP, I am sure you know what The Age newspaper is. If we are not prepared to pay directly to see product, then we must suffer advertising...hang on. I pay to read The Age. Why am I getting ads?

  9. That's funny though---that an electronic device, says, ad using too many resources so we're not showing it". I love it.

    1. Strayer, maybe it was an ad for iPhone and my android did not like it.

    2. Good one! Your phone has taste, and preferences.

    3. Rather like me, Strayer. 😉


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